La Ilaha Ill-Allah: Its Meaning, Conditions, Nullifiers, Virtues and Syntactic Analysis

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Verily, the foremost matter individuals should put to effect:

To learn the purpose for which Allah created them, took the covenant upon them, sent His Messengers to them, and sent down His divine scriptures. For this purpose, the worldly life, the Hereafter, the paradise and the hell-fire were created. Additionally, owing to this purpose, the Judgment Day will be established, the scales of deeds will be set, the sheets of deeds will be scattered, and sorrow and happiness will be on that Day and on which light will be distributed.

Allah says,

“And he for whom Allah has not appointed lights, for him there is no light.”

Allah instructs us that we are created to worship Him. The backbone and foundation of worship is Tawheed; with which all the Messengers had been missioned to proclaim. The simple profession that comprises Tawheed on its entirety is very short, copious of implications, and critically significant it is:

“La ilaha ill Allah”

It is the testimony of faith and the key of the abode of happiness. It is the foundation of this religion, the trunk of it’s tree, the pillar of it’s pavillion, while the rest of the pillars and obligations branch out of it, integrate it, and are restricted by observing and implementing it’s requirements. The whole purpose behind creation is crystallized in Allaah’s saying:

“And I (Allaah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship me.”

Additional information
Weight 0.40 kg
Dimensions 22.5 × 15 × 1 cm








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