Allah began His revelation with the command for us to read, and the first subject after that is knowledge of our Lord. Following that, we are commanded to arise and warn. Calling to Islam needs a skilled and qualified Da’i to convey wisely and with pleasant teaching. Despite the excellent commodity and enthusiasm, the workers of da’wah in the English-speaking world are deficient in knowledge of our Lord and have poor conduct. Knowledge and character development are linked together in Know Your Lord, the da’wah guide to the implementation of the names and attributes of Allah as the Salaf understood.
Know Your Lord: The One and Only (DCB)
RM48.00 RM43.20
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.65 kg |
Dimensions | 22.5 × 15 × 1.9 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 978-629-7545-02-8 |
Pages | 303 |
Publisher | Dakwah Corner Bookstore |
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