This is the Indonesian translation of the book The Ideal Muslimah: The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman as Defined in the Qur’an and Sunnah. In defining what an ideal Muslimah’s character would look like, there are a few key attributes which separate her from the average woman. The Qur’an also defines specific characteristics that distinguish her from her male counterpart in the way that she worships her Lord and she lives her life. Entailed in this book are verses from the Qur’an and examples from Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) to help guide the Muslim woman towards the righteous path of Allah. This book is truly a precious gift to give your sister, daughter, wife or friend. The ideal Muslimah is proud of the great position that Islam has given her among humanity. She performs her duties knowing that her role is clearly defined and that her rights are still, even today, greater than what any other ideology has provided. She is a woman of moral excellence, true to her nature, not confused by sinful or morally bankrupt ideas. She preserves her self-respect and dignity through her piety in obedience to Allah the Almighty and his Messenger (blessing and peace of Allah be upon him). She is the role model that every believer hopes to emulate. This comprehensive work by Dr. al-Hashimi is a valuable contribution to our readers, who will find the knowledge contained therein truly beneficial and inspiring
Kepribadian Wanita Muslimah (IIPH)
$17.27 $13.82
Kepribadian Wanita Muslimah: menurut al-qur’an danas-sunnah. Wanita mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam keluarga, masyarakat dan negara, baik buruknya suatu bangsa sangat erat kaitannya dengan baik buruknya wanita. Wanita muslimah berbeda dengan wanita-wanita lainnya, ia mempunyai kepribadian yang ideal dan karakter yang istimewa, karena islam telah memberikan petunjuk dan ajaran bagaiman semestinya wanita muslimah dalam kehidupan ini, ia harus bisa memainkan perannya agar ia menjadi orang yang berguna bagi dirinya, keluarga, masyarakat dan bangsanya. Dalam buku ini, penulis menjelaskan bagaimana seharusnya wanita muslimah terhadap tuhannya, terhadap dirinya, kedua orang tuanya, suaminya, anak-anaknya, saudaranya, teman-temannya, tetangganya, dan masyarakatnya, sebagaimana yang diajarkan dalam Al Qur’an dan Hadits-hadits nabi. Ini semua beliau kaji dengan luas dan mendalam, lalu dituangkan dalam bahasa yang mudah, lugas dan jelas. Oleh karena itu buku ini pantas dimiliki dan dibaca oleh setiap wanita muslimah yang ingin menjadi sosok wanita muslimah sejati.
Weight | 0.910 kg |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Publisher | IIPH |
Pages | 672 |
ISBN | 9789960979496 |
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