Weight | 0.795 kg |
Dimensions | 12 × 17 cm |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Publisher | Ta Ha Publishers Ltd |
ISBN | 9781842000946 |
Pages | 194 |
Islamic Dynasties A Celebration of Islamic History and Culture
$19.32 $17.39
The Book of Islamic Dynasties presents in one concise volume an introduction to the many great Islamic dynasties that have arisen, shone and faded – like stars in the firmament – but have left the Muslim world all the richer. The subtitle, A Celebration of Islamic History and Culture, reflects the importance of the inspiring cultural legacies bequeathed to us by our Muslim ancestors and the enormous contributions made by Muslims to world civilization.
Filled with beautiful hand painted illustrations to bring the text to life. This book will be a pleasure to read for both adolescents and adults and will insha’Allah enable the reader to better comprehend the complexities of life in today’s Dar al-Islam.
Luqman Nagy was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada. He graduated from the University of British Columbia with graduate degrees in Library Science and Education and subsequently pursued Middle Eastern language studies at Ankara University (Turkish), Pahlavi [Shiraz] University (Persian), and Umm al-Qur’a University, Makkah (Arabic). Since 1970, he has traveled the length and breadth of Dar al-Islam several times always in search of traditional Islamic societies. He currently resides with his family in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia where he teaches at King Fahd University.
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