Interpretation of Dreams with an Alphabetical Index of the Term DKI

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Man needs to keep to some proprieties so that his vision would be true, one of which is to get used to say the truth, according to what Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The truest vision will be of one who is himself the most truthful in speech. ” Another is to keep to natural disposition, for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to ask his companions everyday: “Did anyone of you see any vision last night?” So, they tell him the visions they saw and he interprets them. Then, after several days, he asks them if anybody saw a vision, but no one tell him even one vision, so he says to them: “How can you see visions and your nails are too long?” In fact, their fingernails became long and their trimming is considered a natural disposition. Moreover, sleeping while one is clean and pure is another propriety one should keep to, for Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “My close friend Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised me to keep doing three things until I die which are: Fasting three days each month, performing the of dawn and sleeping pure.In addition, one should prayer sleep on his right side so that he could see visions, for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was accustomed to start with the right side when doing Also, it is narrated that he was used to sleep on his right side and put his right hand under his right cheek and say: “O Lord! Save me from Your torment on the Day when You resurrect Your servants. “Furthermore, it is narrated that when ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) went to sleep, she used to say:” O Allah! O Lord! I ask you a vision that is true not false, useful not harmful and memorized unforgettable. “The Sunna and say:” O Allah! O Lord! I seek refuge with you from having wet dreams and seeing bad dreams and from the Devil that he could play with me while sleeping or when awakening!

Additional information
Weight 0.900 kg
Dimensions 24.5 × 17.5 × 3 cm







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