Dalam buku ini, Dr. Umar al-Asyqar mendiskusikan pendapat-pendapat yang salah yang telah menyelinap masuk ke pemikiran umat islam tentang Allah dan sifat-sifat-Nya, beliau menjelaskan bahwa satu-satunya cara yang benar untuk memahami ayat-ayat Qur’an dan hadits yang berbicara tentang Allah dan sifat-sifat-Nya adalah cara
yang digunakan oleh generasi pertama ummat ini (salaf). Dr. al-Asyqar juga membahas konsep-konsep pemikiran modern, seperti teori evolusi, dan membuktikan bahwa paham tersebut adalah salah. Beliau juga mengupas fenomena alam yang dengan jelas menunjukkan keberadaan dan keesaan pencipta yang Mahakuasa. This is the Indonesian translation of Belief in Allah: In the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Islamic Creed Series Vol. 1). In this first of his eight-volume Islamic Creed Series, Dr. ‘Umar al-Ashqar discusses the mistaken ideas that have crept into Muslim thinking concerning Allah and His attributes, and highlights the fact that the only correct way to understand the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths which speak of Allah and His attributes is the way in which they were understood by the first generations of this Ummah (the ‘salaf’). Dr. al-Ashqar also examines modern concepts, such as the theory of evolution, and proves that they are wrong and false. Following the Qur’anic injunction to ponder the signs of Allah in the universe, he pays attention to the study of natural phenomena which clearly point to the existence and Oneness of the Almighty Creator. Thus Dr. al-Ashqar affirms the principle which lies as the heart of Islamic faith and practice, namely tawheed (the creed that there is none worthy of worship other than Allah), the Absolute Oneness of the Divine Through divine revelation and explicit examples led by the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), we are reassured of Allah’s existence and glory. His attributes are clearly described in this book, giving you a better understanding of, and insha’Allah a stronger bond with, our Creator, as the power of tawheed acts as a vehicle in our mission to strengthen our personal relationship with Allah the Almighty. Allah’s characteristics are explained and referenced clearly in this book. Relevant discussions regarding philosophical proof found in the Qur’an and the Sunnah allow room to answer all questions and remove all doubts concerning this fundamental belief in God and the implications it has on how we live our lives. These basic precepts of religion remain true for all time and every generation.
Iman Kepada Allah ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 1
RM54.00 RM43.20
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Iman Kepada Allah: menurut al-Qurán dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 1/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Iman kepada Allah merupakan salah satu pilar utama rukun iman dan juga menjadi pijakan bagi seluruh jenis ritual ibadah lainnya. Ketaatan dan ibadah apapun tak akan diterima oleh Allah bila tidak dilandasi aqidah ini.
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Additional information
Weight | 0.78 kg |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Publisher | IIPH |
Pages | 576 |
ISBN | 9789960979410 |
Reviews (3)
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syafikahsaufi –
cara penyampaian yang baik dan mudah difahami. syukran jazakallah
masjidalikhlas –
penekanan yang jelas terhadap akidah islam dan rukun iman yang pertama. alhamdulillah mudah untuk saya fahamj. jazakallah
Sakhirah –
1. The book is in good order except on page ‘Pendahuluan’ some of the words are not sharp.
2. It would be better if you include the latest year of publication. I only saw 2008. When was the revised publication?