Golden Stories of Umar ibn Abdul AzeezĀ is a book that collects and presents the stories and sayings of Umar ibn Abdul Azeez, a well-respected Muslim leader who lived in the 7th century. The book highlights Hazrat Umar’s wise and just leadership, as well as his devotion to Islam, and serves as an inspiration for readers seeking to improve their own character and leadership skills.
Golden Stories of Umar Ibn Abdul Azeez
RM95.00 RM76.00
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.85 kg |
Dimensions | 24 × 17 × 2 cm |
Author | |
ISBN | 9786039150794 |
Pages | 333 |
Publisher | Darussalam |
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Child Companions around the Prophet pbuh (H/B)
Description from the publisher:
These 178 companions are those who accepted Islam in their childhood and spent it being around Prophet ŲµŁŪ Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŪŁ ŁŲ¢ŁŁ ŁŲ³ŁŁŁ
and getting benefits from his teachings and learning from his manners. The Prophet used to love the children and his behaviour with them is model to follow. He taught them the manners of eating, talking to theirs elders, behaving with other children, along with guiding them to the basic points of Islamic teachings.
It includes the biography of the following companions:
Hasan bin ‘Ali Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Husain bin ‘Ali Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Abdullah bin Zoubir Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Abdullah bin ‘Abbas Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Abdullah bin Ja’far Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Abdullah bin ‘Umar Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Abdullah bin ‘Amr Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Usamah bin Zaid Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Anas bin Malik Ų±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Sa’eed bin Al-‘AasŲ±Ų¶Ū Ų§ŁŁŁ Ų¹ŁŁ
Golden Stories of Sayyida Khadijah (H/B)
Sayyida Khadijah (Ra) the first wife of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), The Mother of the Believers. She was a shining example to all Muslim men and women. Even during the pre-Islamic times, she was known as Taahirah –Ā the pure and righteous one.
This book includes authentic accounts highlighting her intelligence, commitment to the deen, sincere belief in Allah swt, and her perseverance during the most difficult circumstances.Ā It transports the reader back in time to the very beginning of Islam, providing deep insights into her life and the lives of her children and grandchildren.
This book is a wonderful, well-researched edition to the body of biographical work encompassing the live of the Prophet (saw), his family, companions and followers.
Golden Stories of Muslim Women (H/B)
All aspects of womanās personality that reflect her intelligence, courage, piety, abstinence and chivalry are mentioned in this book. Their study inculcates a new spirit and motivation for betterment among all women and girls. It would also help men fully understand how women also possess qualities like bravery, intelligence and patience.
Companions Around The Prophet (H/B)
When I began writing the books “Golden Titles”, I felt that the contemporary Muslim Desperately needs serenity of the heart and the only way one can achieve this is through emulation of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions. Following their foosteps will open the gates of success, prosperity and reverence as it did to those companions who came from a modest social background.
My objective in writing, such books on the Prophet’s companions his revered wives, compilers of hadiths and great martyrs is to provide the leader and insight into their way of living to enlighten his or her heart and allow a reform to enter their lives. These companions were blessed with the Prophet’s association and occupy the highest ranks amongst human beings – after the Prophets – as a result of their righteousness.
This book is targeted for the young generation studying in schoolas, colleges and universities. I earnestly desire that the readers benefit from this book by idealizing these heroes of Islam.
Umar Bin ‘Abd Al-‘Aziz (Darussalam)
Seerah and Biographies
The Biography Of ‘Umar (2 Volumes) – Darussalam
This book describes, among other things, the principles based upon which ‘Umar ibn al-khattab governed the Muslims during his caliphate; among those principles were mutual consultation, justice, equality among people, and honoring of freedoms.
With the turn of every page, the reader will come to appreciate the fact that Umar was exceptional in his faith, distinguished in his knowledge, profoundly wise in his thinking, remarkable in his eloquence, noble in his manners and great in the contributions he made to this nation.
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Dunia Jin Dan Setan – Serial Aqidah Islam – 3
Dunia Jin dan Setan: menurut al-QurĆ”n dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 3/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Membaca buku ini kita akan dihantarkan kepada suatu pemahaman jernih yang bersumber dari Sang Pencipta tentang dunia jin dan setan sesuai dengan pemahaman salafussalih yang terpercaya. Bukan hanya itu, sang pengarang pun secara argumentatif mampu memberikan penjelasan setiap masalah dengan pendekatan yang bersifat nalar. Sehingga kita bukan hanya diajak mengimani seluk beluk jin dan setan berdasarkan teks-teks wahyu yang ada, tetapi kita juga diajak untuk memahaminya sesuai kemampuan nalar yang kita miliki. Maka buku ini sangat layak dijadikan sebagai salah satu referensi muslim yang ingin mengetahui dunia jin dan setan dari sumber yang shahih, sekaligus sebagai sarana untuk membentengi akidah dari berbagai keyakinan sesat dalam masalah ini.
This is the Indonesian translation of The World of the Jinn and Devils: In the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah (Islamic Creed Series Vol. 3). Some people think that the issue of jinn, demons, and devils is one that should remain on the periphery of knowledge. They believe in going over this topic in the quickest of fashions and not giving it too much thought. They think that the benefits of such a study are very limited, and that being ignorant of this topic is not harmful at all. They say āseeing is believingā, but how often do we remind ourselves that what we canāt see still exists? Among Muslims, the important tenet of belief in jinn and devils is often forgotten. However, this is not an irrelevant matter. Humans today spend billions of dollars, with which they could develop countries and end poverty in the farthest reaches of the world, on research to discover whether there is any possibility of life on nearby planets. Scientists spend a great deal of their time and resources on this question. What about living beings that are known to exist right here with us on our earth? They live in our houses and they eat and drink with us. In fact, they affect our thoughts and our hearts and even drive us to destroy our own selves and to spill each otherās blood. No price can be put on the importance of the texts of the Qurāan and authentic hadiths that have reached us, giving us knowledge of this matter. Dr. āUmar al-Ashqar shows us how those texts uncover for us the secrets of these fellow-creatures: the world of the jinn. Adequate knowledge about their existence can help in our constant struggle to resist their influence. It will also help us in reaching the ultimate goal of creating the everlasting bond and closeness to Allah, the Beneficent, that we all seek.
Let Us Remember Allah And Praise Him
Remembrance, praise and supplication ā dhikr and duāĆ¢ā ā are the core of worship of the Divine. The Noble Qurāan and the last Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) have stressed this point and taught us how to attain Allahās pleasure through calling on Him and remembering Him in words of praise and thankfulness. This small book is a valuable collection of daily supplications from the Qurāan and the authentic hadiths. It contains the Arabic text, full transliteration and clear translation of the meaning of dozens of phrases of remembrance (dhikr) and supplication (duāĆ¢ā). This new and revised edition of Let Us Remember Allah and Praise Him is designed to be easy to use: its full-sized page format ensures that the print is large enough to read effortlessly, and yet its ultra-slim volume makes it no trouble to slip into a handbag or backpack. It is truly a practical handbook for every Muslim desiring to seek peace in this earthly life and salvation in the hereafter.
Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present & Future (H/B)
In light of the past, with hope for the future,Muslim-Christian Interactions: Past, Present, and FutureĀ addresses a subject that is vital to the 21st century. It provides an in-depth study of Islam and Christianity, taking an analytical approach to their respective edicts while comparing and contrasting them. It offers an investigation of religious concepts with respect to logic and scientific knowledge, and considers the true role and mission of religious figures of both faiths. With a past full of oppression from leaders of both faiths, against their respective doctrines and principles,Ā Muslim-Christian InteractionsĀ sorts out the truth of what these religions really stand for. It looks at the manner in which Muslims and Christians have interacted in the past and present, in order to draw lessons for the future.
Now more than ever, it is crucial for Muslims and Christians to seek a path of mutual understanding, allowing compassion for fellow human beings to prevail over divisive politics and views. In the wake of false propaganda against Islam, the author seeks to correct the misconceptions that abound regarding Islam and Muslims.
Islamic Medicine – The Key To A Better Life (H/B)
In this book the author relates numerous natural super foods and holistic remedies, which if applied to our every day lives, will not only help make our life become better, but will improve our over-all health dramatically. All that a person needs to live a better and healthy life has been discussed by the author and he shows how this is all related from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Last Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him).
This book is a must for all those who wish to live a natural and healthy life. Whoever reads this book with an open mind will realize the importance that a healthy life style has within the Islamic faith. A life style that is encouraged by the Allah, the Lord of all Creation, and by His beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Atlas on the Prophet’s Biography Places, Nations, Landmarks
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The Valley Came Alive (H/B)
Darussalam is proud to present the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, focusing exclusively on the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This volume contains a detail account of the life and times of the Messenger of Allah taken from a number of historical and traditional sources. The book reports the events of his blessed life, his battles, military campaigns, the delegations that met him, and sheds light upon the unique exemplary qualities, virtues and signs of his Messengership that make him a guide and role-model for all of humanity until the end of time.
A1-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida ‘Imad ad-Deen lsma’eel bin ‘Umar ibn Katheer, is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history.
Qadha Dan Qadar ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 8
Qadha’ dan Qadar: menurut al-QurĆ”n dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 8/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Selain merupakan salah satu rukun iman yang wajib diyakini oleh setiap muslim, Qadha’ dan Qadar merupakan hal yang sangat rumit yang sering mendatangkan polemik berkepanjangan sejak dulu hingga sekarang, dan banyak orang yang mempunyai pemahaman yang salah terhadapnya. Buku ini memberikan penjelasan dengan jelas dan gamblang tentangnya, dan diperkuat dengan dalil-dalil dari Al-Qur’an dan hadits-hadits nabawi, serta diperjelas lagi dengan perkataan para ulama salaf. Di dalam buku ini dibahas definisi Qadha’ dan Qadar, rukun iman kepadanya, batasan kemampuan akal manusia dalam memahaminya, aliran-aliran pemikiran tentangnya, dan pendapat ahlus sunnah dalam masalah ini.
Iman Kepada Allah ; Serial Aqidah Islam – 1
Iman Kepada Allah: menurut al-QurĆ”n dan hadits – Serial Aqidah Islam 1/ Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Asyqar. Iman kepada Allah merupakan salah satu pilar utama rukun iman dan juga menjadi pijakan bagi seluruh jenis ritual ibadah lainnya. Ketaatan dan ibadah apapun tak akan diterima oleh Allah bila tidak dilandasi aqidah ini.
Kepribadian Wanita Muslimah (IIPH)
Kepribadian Wanita Muslimah: menurut al-qur’an danas-sunnah. Wanita mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam keluarga, masyarakat dan negara, baik buruknya suatu bangsa sangat erat kaitannya dengan baik buruknya wanita. Wanita muslimah berbeda dengan wanita-wanita lainnya, ia mempunyai kepribadian yang ideal dan karakter yang istimewa, karena islam telah memberikan petunjuk dan ajaran bagaiman semestinya wanita muslimah dalam kehidupan ini, ia harus bisa memainkan perannya agar ia menjadi orang yang berguna bagi dirinya, keluarga, masyarakat dan bangsanya. Dalam buku ini, penulis menjelaskan bagaimana seharusnya wanita muslimah terhadap tuhannya, terhadap dirinya, kedua orang tuanya, suaminya, anak-anaknya, saudaranya, teman-temannya, tetangganya, dan masyarakatnya, sebagaimana yang diajarkan dalam Al Qur’an dan Hadits-hadits nabi. Ini semua beliau kaji dengan luas dan mendalam, lalu dituangkan dalam bahasa yang mudah, lugas dan jelas. Oleh karena itu buku ini pantas dimiliki dan dibaca oleh setiap wanita muslimah yang ingin menjadi sosok wanita muslimah sejati.
Civilization of Faith (IIPH)
We are living at a time when western civilization is at its peak and the Muslim nations are at their weakest point. They are dazzled by the power of the west with its wealth, scientific discoveries and technological advantages. Those who are unfamiliar with history might be unaware that this has not always been the case. A few hundred years ago, it was just the opposite. The Muslim Ummah was the superpower of the age, and Muslims were leaders in culture, science and technology. The cities of the Muslim world were the centres of learning to which people came from far and wide. The Muslims, at one time, were the most technologically-advanced civilization on the earth. The uniqueness of their civilization lay in the fact that, although they achieved a great deal in materialistic terms, they remained a compassionate society where the poor and disadvantaged were cared for. This book is a reminder to Muslims that they have a glorious past; for many centuries, they had the upper hand over their enemies. They became masters of the world when they adhered to Islam; however, when they became preoccupied with worldly gain and the pursuit of luxury, decline set in. Today, if Muslims take their religion seriously, they will once again be supported by Allah, the Exalted, and lead the world in all spheres of life. Nasiruddin al-Khattab has translated this thought provoking book into English. The hardcover version of this book that we have for sale is the revised 3rd edition, published in 2011.
RM30.40 – RM36.00
Problems and Solutions (IIPH)
What should I do if I miss the fajr prayer? What are the consequences of excessive laughter? How should I deal with insinuating thoughts from Satan? How can I control my bad temper? What is so bad about staying up late night after night? Drawing on the great guidance of the Qurāan and the Sunnah, Shaykh Muhammad SĆ¢lih al-Munajjid answers these questions and more, giving informative explanations and practical solutions to help you improve in your worship and in your performance of everyday activities.
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