Weight | 0.30 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 × 1.3 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9781906949129 |
Pages | 146 |
Publisher | Turath Publishing |
Gateway to the Qur’anic Sciences
Allah describes the Qur’an as the ‘guidance to mankind, and the Criterion (of right and wrong)’ (2:185). Islamic scholars have therefore sought to explain the sciences associated with correctly understanding the revelation.
This discipline has come to be known as ulum al-Qur’an, or ‘sciences of the Qur’an’, and includes many subjects, such as the nature and order of revelation, explanations of the types of expressions used in the revelation and how the sacred text is to be correctly recited.
Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti wrote one of the leading comprehensive manuals on ulum al-Qur’an, entitled al-Itqan fi ulum al-Qur’an. The text here translated is a summary by Salah ad-Din Arqahudan of many major topics covered in the Itqān.
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An Introduction to The Sciences of The Qur’an (H/B) Al-Hidaayah UK
An introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’aan presents a detailed and thorough explanation of the sciences related to the history, understanding and implementation of the Qur’aan. The book provides the English reader with a detailed analysis of classic Muslim scholarship regarding: the process on Inspiration (Wahy); the various means of classifying verses of the Qur’aan; the history of the compilation of the Qur’aan; the meaning of the seven ahruf and the ten qira’aat of the Qur’aan; the miraculous nature of the Qur’aan; the concept of abrogation in the Qur’aan; the procedure and methodology of tafseer; and many other topics. The work has a number of sections dedicated to explaining the traditional Muslim refutations of certain belief of the Ash’arees with regards to the Qur’aan.
This book also includes detailed discussions on modern Western scholarship of the Qur’aan. After presenting a history of the English translation of the Qur’aan, along with a critical review of some translations, the author discusses and refutes common Orientalist polemic literature on the Qur’aan.
The work is unique in that it presents classical material in a simple and modern style, while maintaning a hight academic level. It is the most advanced work of its kind in the English language, and a necessary reference for all serious students of Islamic knowledge.
Science in the Name of God: How Men of God Originated the Sciences (P/B)
Dr. Kasem Khaleel examines the development of genuine science through the ages and exposes its relationship to religion. Discover the real origins of mathematics, medicine, and science, while learning how to decipher fact from fiction when examining the history of the sciences.
Development of Science & Technology In Islamic History (P/B)
The objectives of this book are:
1- To examine the argument that there is a contradiction between science and Islam.
2- To highlight some of the great contributionsmade by Muslims to science and technology over a period of 1000 years.
Science has never been separate from Islam. Objective study of this subject will reveal that Islamic texts – Qur’an and the Sunnah, provided a tremendous boost for study of the physical world and the laws that govern it. As a result, discoveries and inventions became the hallmarks of the Islamic civilization. Recently there has been a surge in the number of publications dealing with science and its relationship with Islam.
These books have focused on the various verses on the Qur’an that point to the physical world to prove that science is compatible with Islam. However, areas that are not covered enough for the English reader are the historical development of science and technology in the Muslim world, and the factors that led to its rise and decline. The decline has been so severe, that today’s Muslims are not even aware that their ancestors were the founding fathers of modern sciences. Just consider the common Arabic words used in the English language today like cotton, algebra, aorta, alcohol, chemistry, earth and alkaline. They are a living testimony to the pioneering work of the Muslims.
I am proud to introduce this inspiring book to our readers. It focuses on the strides made by the Muslims in various disciplines of science and technology from the early period of the Islamic State to its last days in the 20t’ century CE. The unique aspect of this book is that it sheds light on the key factors that led to the rapid advances in science and technology. Furthermore, it also analyses the reasons why Muslim World declined in this field, and last but not least, how the Muslim World can achieve the same kind of success as we already have in the past. Abdul Malik Mujahid About the Author Shabeer Ahmad, born in 1966, is a respected technologist by profession. He studied Avionics Engineering at University of London and he is currently an IT Consultant, having worked in Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America. The author has written widely on various subjects in Islam, including science, economics, politics and history.
The author is also a well respected speaker. The current book started as a lecture for a radio station in London. Given the massive interest it generated, and the little information available, the author began to research more into historical developments of science in the Muslim world. The author felt that the contributions of Muslims in this area have not been widely acknowledged, and that there is a need to counter the view that Islam is incompatible with science. The current book is a culmination of his research over the years.
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These two chapters have both been given the title Al-Ikhlas, or purity of faith, because they deal with the topic of Tawhid in all its various aspects. Al – Ikhlas concentrates on the pure, essential faith in Allah that all mankind is required to have. Al – Kafirun deals with purity of deed and disavowal of disbelief and paganism. Both chapters lay out the parameters of mans relationship with his/her lord and creator, as well as his/her relationship those around him/her.
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Maintaining the essential Muslim identity and character defines the relationship between the Muslim and his fellow man. The Muslim is unambiguous about his religion, truthful and upright in speech, deed and his dealings with those around him. Hi is proud of his faith and has unshakable conviction in it. He loves his lord, his Messenger and the Muslims and is loyal to them. Because of this, the dearest thing to him is his religion and he will not compromise it, pleasing Allah comes before pleasing the people.
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About the Author: Dr. Philips was born in 1947 in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada, where he converted to Islam in 1972. He completed a diploma in Arabic language and a B.A. degree in 1979 from the College of Islamic Disciplines at the Islamic University of Madinah, an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia. At the University of Riyadh College of Education he completed his M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985, and in 1994 he completed his Ph.D in Islamic Theology in the department of Islamic studies at the University of Wales. He later taught Islamic education and Arabic language in private schools in Riyadh for over ten years. Because of his opposition to Saudi Arabia’s position in the Gulf War, he had to leave the country and for three years he lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic Studies department of Shariff Kabunsuan College (SKC) in Cotabato City, Mindanao, the Philippines. Islamic Information Center Since 1994, he has founded and directed the Islamic Information Center (which is now known as Discover Islam) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is known as a prolific speaker and author on topics relating to Islam, including audio lectures and books. Presently, he is a lecturer of Arabic language and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai and ‘Ajman University in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. He frequently appears at the Islamic Research Foundation in Mumbai, India, on lecture tours. He has also founded the Distance Learning Program called Islamic Online University, which offers a four year degree in Islamic Studies plus a variety of short courses. Dr. Philips is something of a pioneer as a person of Western origin achieving the status of a scholar of Islam inside the tradition.
Divine Speech
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Al-Quran Al-Kareem is a translation learning method of word-by-word Al-Quran with every word and sentence is colored differently, in Arabic and English.
Every word in the Quran was translated literally so that the reader could understand the meaning of every single word. It needs to be remembered that not all literal translation represents the exact meaning of the word since the Quran uses varied Arabic language style and sometimes metaphor.
Accordingly, to understand the full or intended meaning of the word or the verse, Muhsin Khan’s the Holy Quran Translation had been included in this edition. However, to comprehend more of the meaning of the Quran, reading the commentary of the Quran from trusted scholars would be necessary.
Approved by the Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM) and Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN).
● Rasm Uthmani script in English
● Word-by-word translation Arabic-English
● Color coded tajweed
● Thematic Index
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It is unique, remarkable and distinguished for its crystal clear, precise and pristine meanings. The meanings are fully elaborated and explained by Tafsir At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir and Ahadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari & Muslim. The work is recognized, approved and widely attributed throughout the world as the most accurate, exact, authentic, real and original interpretation of the Noble Qur’an.
This 9 volume version offers commentary and complete hadith in Arabic and English related to the verse. This unique combination of commentary and relevant Ahadith makes this a very useful study reference tool. The Arabic text is taken from Mushaf al Madinah.
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Towards Understanding The Quran : English/Arabic Edition (with commentary in English) (H/B)
Towards Understanding The Qur’an Abridged version is a fresh English rendering of Tafhim al-Qur’an, Sayyid Mawdudi’s monumental and masterly Urdu translation of the Qur’an and a selection of his commentary. Here is a work with a difference, by a scholar of an entirely different sort. An immense wealth of profound understanding of the Qur’an is here, a vast treasure of knowledge and deep insight, and a valuable exposition of some social, political, economic and legal teachings of the Qur’an. But what makes this work unique is that it presents the Qur’an as a book to be lived by, a mission to be lived for, and a duty that the reader can no longer evade or postpone. This rare quality is imparted not only by the depth of his scholarship and style of exposition but also because Sayyid Mawdudi lived by what he expounded as his life abundantly proves. Despite being an abridged version it endeavors to answer many contemporary questions and makes the Qur’an fully relevant to the concerns of our day, yet it loses nothing of its timelessness nor sacrifices any of the traditional understanding. It demonstrates the unity and coherence of the Qur’an by centering everything in it on its message, like pearls hung upon a single thread. A Glossary, Biographical Notes, and General and Subject Indexes add to the understanding of the Qur’an. To sum up: in this work, Sayyid Mawdudi is offering us what we need most to understand and live by the Qur’an.
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