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John Fountain was raised as a Christian but always believed in the concept of One God. In 2006 he started looking into Islam after coming into contact with Muslims in West Africa. After studying the religion, he finally embraced Islam in 2008, in Cairo Egypt. Since then he has been actively involved in Da’wah work (inviting people to Islam). John also runs his own charity organisation “Volunteer Sierra Leone” which helps support over 65 Muslim schools throughout Sierra Leone. Quick Guide to Islam is a brief introduction to some some of the key aspects of Islam that aims to reach out to Non-Muslims unfamiliar with the religion.
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Cette recherche révolutionnaire menée par un expert musulman (de la Bible chrétienne) vise à aider les musulmans et les chrétiens à comprendre leur foi en répondant à de nombreuses questions théologiques, des vérités amères, inédites et non révélées, liées au christianisme, à la divinité de Jésus et aux Bibles.
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(FREE-eBook) The Ninety-Nine Names of Allah
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Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen, was a scholar, jurist, and Mufti. He was born in 1929 in Saudi Arabia. He memorised the Quran and studied other books at the age of 14 at the hands of his grandfather and other prominent scholars.
Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen is considered one of the most pre-eminent scholars of the 20th century. For more than 50 years, he worked hard for the sake of teaching, preaching, lecturing, and guiding people to worship Allah. He has authored more than 40 books in different Islamic sciences. He passed away in 2001 at the age of 74 and was buried in Mecca.
Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen was a highly significant scholar whose Islamic rulings are followed by a large number of Muslims worldwide. He played a prominent role in expanding the principals of Islamic monotheism and in explaining perplexed issues in the Islamic jurisprudence. He was a model of knowledgeable scholar, uprightness, honesty and commitment. May Allaah have Mercy upon his soul, ameen.
This booklet is a translation of a lecture by Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen on the ninety nine name of Allah. It has been produced to help the reader understand the meanings and memorise the names of Allah.
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