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( FREE-eBook) Secrets of Dialogue and Persuasion
Dialogue is the girdle of the intelligent and the habit of the wise. Dialogue has the greatest influence on humans during interactions and is the loftiest method of enlightenment and preaching. Dialogue is like engraving; it engraves on the souls and leaves lasting impressions on the character of the audience.
After the advent of prophethood, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhe Wassalam)stayed in Makkah for thirteen years without engaging in physical combat with the non-believers, he did not raise a spear nor unsheathe a sword. He was persistently dialoguing with the people of Makkah for thirteen years !
Dialogue was a well established signpost, clearly seen at every stage of the life of the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhe Wassalam) and at the different points of his call. The most beloved speech to the people and endearing to their hearts, the most easily accepted by them is that which comes in the form of a conversation in which the listener, the addressee, contributes in speech with his tongue and reasoning while employing his intellect.
Secrets Of Dialogue and Persuasion : The Loftiest Dialogues and Most Powerful Methods Of Persuasion From The Life Of The Best Men صلى الله عليه وسلم is a study of the dialogues of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhe Wassalam) while inviting to the path of Allah SWT.
- How did he communicate his message to the World’s superpowers at the time, considering the and community in which he lived ?
- What responses did he receive and what lines of action did he follow?
- How did he persuade the youths and adolescents to accept his message ?
- How did he converse with his household, including the women and children ?
- What were the major elements of his dialogues that yielded the best results ?
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