Weight | 0.13 kg |
Dimensions | 12 × 8.5 × 1.5 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
Year of publication | 2021 (Revised edition) |
Pages | 250 |
Titles | Fortress of the Muslim (Pocket Size) |
ISBN | 9789834420888 |
Publisher | DCP |
Fortress of the Muslim (Pocket Size)
$1.14 $0.97
A Pocket size version of the widespread and well-known book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ.
An encyclopedia of authentic remembrances and Supplications that is needed by every Muslim on daily basis, this book is highly regarded and has achieved top recommendations from all eminent scholars across the Muslim world and has been translated into over 75 languages so far.
New and improved edition by Dakwah Corner Bookstore.
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He who reviews the Qur’aan will find that the Book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, is replete with many verses and a number of texts indicating the virtue of Du’aa and the loftiness of its status. When you read the Qur’aan, you will find that the first Soorah with which the book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, begins with it; Soorah Al-Faatihah contains this tremendous act of worship, and the last of the Qur’aan Soorah An-Naas as well, contains this tremendous act of worship.
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