Weight | 0.32 kg |
Author | |
ISBN | 9789671833933 |
Pages | 220 |
Year of publication | 2020 |
Publisher | Dakwah Corner Bookstore |
Faith in Perspective: A Return to the Fundamental Principles of Islam
RM28.00 RM25.20
What is purity of tawheed?
Why is it so important?
Why did Prophet Muhammad salallahu ‘alayhi wasalam say that our deeds, on their own, are insufficient to grant us entry into Jannah?
Faith in Perspective invites the reader to reflect upon fundamental Islamic concepts that we often take at face value. The author delves deeper into these concepts, quoting sources from the Quran and Hadith, relating them to everyday experiences, and writing about them in a way that is easy to understand and apply.
This book synthesizes many of the core scholarly works in simple and engaging English. Its central message is that Islam is more than just a way of life – it is first and foremost, a way of thinking.
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Faith in Perspective: A Return to the Fundamental Principles of Islam
Ash-Shifa Healing Through Defining The Rights Of Prophets Muhammad (H/B) (English-Arabic Text)
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au.mu.smj –
This book is so helpful after loss and heartbreak teaching us what’s important in life is to learn to love and appreciate ourselves and to have faith that the good you deserve will come back to you. I highly recommend!
zulaikhazaq31 (verified owner) –
Born a Muslim, I definitely took my religion and its basics for granted. So blessed that this book was gifted to me. It helped me break down the basics of Islam in a way that was easy to digest and appreciate my religion much more.