Weight | 0.15 kg |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Publisher | The Islamic Foundation |
Pages | 167 |
ISBN | 9780860373759 |
What Every Christian Should Know About Islam (P/B)
RM26.00 RM23.40
Of the many books explaining Islam, few specifically address the concerns and questions of those from a Christian background. Moreover, the commonalities between the Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—are too often ignored. Set out in an easy and informative question-and-answer format, the book addresses the specific theological points of agreement and difference between Christianity and Islam, explains the core religious beliefs and practices of Islam, and answers today’s most common questions of Islam and Muslims in an age when there is much conflict and misunderstanding. Islam is best judged not by the limitations and transgressions of its most extreme, ignorant, and outlandish followers, but by the example of its moderate majority, and Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood presents this introduction to the theology and practice of Islam in an attempt to explore some of the false impressions that surround it.
Table of Contents:
Section 1: The Religious Beliefs of Islam Explained
Section 2: the Religious Duties of Islam Explained
Section 3: Miscellaneous Questions
Section 4: Christianity and Islam
Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood gained an honors degree in Christian Theology from the University of Hull in 1963 and then taught religious studies at various state schools until her retirement in 1996. She converted to Islam in 1986 and now lectures and writes on Islam.
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You must be aware that there are a number of destructive calls which have been established amongst the ranks of the Muslims and which have shaken and damaged the belief held in there hearts. They have polluted the pure Islamic ‘aqeedah, and have grown by stages to reach such a dangerous level that they led to the splitting of the Muslims into sects and the parties, about which the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Indeed those who were before you, from the people of the book, split into seventy-two sects, and this religion will split seventy-three. Seventy-two in the fire and one in the paradise and it is the Jammaa’ah.”
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