In Even Angels Ask: A Journey to Islam in America, the author attempting to share the American convert’s experience of discovering Islam. During his fifteen years of being a university professor on college campuses across the United States, he has met many young Americans of Muslim heritage who avoid or even reject Islam, being unable to reconcile their inherited faith with their acquired Western outlook. One of the principle assumptions behind this book is that even though the American culture has alienated these young people from the faith of their parents, they will be able to relate to what other Americans, of non-Muslim origin, have discovered in Islam. Talking with converts, like himself Dr. Lang found a shared common experience that approximates a characteristic path to the faith. This book takes the reader along this path by discussing conflicts between faith and reason, difficulties associated with the decision to convert to Islam, obstructions to conversion erected by Muslims themselves, the indispensable experience of Islamic rituals, extremism within the Muslim community, and what the future may hold for American Muslims.
Even Angels Ask
RM66.00 RM59.40
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.60 kg |
Dimensions | 23 × 15.5 × 1.5 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9780915957675 |
Pages | 230 |
Publisher | Amana Publications |
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From the Back Cover
You must be aware that there are a number of destructive calls which have been established amongst the ranks of the Muslims and which have shaken and damaged the belief held in there hearts. They have polluted the pure Islamic ‘aqeedah, and have grown by stages to reach such a dangerous level that they led to the splitting of the Muslims into sects and the parties, about which the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Indeed those who were before you, from the people of the book, split into seventy-two sects, and this religion will split seventy-three. Seventy-two in the fire and one in the paradise and it is the Jammaa’ah.”
Then there is no doubt that each one of these sects claims for itself that it is the saved sect, and that it is correct, and that it alone follows the Messenger. But the way of truth is a single way and it is the one which leads to salvation, and any other way is one of the ways of miss guidance which leads to destruction.
So the way of truth is to cling to the book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah’s Messenger (S) as occurs in the hadeeth: I have left amongst you two things whith which you will not go astray: The Book of Allah and my Sunnah, and they will not be separated till they come to me at the Pond.
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This process began among the Greeks whom the Arab armies conquered when they occupied Syria… St John of Dainascus, born fifty years after the Hijrah (precedented) The severe attitude of condemning whatever Muslims believe in. In this Byzantine polemic, the Anatrope, Niceta of Byzantium does not even try to understand the Qur’an before refuting it. It follows that the God of Muhammad is really a devil.
Enemies of Islam, whatever their motives, will always exploit much the same facts, as recently did Salman Rushdies Satanic Verses.
As they (Christians) resented the doctrines of Islam and saw them in the light of their own misconceptions, they inevitably deformed them. Anti-Islamic polemic inhibited any possible empathy with Muslims. The main attack on Islam was already determined in the thirteenth century.
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