Weight | 0.350 kg |
ISBN | 9780860371823 |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
Pages | 286 |
Publisher | Islamic Foundation |
Economic concepts of Ibn Taimiyah
RM100.00 RM90.00
This valuable work presents Ibn Taimiyah’s thoughts on the concept of Islamic economics, the state in the economy, on public finance, money, interest, prices, partnership, and profit-sharing, and offers a comparison of his ideas with those of some medieval scholars in Europe, along with a study of his influence on Islamic thinkers in later periods.
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Economic concepts of Ibn Taimiyah
This valuable work presents Ibn Taimiyah’s thoughts on the concept of Islamic economics, the state in the economy, on public finance, money, interest, prices, partnership, and profit-sharing, and offers a comparison of his ideas with those of some medieval scholars in Europe, along with a study of his influence on Islamic thinkers in later periods.
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