Weight | 0.350 kg |
ISBN | 9780860371823 |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
Pages | 286 |
Publisher | Islamic Foundation |
Economic concepts of Ibn Taimiyah
RM100.00 RM90.00
This valuable work presents Ibn Taimiyah’s thoughts on the concept of Islamic economics, the state in the economy, on public finance, money, interest, prices, partnership, and profit-sharing, and offers a comparison of his ideas with those of some medieval scholars in Europe, along with a study of his influence on Islamic thinkers in later periods.
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A Mini Guide to Accounting for Islamic Financial Products – A Primer (Pocket size) (P/B)
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The guide also highlights selected accounting issues addressed by AAOIFI : substance over form, prudence, mudarabah investment accounts and asset valuation. This is followed by how information of financial statement of an Islamic bank helps its major users, like equity holders, holders of investment accounts, regulatory agencies and others.
The guide also points out the main differences in the presentation of financial statements of Islamic Financial Institutions. Among them are: how assets are defined and inclusion of equity of unrestricted investment account holders. The differences arise as a result of utilizing a Shari’ah compliant contract to bring into effect a particular product.
The last section discusses some of the more popular contracts such as murabahah, istisna’, ijarah, mudarabah and musharakah. A few case studies are also incorporated for different contracts to give more understanding on the topic to the readers.
The Future of Economics An Islamic Perpective
This profound book is a powerful yet balanced critique of mainstream economics that makes a forceful plea for taking economics out of its secular and occident-centered cocoon. It presents an innovative and formidable case to re-link economics with moral and egalitarian concerns so as to harness the discipline in the service of humanity
Islamic Financial System: Principles & Operations
This second edition of the book marks another milestone of a collaborative effort between prominent scholars and practitioners of the Islamic finance industry. It sheds light on the front line issues faced by the Islamic finance industry with academic rigor. Each chapter in the book is complete with figures, diagrams, tables, case studies, a set of review questions and problems and a list of references for further reading. It offers invigorating discussion on a comprehensive range of topics related to Islamic finance, combining both theoretical foundations and operational aspects.
Your Money Matters (H/B)
This book highlights issues that are important and relevant to Muslims when they engage in tasks related to personal finances, business administration, investment, and work. Readers will find an overview of relevant excerpts from the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah. Non-Muslims as well can gain valuable insights from this book that should prove useful in today’s multi-cultural business landscapes.
Manufacturing of Halal Pharmaceuticals (P/B)
This book aims to cover the fundamental aspects of pharmaceutical manufacturing from the Islamic worldview to inspire students that whatever they do including very mundane routine work such as checking pH can be an ‘ibādah – if they work within the sphere of Islamic teachings and in shā’ Allah all the time and effort will be rewarded by Allah SWT. The first chapter describes the Islamic perspectives towards the safeguarding of life vis-à-vis the use of medicines or pharmaceuticals and can be considered as an overview for the Islamic manufacturing practices. Although this book is about the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, other industries may benefit from the discourse and examples given. As much as possible, processes and regulations are described in the book so that it covers the syllabus of industrial pharmacy for undergraduate use and still can be referred for postgraduate studies.
Islam And The Business Mind-Set
Written by one of the top young entrepreneurs in the North of England, Ilyas Salim is MD of Salim Enterprise, a global investment company.
From this book, you will learn how to:
- Create a business mentality
- Start a moral and ethical business
- Expand your business
- Work smarter, not harder
- Attract Barakah into your business
- Achieve not just a work/life balance, but a total life balance.
All this is within the framework of the Qur’an and Hadith and examples from the life of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Sukuk: Principles & Practices (P/B)
Sukuk are an important asset class which has captured the attention of a wide range of issuers and investors, regulators and sovereigns, and academics and market players. The sukuk industry has made remarkable leaps since its modern inception in the 1990s. It has grown in size and volume, evolved in structural possibilities, and successfully expanded the boundaries of the Islamic capital market to far-flung jurisdictions worldwide. Its promising future has led the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) and Securities Commission Malaysia (SC Malaysia) to collaborate to provide essential and comprehensive knowledge on this key instrument of the Islamic capital market.
Tajdid, Islah and Civilization Renewal in Islam
The history of Islamic thought is marked by a continuous tradition of internal revitalisation and reform embedded in the principles of islah, and tajdid. The ultimate purpose has been to bring existing realities and social change in line with the transcendent and universal standard of the Qur’an and Sunnah through a process of restoration and reform. The tradition of islah-tajdid has thus consistently challenged the Muslim status quo and prompted fresh interpretation of the Qur an and Sunnah, understood and implemented through the methodologies of interpretation and ijtihad, as well as the rejection of unwarranted accretions to the original messages of Islam. The basic theme of the paper is that civilisational renewal is an integral part of Islamic thought. The paper looks into the meaning, definition and origins of tajdid and islah and their relationship with ijtihad, and how these have been manifested in the writings and contributions of the thought leaders of Islam throughout its history. It also develops tajdid-related formulas and guidelines that should lead the efforts of contemporary Muslims in forging the objectives of inter-civilisational harmony and their cooperation for the common good.
Public Policy: Beyond Traditional Jurisprudence A Maqasid Approach (IIIT)
This work charts new territory in Islamic scholarship by attempting to address the field of public policy from a maqasid (higher objectives of the Shariah) perspective. Public Policy is an independent discipline from both law and politics. Thus, Public Policy in Islam is introduced here as a qualitatively different enterprise from both fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and siyasah shar’iyyah (Shariah-oriented politics). The book deals with a number of critical topics that include methodology, governance, human rights, ethics, political power, and reform and renewal. It highlights how the maqasid approach is indispensable to the theory and practice of public policy in Islam, how it could resolve some of the most persistent governance dilemmas throughout Muslim history, but more significantly, how it forces a re-conceptualization of the wealth of knowledge available in Islam s primary sources to introduce Public Policy in Islam to mainstream policy studies.
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