(E-Book ) Heart Therapy

RM54.00 RM48.60

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anxiety, and loneliness are common problems today. Envy, greed, and materialism invade our hearts and poison our relationships and lives. Racism, warfare, and economic deprivation—the symptoms of a greater spiritual weakness—are destroying our world. What is the solution to all of these problems? We need a spiritual awakening, a healing of the hearts that can heal the world. We need to rediscover our iman.

This book attempts to revive authentic Islamic spirituality—based on the Quran and Sunnah—by collecting and explaining forty hadiths on the diseases of the heart and the purification of the soul. It is a book of tazkiyah, a self-help book, and a project for changing your life and increasing your iman. In it, you’ll find practical advice on how to cleanse your heart and bring change into your life. If we fix our hearts, we can fix the rest of our lives.

Read this book with the goal of changing your life and the world around you. If you are going to counselling, are struggling with issues that no one knows about, or simply long for a more spiritual life, this book may help you. Believe that Allah will aid you, ask Him for help, and He surely will.

SKU: EBK08 Category:

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