Weight | 0.150 kg |
Dimensions | 10 × 17 cm |
Author | |
ISBN | 9786297545189 |
Edition | Revised Edition |
Pages | 66 |
Publisher | DCP |
Conditions of LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH (Revised Edition)
RM14.00 RM12.60
The famous Taabi’i Wahb ibn Munabbih was once asked,
“Isn’t the statement of laa ilaaha ill-Allah the key to Paradise?” He answered, “Yes, but every key has ridges, the door will open for you. Yet if you do not have the right ridges the door will not open for you.”
That is, it is saying {while meeting} certain conditions. These conditions are what will differentiate the person who will benefit from his making of that statement from the one who will not benefit from that statement.
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mhakimhanafi (verified owner) –
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