Weight | 0.10 kg |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Publisher | IIPH |
Pages | 64 |
ISBN | 9786035010306 |
Backbiting and Its Adverse Effects
RM11.00 RM9.90
This is a revised and updated edition of Backbiting (formerly entitled Gossip and its Adverse Effects). The translator, Huda Khattab, explains: The Qur’an states: {…nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? No, you would abhor it…} (Qur’an 49: 12) We cannot escape the fact that backbiting affects us all. We have all been victims and, we must be honest, we have all been guilty of this sin. But it is not a matter to be taken lightly; backbiting can wreck lives and shatter communities. Islam is a practical faith that recognizes the human condition and offers achievable remedies to the problems that beset us. Every human society faces the problem of backbiting, and Islam shows us how to tackle it in a sensible and humane manner. Husayn al-Awayishah has researched this topic in depth, and has presented a concise guide to the evils of backbiting and what can be done about it. This book may make for uncomfortable reading, but the topic is one that every one of us has to face up to.
Frequently Bought Together
Backbiting and Its Adverse Effects
Ghibah (Backbiting) : The Root Cause of All Evil : The Commands and Prohibitions of the Shariah
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pablo1620 –
this book provides a clear cut and simple topics that would benefit us in many ways. the topics are easy to understand with uncomplicated explanations. i’ve read few books of the same topic, but i think this win me the most as it’s easy to digest.