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An Ayah A Day: 365 Quranic Verses To Uplift Your Spirit and Feed Your Soul (H/B)
RM65.00RM58.50RM140.00RM126.00RM95.00RM85.50What a lovely endeavor! God willing, through this offering many hearts might find support in their own journey of the soul. May many people be encouraged to make such a journey of discovery and harvest of the abundance the Qur’an provides.
Frequently Bought Together
An Ayah A Day: 365 Quranic Verses To Uplift Your Spirit and Feed Your Soul (H/B)
RM95.00RM85.50Al-Bitaqat: Chapters of the Noble Qur'an Explored in 114 Cards
RM45.00RM40.50Secrets of the Quran (H/B)
RM150.00RM135.00 Out of StockEmbark on a yearlong spiritual journey with yourself! Your Companion along the way is a selection of carefully chosen and illuminating Quranic verses that carried this volume’s author safely across a time of nearly unbearable trials.
This simple day book-for journaling-offers you a chance to record your insights, and is there to remind you that you are indeed on a journey- The Journey. Imagine being able to review your reflections, recorded during a year of ups and downs, in light of the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Quran. Imagine if this year of consciously approaching and considering your life’s issues through the wisdom conveyed in these daily ayat, could then become the kind of lens through which you would continue to meaningfully see your life as it unfolds!
Camille Adams Helminski, author of The Light of Dawn: Daily Readings from the Holy Qur’an
Nadwa Zahid
Dar Al Fikir Lebanon
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RM75.00RM67.50Into The Qur’an Let It Enrich Your Soul and Your Life
Do you want to improve the quality of your relationship with the Qur’an? If yes, then this book is definitely for you! Beautifully written, straight from the author’s heart, Into the Qur’an offers comprehensive and inspiring reminders about commandments from the Qur’an and the Hadith, in a way that you can apply to everyday life. Sadaf Farooqi urges you to study the Qur’an and then implement its teachings, regardless of personal whims and desires or traditional customs and practices.
The Challenge of the Qur’an: Timeless Wisdom for All
as I moved into life. So many
questions that needed answers.
Then, I discovered the Qur’an. I buried myself
into the Qur’an, each time bewildered and amazed,
of the beauty so depicted and the Truth so elaborate.
I came out clear of life as I have never been.
Clear of death as to have no more questions.
RM30.00RM27.00Treasures from the Noble Qur’an (Tafsir of Select Verses from the Mighty Book)
The following is an explanation of some verses from the Mighty Book of Allāh. I wrote it because, while reciting the Noble Qur’ān, I pass by some verses and some of the treasures therein come to mind; thus, I wanted to illustrate those treasures. This goal was achieved—and all praises belong to Allāh—with the writing of this book; and while editing the book, I thought to write concerning some other verses as well.
This book contains speech on verses from chapters in the Qur’ān—all of the suwar which appear before al-Mufaṣṣal. Most of the verses cover one topic in that particular sūrah, and sometimes more than one topic is discussed in that sūrāh. As for al-Mufaṣṣal—which begins with Sūrah Qāf—the topics cover a range of 15 various subjects. I derived benefit in what I wrote from the books of tafsīr by Ibn Jarīr, al-Qurṭubī, Ibn Kathīr, ash-Shawkānī, and ash-Shinqīṭī (may Allāh have mercy upon them).
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Nota My #QURANTIME Juzuk 3
Sejajar dengan tujuan program My#QuranTime yang disiarkan di TV ALHIJRAH Iaitu mahu menjadi platform solidariti ummah mempelajari asas bacaan al-Quran, Tadabbur dan Tazakkur, maka lahirlah naskhah lengkap: NOTA MY #QURANTIME sebagai panduan lengkap buat mereka yang cintakan al-Quran.
NOTA MY #QURANTIME Juzuk ke-3 ini lebih istimewa kerana di dalamnya terdapat lebih banyak perbincangan yang dikupas secara menyeluruh. Antaranya ialah:
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RM30.00RM27.00Nota My #QURANTIME Juzuk 6
RM30.00RM27.00Pondering Over the Qur’an Vol 1 [IBT]
RM95.00RM85.50The Spiritual Cure An Explanation to Surah al-Fatihah (P/B)
Surah al Fatiha is the greatest chapter of the Qur’an, its like is not found in the rest of the Book or in the previous scriptures. It is a
Light that was granted to Prophet Muhammad (S) which had not been granted to any other Prophet or Messenger before him; indeed
some of the Salaf stated that when this chapter was revealed, Shaytãn l let out a great cry of lament.
It holds a central position in the daily Prayer hence the daily life of the Muslim.
The underlying theme, of al-Fatiha is one of contemplation and serenity; pondering the Names and Attributes of Allah, pondering the creation , and acknowledging that He Alone deserves praise and Worship, that He Alone should be asked for help, that He Alone Should be feared and hoped in, that He Alone should be invoked, that there is indeed a Day of Judgment, and that guidance has come to us and we are required to follow it.
It calls us to carefully scrutinise our relationship with our Lord: are we living according to the dictates of ‘none has the right to be worshipped save of Allah’ or not? This opening chapter, despite its brevity, calls man to fulfil the rights of Tawhid, the right that Allah has over us to worship Him Alone without any partner
A Summary of numerous Classical Commentaries of the Qur’an
at-Tabari, al-Baghawi, Az-Zamakhshari, ibn Atityyah, Ibn Jawzi, Al-Qurtubi, Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Kathir, as-Suyuti, Alusi, ash-Shawkani, as-Sa’di, ash-Shaqiti and many Others
RM73.00RM65.70Tafsir As-Sadi (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation Of The Noble Quran (H/B)
Tafsir As-Sa’di is a straightforward, easy to read, easy to understand explanation of the meaning of Qur’anic Ayat and statements. In addition to the simplicity of Ibn Sa’di’s writing, it is also articulate and eloquent.
Consequently, for those newly acquainted with Tafsir and those new to Islam, this Tafsir provides an uncomplicated, deep and insightful comprehension into the meaning and explanation of the Qur’an.
The uniqueness of this Tafsir is in the style the Shaikh used to explain the Ayat in a way that it is similar to everyday writing, without listing the various prophetic sayings or statements of the scholars of Tafsir, which Shaikh Ibn Sa’di used as a basis of his Tafsir.
RM80.00RM72.00Tafsir 67 : A Commentary on Surah al Mulk (P/B)
The beauty of the Qur’an is such that its miracles cannot truly be understood until one contemplates every verse of every surah; this alone makes tafsir one of the most amazing sciences of Islam. Surah Al-Mulk is a chapter of the Quran which would be recited every night by the Prophet (peace be upon him), in its midst are deep meanings which highlight the purpose of our creation, as well as entailing the message of Islam. In this book, the author takes the reader on a wonderful journey through the gardens of the first surah in the 29th Juzz of the Qur’an.
About the Author: Dr. Philips was born in 1947 in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada, where he converted to Islam in 1972. He completed a diploma in Arabic language and a B.A. degree in 1979 from the College of Islamic Disciplines at the Islamic University of Madinah, an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia. At the University of Riyadh College of Education he completed his M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985, and in 1994 he completed his Ph.D in Islamic Theology in the department of Islamic studies at the University of Wales. He later taught Islamic education and Arabic language in private schools in Riyadh for over ten years. Because of his opposition to Saudi Arabia’s position in the Gulf War, he had to leave the country and for three years he lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic Studies department of Shariff Kabunsuan College (SKC) in Cotabato City, Mindanao, the Philippines. Islamic Information Center Since 1994, he has founded and directed the Islamic Information Center (which is now known as Discover Islam) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is known as a prolific speaker and author on topics relating to Islam, including audio lectures and books. Presently, he is a lecturer of Arabic language and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai and ‘Ajman University in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. He frequently appears at the Islamic Research Foundation in Mumbai, India, on lecture tours. He has also founded the Distance Learning Program called Islamic Online University, which offers a four year degree in Islamic Studies plus a variety of short courses. Dr. Philips is something of a pioneer as a person of Western origin achieving the status of a scholar of Islam inside the tradition.
RM63.00RM56.70Tafsir 85 : A commentary on Surah Al-Buruj (P/B)
RM45.00RM40.50Nota My#QuranTime (Juzuk 14)
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RM30.00RM27.00The Light of The Qur’an
The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, passed by a person reciting Surah Al – Kafirun and remarked, “He has been saved from shirk”. He passed by another reciting Surah Al – Ikhlas and remarked. Paradise has become obligatory for him. Reported by Muslim.
These two chapters have both been given the title Al-Ikhlas, or purity of faith, because they deal with the topic of Tawhid in all its various aspects. Al – Ikhlas concentrates on the pure, essential faith in Allah that all mankind is required to have. Al – Kafirun deals with purity of deed and disavowal of disbelief and paganism. Both chapters lay out the parameters of mans relationship with his/her lord and creator, as well as his/her relationship those around him/her.
Pure, unblemished monotheism combined with sincerity in belief and deed defines the relationship with Allah. Hi is one and only true God, unique, without peer, equal or opposite, and nothing is like on to him. He is the one who stands in need of nothing whereas everything is in dire need of him.
Maintaining the essential Muslim identity and character defines the relationship between the Muslim and his fellow man. The Muslim is unambiguous about his religion, truthful and upright in speech, deed and his dealings with those around him. Hi is proud of his faith and has unshakable conviction in it. He loves his lord, his Messenger and the Muslims and is loyal to them. Because of this, the dearest thing to him is his religion and he will not compromise it, pleasing Allah comes before pleasing the people.
The prophet would frequently recite these two chapters in prayer because of the commonality of their theme and to stress that success is achieved, in this life and the next, by internalising their message and living by it.
RM41.00RM36.90Nota My #QuranTime Juzuk 9
RM30.00RM27.00Nota My #QURANTIME Juzuk 1
Sejajar dengan tujuan program My#QuranTime yang disiarkan di TV ALHIJRAH Iaitu mahu menjadi platform solidariti ummah mempelajari asas bacaan al-Quran, Tadabbur dan Tazakkur, maka lahirlah naskhah lengkap: NOTA MY #QURANTIME sebagai panduan lengkap buat mereka yang cintakan al-Quran.
NOTA MY #QURANTIME ini akan diterbitkan sebanyak 30 juzuk, yang mana setiap juzuk mempunyai sebanyak 230 hingga 300 halaman.
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