The best that man preoccupies himself with is knowledge of the lawful and the unlawful regarding rulings, and knowing the valid from the invalid regarding actions; it is the science of fiqh that has taken it upon itself to elucidate that. Many of the early scholars wrote so many books in this field that it is almost impossible to count; including exhaustive works, abridged works, commentaries,and research papers focusing on main issues as well as branch issues. The Islamic library still needs to grow, which is this book’s point of departure; it covers the main fiqh issues along with their evidences from the Noble Book and the Purified Sunnah, and the authors have also added whatever wisdoms can be gleaned from each ruling. The wording is clear and concise and the numerous headings and subheadings make it very easy for the reader to navigate the various topics and issues.
Al-Fiqh Al-Manhaji: A Systematic Manual According To The Madhhab of Imam Ash-Shafi’i
RM78.00 RM70.20
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.80 kg |
Dimensions | 25 × 17.5 × 1.5 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9789811870897 |
Pages | 272 |
Publisher | Nawa Books |
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