The Quran, the fountainhead of knowledge, is read by millions of people throughout the world. Those who want to savoir its original heavenly flavor read the Quran in Arabic. Nevertheless, the need for a reference book on the Quran is felt by many of its readers. This ready Reference of the Quran, based on the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, is a humble attempt to help those who are committed to studying the Quran and understanding its meaning and message. It presents an exhaustive list of all the important words used in the translation of the Quran with its accompanying verses. This book endeavors to make the reading of and reference to the Quran easy and accessible for everyone.
A-Z Ready Reference of the Quran (Goodword)
RM46.00 RM41.40
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.95 kg |
Dimensions | 21.5 × 14 × 3.2 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9788178983356 |
Pages | 829 |
Publisher | Goodword |
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Nota My #QURANTIME Juzuk 1
Sejajar dengan tujuan program My#QuranTime yang disiarkan di TV ALHIJRAH Iaitu mahu menjadi platform solidariti ummah mempelajari asas bacaan al-Quran, Tadabbur dan Tazakkur, maka lahirlah naskhah lengkap: NOTA MY #QURANTIME sebagai panduan lengkap buat mereka yang cintakan al-Quran.
NOTA MY #QURANTIME ini akan diterbitkan sebanyak 30 juzuk, yang mana setiap juzuk mempunyai sebanyak 230 hingga 300 halaman.
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Tafsir 67 : A Commentary on Surah al Mulk (P/B)
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About the Author: Dr. Philips was born in 1947 in Jamaica, but grew up in Canada, where he converted to Islam in 1972. He completed a diploma in Arabic language and a B.A. degree in 1979 from the College of Islamic Disciplines at the Islamic University of Madinah, an Islamic university in Saudi Arabia. At the University of Riyadh College of Education he completed his M.A. in Islamic Theology in 1985, and in 1994 he completed his Ph.D in Islamic Theology in the department of Islamic studies at the University of Wales. He later taught Islamic education and Arabic language in private schools in Riyadh for over ten years. Because of his opposition to Saudi Arabia’s position in the Gulf War, he had to leave the country and for three years he lectured M.Ed. students in the Islamic Studies department of Shariff Kabunsuan College (SKC) in Cotabato City, Mindanao, the Philippines. Islamic Information Center Since 1994, he has founded and directed the Islamic Information Center (which is now known as Discover Islam) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is known as a prolific speaker and author on topics relating to Islam, including audio lectures and books. Presently, he is a lecturer of Arabic language and Islamic Studies at the American University in Dubai and ‘Ajman University in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. He frequently appears at the Islamic Research Foundation in Mumbai, India, on lecture tours. He has also founded the Distance Learning Program called Islamic Online University, which offers a four year degree in Islamic Studies plus a variety of short courses. Dr. Philips is something of a pioneer as a person of Western origin achieving the status of a scholar of Islam inside the tradition.
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The following is an explanation of some verses from the Mighty Book of Allāh. I wrote it because, while reciting the Noble Qur’ān, I pass by some verses and some of the treasures therein come to mind; thus, I wanted to illustrate those treasures. This goal was achieved—and all praises belong to Allāh—with the writing of this book; and while editing the book, I thought to write concerning some other verses as well.
This book contains speech on verses from chapters in the Qur’ān—all of the suwar which appear before al-Mufaṣṣal. Most of the verses cover one topic in that particular sūrah, and sometimes more than one topic is discussed in that sūrāh. As for al-Mufaṣṣal—which begins with Sūrah Qāf—the topics cover a range of 15 various subjects. I derived benefit in what I wrote from the books of tafsīr by Ibn Jarīr, al-Qurṭubī, Ibn Kathīr, ash-Shawkānī, and ash-Shinqīṭī (may Allāh have mercy upon them).
The Light of The Qur’an
The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, passed by a person reciting Surah Al – Kafirun and remarked, “He has been saved from shirk”. He passed by another reciting Surah Al – Ikhlas and remarked. Paradise has become obligatory for him. Reported by Muslim.
These two chapters have both been given the title Al-Ikhlas, or purity of faith, because they deal with the topic of Tawhid in all its various aspects. Al – Ikhlas concentrates on the pure, essential faith in Allah that all mankind is required to have. Al – Kafirun deals with purity of deed and disavowal of disbelief and paganism. Both chapters lay out the parameters of mans relationship with his/her lord and creator, as well as his/her relationship those around him/her.
Pure, unblemished monotheism combined with sincerity in belief and deed defines the relationship with Allah. Hi is one and only true God, unique, without peer, equal or opposite, and nothing is like on to him. He is the one who stands in need of nothing whereas everything is in dire need of him.
Maintaining the essential Muslim identity and character defines the relationship between the Muslim and his fellow man. The Muslim is unambiguous about his religion, truthful and upright in speech, deed and his dealings with those around him. Hi is proud of his faith and has unshakable conviction in it. He loves his lord, his Messenger and the Muslims and is loyal to them. Because of this, the dearest thing to him is his religion and he will not compromise it, pleasing Allah comes before pleasing the people.
The prophet would frequently recite these two chapters in prayer because of the commonality of their theme and to stress that success is achieved, in this life and the next, by internalising their message and living by it.
Nota My #QURANTIME Juzuk 3
Sejajar dengan tujuan program My#QuranTime yang disiarkan di TV ALHIJRAH Iaitu mahu menjadi platform solidariti ummah mempelajari asas bacaan al-Quran, Tadabbur dan Tazakkur, maka lahirlah naskhah lengkap: NOTA MY #QURANTIME sebagai panduan lengkap buat mereka yang cintakan al-Quran.
NOTA MY #QURANTIME Juzuk ke-3 ini lebih istimewa kerana di dalamnya terdapat lebih banyak perbincangan yang dikupas secara menyeluruh. Antaranya ialah:
- Pertukaran arah kiblat
- Kekal hidup bagi yang berjihad di jalan Allah
- Ujian Allah buat mereka yang bersabar
- Ganjaran buat mereka yang ditimpa musibah
- Laknat bagi mereka yang menyembunyikan kebenaran
- Hukum berniaga ketika musim haji
Nota ini juga merangkumi:
- Satu buku, satu juzuk
- Nota pilihan daripada penonton
- Aplikasi QR code untuk video bacaan terpilih
- Nota ringkasan yang padat tapi mudah difahami
- Peta infografik berwarna yang dapat membantu pemahaman pembaca
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