A Muslim Woman’s Diary is a collection of thoughts, reminders and advice in the form of quotes from a Muslima to all her sisters across the world. The book is divided into four fundamental themes; haya, nafs, sabr and obedience. The aim of this work is to help you deal with the major and minor issues in your life, as well as guide you to change your mindset into a positive perspective when facing calamities. Along the way, you will also gain an overall understanding of the Islamic principles in how to understand your worth as a Muslim woman in a Western society, how to deal with your nafs, how to maintain sabr in times of hardship and finally how to be obedient to your Lord and parents. By the will of Allah, this book will help you re-evaluate the meaning of your life and assist you to see the light within the darkness.
A Muslim Woman’s Diary
RM90.00 RM81.00
“When you are suffering
and feel like no help comes your way,
then perhaps Allah is using this
as means to expiate your sins.”
Frequently Bought Together
Weight | 0.40 kg |
Dimensions | 19.5 × 13 × 1.8 cm |
Author | |
Binding | Paperback |
ISBN | 9781915851062 |
Pages | 203 |
Publisher | Darussalam |
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A Female Gives Thanks to Islam
This book, by Allah, does not feel like my book!!!
Rather, it is a “project of pride”. I hope this book is the most beautiful gift a father may give his daughter or a mother her daughter.
It may be a gift from a brother to his sister, from a husband to his wife, and from a friend to her friend.
To have in every family an ambassador for the Muslim girls who is proud of her identity, striving to strengthen that identity among girls.
Reclaim Your Heart (English Version)
Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of this life. It is a book about how to keep your heart from sinking to the depths of that ocean, and what to do when it does. It is a book about redemption, about hope, about renewal. Every heart can heal, and each moment is created to bring us closer to that transformative return. Reclaim Your Heart is about finding that moment when everything stops and suddenly looks different. It is about finding your own awakening. And then returning to the better, truer, and freer version of yourself.
Many of us live our lives, entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and disappointment. Many of us have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in an out of life’s most deceptive traps.
This book was written to awaken the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss, happiness, and pain. Providing a manual of sorts, Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual of how to protect your most prized possession: the heart.
The second edition of Reclaim Your Heart features:
-Four BRAND NEW chapters
-Improved design and overall layout
-Upgraded photography/images
-Testimonials from Tariq Ramadan, Azizah Magazine, and more!
“To put it simply, this book is a must have for every Muslim woman’s library.” -Azizah Magazine
“…simple, profound and elevating…a gift, full of hope and light.” – Tariq Ramadan, Professor
“It fills the heart with light and hope – a wonderful blessing. Reclaim Your Heart is like a dear travelling companion through the unpredictable journey of life. Yasmin’s beautiful insights, wisdoms and stories have inspired readers from all over the planet.” – Peter Gould
“To put it plainly, this is a book that makes sense of it all. All the heartbreaks, the pain, disappointments and losses that occur are put in their place… Dare I say, you may never look at hardship in the same way again.” -Sahil UK
Golden Stories of Muslim Women (H/B)
All aspects of woman’s personality that reflect her intelligence, courage, piety, abstinence and chivalry are mentioned in this book. Their study inculcates a new spirit and motivation for betterment among all women and girls. It would also help men fully understand how women also possess qualities like bravery, intelligence and patience.
Advice on Establishing an Islamic Home
An excellent book discussing the foundation of an Islämic household. The author addresses issues that are relevant to the majority of Muslim households, such as the importance of choosing a righteous spouse, making your home a place for the remembrance of Alläh, spreading kindness in the home, teaching good manners, discussing some of the evils present in the home, learning the Islämic rulings with regard to how a Muslim home should be, creating an atmosphere of faith, resisting bad manners, choosing a good location and design, how to discipline children which may be more effective than physical punishment and the books that one should read and much more.
Muslim Woman’s Participation In Social Life: Women’s Emancipation During The Prophet’s Lifetime (Volume 2) – KUBE
Abd al-Haleem Abu Shuqgah (d.1995) was a great teacher and scholar. He had a real passion to revive the true Islamic spirit in the ummah and dedicated his life to learning and teaching He taught in Egypt, Syria, Qatar and Kuwait. His particular focus was on Hadith studies.
Role of Muslim Woman in Society
The quran elevates the position of woman as a daughter, sister, wife, and mother, and in all these positions she enjoys all the social, economic, legal, religious and educational rights of man. The Prophet, by his teaching and practice, as explained before, fully established woman, in all the above roles, as a full fledged member of society, enjoying equal rights and status with man; and contributing equaly with him, if not more, to the growth and development of society and enrichment of human culture. This, however, in no way implies a similarity or uniformity in their functions as well. Both enjoy equal status and equal rights as humans and as co-partners in life. But in the field of work, their functions in general are of a different nature and scope, being mainly determined by their natural physical, physiological, physiological and emotional disposition. In this respect, it may be pointed out that dissimilarity and non-comformity in functions do not in any way reflect the inferiority or superiority of etheir sex. It is merely a division of work between them according to their natural abilities, aptitudes, capacities and endowments.
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Diseases Of The Hearts & Their Cures (Dar as Sunnah)
Translated by Abu Rumaysah “Know O beloved reader that it is most important to spend one’s time and energy in treating the heart, and hastening to correct and purify it from sickness and all sins. This is due to the heart occupying a great and lofty position in Islaam, for it is the place to which the Lord looks and the storehouse for tawheed, faith, and sincerity. Actions are distinguished, one from the other, with respect to their excellence in the Sight of Allah in accordance with the condition of the heart, not by their number or form, but rather due to the strength of the caller, his or her truthfulness, his or her sincerity and the extent to which he or she prefers Allah over himself or herself … Al-Haafidh ibn Hajr al-Asqalaanee, may Allah have mercy upon him and provide us with his knowledge, said: “The heart has been singled out for this because it is the leader of the body, and through the purification of the leader the subjects become purified, and with his corruption they become corrupted. So if you, O servant of Allah, with to cure your heart then it is upon you to be truthful with regards to seeking refuge with Allah and putting your trust in Him, to pray a great deal of superogatory prayers, to perform the actions of obedience to Allah frequently, to pray the night prayer while the people are sleeping, and to treat your heart by making it continuously stick to the remembrances and by befriending only the righteous … and to frequently recite the Qur’an. And Allah will indeed allow all of this to be preserved by him.”
50 Candles To Light Your Path (P/B)
One goal brings them together : how to improve the well-being of our sons and daughters, how to aid them towards threading the path of guidance to engender their excelling in their academic, work and other facets of life.
Golden Words (H/B)
Islam has declared this world and life as a test case for human beings. To live a successful life, Allah SWT has sent His Divine Teachings to help humans understand what to do and what not. This book “Golden Words (Golden Stories) consists of short stories and incidents that occurred during the life time of Prophet (Peace be upon him), Rightly Guided Caliphs, Salf-us-Saleheen, renowned kings/ rulers and other shining stars of the Islamic history. The purpose of these short stories is simple; providing real-life lessons to the readers.
The book provides a clear understanding of our ancestors, their thorough and firm knowledge, their intelligence, proper comprehension, modesty, sacrifices and their endeavors to elevate the truth. This is particularly rewarding book for youngsters that will find it a helping hand in living as per Islamic principles.
Golden Stories of Accepted Prayers
What are invocations? In a real sense these are requests which come from the bottom of our hearts to Allah Almighty. Allah is always ready and happy to receive prayers from anyone at any time.
If you’re facing any difficulties or trouble you should immediately turn to Allah for help. The best invocations are those narrated by the Prophet (S). If you don’t speak Arabic, you can pray in your mother tongue.
When we pray we should feel assured that Allah will accept our requests. We should do so with complete sincerity and devotion.
Prayers can be made at any time, but there is a greater possibility our prayers will be accepted if we do so at specific times.
A Gift For The Bereaved Parent (H/B)
Gift of Breaved Parent is critical as a Faith, It does not Follow that these stages are rearched systematically but one may alternate from one stage to another and take varying lenth of time. It is not Unusual for the pain to always to remain, Incresin in the Intensity as Some Event or Reminder renews the loss.
It is Essentials to know that People are Susceptible to Weakness and Emotion, It is natural that one sheds tears and has grief and sadness in the heart; that is valid and cannot be denied, therefore Nice tilte “A Gift for the Breaved Parents”.
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