Weight | 0.13 kg |
Dimensions | 20.7 × 14 × 0.7 cm |
Product Type | Book |
Author | |
Publisher | Darussalam |
ISBN | 9960717720 |
100 Ahadith about Islamic Manners
RM11.00 RM9.90
An extract of 100 Ahadith from famous collections of Ahadith (Sahih Al Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, Riyad-us-saliheen and others). The distinguishing feature of this book is the selection of its chapters that persuade the good morals and behaviour.
A moral and spiritual revolution begins to happen in the mind and conduct of the readers as their study progresses. We hope that this selection of Ahadith will initiate the readers to follow Islamic teachings throughout their life.
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20 Hadith for Kids
The Sunnah is the most authentic explanation and elaboration of the Word of Allah. Many worthy collections of Hadith of the Prophet pbuh have been compiled and translated into English. Yet very few, however, have been compiled especially for children ad young people, and this collection is intended to fill this gap.
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Moreover, useful exercises have also been added. In this way, this collection will be greatly beneficial for young Muslims. This small book has been the collaborative effort of many. It is our hope that this collection of Ahadith will serve as a useful introductions to the timeless wisdom of the last Prophet of Islam both at home and the classroom.
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30 Hadith For Young Muslims
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Unique features such as lessons, discussion corners, and activities make it an ideal teaching tool for parents, teachers and educational institutions.
Its creative presentation invites readers to grasp the knowledge of the noble hadith and apply them in their lives.
200 Golden Hadiths from the Messenger of Allah swt (P/B)
Islam is based on two major souces : the Quran and the Sunnah, and the latter is available to us in the form of hadiths. The Prophet said, “Whoever comes to know one hadith of mine should spread it.”
I have come to the realization that many youth from among the Muslims have not memorized even one hadith of the Prophet. For this reason I have chosen smaller hadiths so that they can be easily memorized by them and they can spread them to others.
I supplicate to Allah to make this book a source of light on the Day of Judgment for us.
365 Hadith with Stories
This book, with its simple yet profound hadith and stories, set in the circumstances of our daily existence, expresses the joy and challenges of life. Reading these hadith and stories, children will come to know how ordinary incidents and day to day activities can be seen and better understood in the light of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad.
These charming stories and heart-warming sayings of the Prophet, enlivened by stunning and colourful illustrations, will become a wonderful accompaniment for children on their path to understanding the life and message of the Prophet Muhammad, to appreciating the glory and kindness of Allah, and will bring them closer to their Prophet and Creator.
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A Treasury of Hadith
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Ibn Daqiq al-‘Id (d.1302) was a Shafi’i mujtahid imam, who was educated in Damascus, Alexandria, and Egypt. Accounted as one of the greatest scholars in Islam in the fundamentals of law and belief, he wrote extensively in the areas of law, principles of jurisprudence, hadith, and tenets of faith. Imam Nawawi (d.1277) was accounted as an Imam of the later Shafi’i school and was known for his piety and knowledge.
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hamzaiqkl05 –
Assalamualikum, this book was used by my school and we had to memorise the hadiths from this book. It was very simple and comprehensive. The hadith in this book is a very simple hadith but it is a general hadith that a Muslim must know and practice. In school, we had to carry it with us and it wasnt that hard because of how light the book is and overall its just a spectacular book that everyone should have 🙂
Hamza, Malaysia
apanaufal –
this book is really motivating and heart moving.must read for all people.All in all, a great book for children and adults to learn and practice Islamic mannerisms inShaAllah.