Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

(Showing 61 – 72 products of 159 products)

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Forensic Psychiatry In Islamic Jurisprudence (P/B) (IBT)


This is the first book in Forensic Psychiatry that focuses on the application of psychiatry to legal issues connected to Islamic jurisprudence. It gives contemporary psychiatry in any Islamic country a broad spectrum of tools to work with, enabling the utilization of options specific to particular societal and cultural norms. This book will appeal to both the general as well as the academic reader.

Funeral Rites In Islam (H/B)


The purpose of this book is to provide English speaking Muslims a concise and authentic compilation of the instructions regarding funeral rites in Islam.

Funerals Regulations and Exhortations (H/B)


Our soul inevitably follows a route starting from birth, passing through death, and ending with our resurrection in the next life. The inevitable journey discusses over a sequence of titles: sickness, inheritance, funerals, Life in Barzakh and so on…

Getting the Best Out of Hajj


The book provides a realistic view of Hajj as it is today, with detailed explanations of all the rites. It provides Figh related issues about Hajj, Salah and personal behaviour according to the Quran and Sunnah, to enable you to obtain the best value for your time spent in the holy cities. It also provides information and suggestions about planning for the journey, what to expect and how to survive, so you can depart with full confidence. This is a must have for all those planning to go on Hajj!

Hajj & Umrah (Pocket Guide) – English Version

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A useful pocket guide that includes the rites of Umrah,Hajj, and visiting Madinah.

Le Hadj Et La Omra (Hajj & Umrah Pocket Book) French


Un GUIDE DE POCHE utile des rites de la Outre, du Helf, st de la visite de Médine

Ceci est une nouvelle présentation du guide de poche utile qui inclut les rites de la Omra, du Hadj ainsi que des invocations sélectionnées. Ce livre contient également des diagrammes, des checklists et un guide pas à pas pour accomplir les rites du Hadj et de la Omrs, selon la Sounna de notre Prophète bien-aimé Muhammad (que la paix soit sur lui), conformément à sa parole:

“Apprenez de moi vos rites (du Hadi et de la Omra)” Imam Muslim

Hajj & Umrah And Visitors (H/B)


Rites and Selected Etiquettes for those intending to Perfom Hajj & Umrah and Visitors In this book the author calls attention to the most important things that those who intend to perform Hajj, Umrah or Visiting the Prophets Mosque in Medinah must have as provisions. The author has made his work brief and arranged its topics according to their priorities. the author mentions a considerable number of sayings of the people of knowledge and calling the attention of the reader to some important matters.

Having Fun The Halal Way Entertainment In Islam

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With the advent of technology, the entertainment industry has flourished and become immensely popular. Combine this with the exponential advances in technology, and the result is an increasing number of ways to amuse ourselves. As a result of such advances, Muslim react in a variety of manners towards entertainment. Some label entertainment as completely forbidden. This sometimes includes parents who say no to almost everything that their young ones deem to be ‘fun’, without providing them with suitable alternatives. Others, who do not want to take this extreme approach, fall into the trap of excessive use of – and even addiction to – various sources of entertainment, without any limits.

In Having Fun the Halal Way, Ismail Kamdar explores the teachings of Islam regarding entertainment. Drawing upon the Quran, the Sunnah and the understanding of the righteous scholars of Islam, he provides a detailed and balanced analysis of the topic. He not only explains the detriments of the current entertainment industry, but also suggests alternative means to have a good time with friends and family members.

History of Islamic Jurisprudence


Islamic law represents one of the world’s great legal systems.

From this point, this book talks about a study which showed the status of Islamic jurisprudence in the era of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and all other eras that came after it.

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