Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

Sharia, Fiqh and Jurisprudence

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Hajj & Umrah (Pocket Guide) – English Version

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A useful pocket guide that includes the rites of Umrah,Hajj, and visiting Madinah.

Hajj & Umrah And Visitors (H/B)


Rites and Selected Etiquettes for those intending to Perfom Hajj & Umrah and Visitors In this book the author calls attention to the most important things that those who intend to perform Hajj, Umrah or Visiting the Prophets Mosque in Medinah must have as provisions. The author has made his work brief and arranged its topics according to their priorities. the author mentions a considerable number of sayings of the people of knowledge and calling the attention of the reader to some important matters.

Having Fun The Halal Way Entertainment In Islam


With the advent of technology, the entertainment industry has flourished and become immensely popular. Combine this with the exponential advances in technology, and the result is an increasing number of ways to amuse ourselves. As a result of such advances, Muslim react in a variety of manners towards entertainment. Some label entertainment as completely forbidden. This sometimes includes parents who say no to almost everything that their young ones deem to be ‘fun’, without providing them with suitable alternatives. Others, who do not want to take this extreme approach, fall into the trap of excessive use of – and even addiction to – various sources of entertainment, without any limits.

In Having Fun the Halal Way, Ismail Kamdar explores the teachings of Islam regarding entertainment. Drawing upon the Quran, the Sunnah and the understanding of the righteous scholars of Islam, he provides a detailed and balanced analysis of the topic. He not only explains the detriments of the current entertainment industry, but also suggests alternative means to have a good time with friends and family members.

History of Islamic Jurisprudence


Islamic law represents one of the world’s great legal systems.

From this point, this book talks about a study which showed the status of Islamic jurisprudence in the era of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and all other eras that came after it.

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Ibn Ashur Treatise on Maqasid al-Shariah (P/B)


Ibn Khaldun, the fourteenth century Arab historiographer and historian, is viewed as a founder of modern historiography, sociology and economics. He lived during a turbulent part of history, and out of his experiences, he ?conceived and created a philosophy of history that was undoubtedly the greatest work ever created by a man of intelligence…?. This work tells of the period of unrest in Ibn Khaldun?s life marked by political rivalries. It is during this turbulent period which provided him with the opportunity to write the Muqaddimah (or Prolegomena), earning him an immortal place among historians, sociologists and philosophe

Ifta’ & Fatwa In the Muslim World and the West


During the formative classical period of Islamic jurisprudence, well-known scholars possessed not only the intellectual skills required for analytic reasoning but also a broad general knowledge of the fields relevant to the cultural contexts in which they issued their edicts. A viable fatwa requires knowledge of the Shariah as well as local customs, cultural realities, individual and communal implications, and related matters. The original juristic tradition was formulated and fixed during the first three Islamic centuries, a time of widespread sociopolitical turmoil. Of course, the jurists’ legal outlooks and thinking processes could not have escaped this reality. While Muslims of the prophetic and r shid n periods adhered closely to the authentic texts due to their sincerity, piety, prophetic training, and proximity to the revelation, the changing environment in which their descendants functioned gradually started to impact how the authentic texts were understood, interpreted, paraphrased, and implemented. Both the Muslim and the non-Muslim worlds have drastically changed since that time. The new geopolitical and scientific realities of our rapidly changing world demand a fresh look at some aspects of the established juristic tradition. The way forward involves a systematic fresh look at and reevaluation of the old fatwas, as well as the issuance of new ones with a maq sid outlook that can deal successfully with today s ever-changing global realities. In this edited volume, papers on fatwa and ift point to an approach that is both rooted in the Islamic legacy and committed to meeting the challenges of the modern world.

Inheritance Regulations & Exhortations


Description from the publisher: We inevitably go through the journey starting in this life, and extending into the grave, before our final abode in the hereafter. In the process, we pass through stages of sickness, death, and the intermediate life in the grave (al-Barzakh). Writing a will is a religious obligation on every capable Muslim. It protects against many problems and conflicts that could arise after a person’s death. This obligation is more emphasized in the West; Failing to write a well founded will may result in the distribution of one’s estate in discord with the Islamic law, and may lead to losses for some of the rightful inheritors

Islam & The Challenge of Human Rights


In 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the International Declaration of Human Rights, a document designed to hold both individuals and nations accountable for their treatment of fellow human beings-regardless of religious or cultural affiliations. Since then, debates surrounding the reach and scope of the Declaration have been lively and wide-ranging, with the compatibility of Islam and human rights emerging as a particularly thorny issue of international concern. The question has been addressed by Muslim rulers, conservatives, and extremists, as well as Western analysts and policymakers, all of whom have commonly agreed that Islamic theology and human rights cannot coexist.

Islam and Diplomacy: The Quest for Human Security


ISLAM AND DIPLOMACY provides a wide-ranging discourse on the relevance of Islam to global well-being and human security from legal, spiritual, moral and historical perspectives. As prevailing realities in the Middle East and many other parts of the world amply demonstrate, the tools of modern secular diplomacy are not always adequate to address violent sectarian or religious clashes and social tensions, nor to suggest long-term workable solutions for them. This book expounds the largely untapped potential of a faith-based diplomacy and suggest integrating religious norms as an added impetus to conventional diplomacy for the benefit of global peace and harmony. it is also demonstrates that Islam possesses a rich tradition of legal, spiritual and ethical values prioritizing peace and human security. Islamic heritage is also sufficiently nuanced to offer flexible paradigms for addressing problems of coomunal identity that may well be beyond the reach of traditional diplomacy, such as ethnic conflict, tribal warfare, and religious hostilities.


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