The Mukhtasar Al-Quduri
The Mukhtasar Al-Quduri is one of the most celebrated and influential treatises in any Muslim school of methodology and thought and is the foundation for the Hanafi school.
It is both the first source for scholars and a manual for the general reader.
This is its first ever complete translation in English.
2IN1 Combo P02
1. Man Made Laws Vs. Shari‘ah (384 pages)
2. Traversing the Highs and Lows of Muslim Marriage (195 pages)
2IN1 Combo P05
1. Muharramat Forbidden Matters Some People Take Lightly (127 pages)
2. Women around the Messenger (364 pages)
75 Questions & Answers on Hajj & Umrah by Darussalam
Key Features:
– 75 questions and answers on Hajj and Umrah, written in simple language and to the point- Hajj by the Prophets – Salient Features- Arabic words to help a pilgrim (hajji to communicate in Arabic during Hajj period- Flowcharts / figures to explain the important points regarding Hajj . Umrah- Chapter on selected supplications (Dua)
A Critique Of The Ruling Of Al-Taqlid (Dar ar Arqam)
Abu Dāwūd stated that Aḥmad said to him, “Do not make taqlīd of me, nor Mālik, al-Shāfiʿī, al-Awzāʿī or al-Thawrī; rather take from where they took.” [Masāʾil al-Imām Aḥmad (pp.276-277).
Nawāb Ṣiddīq Ḥasan Khan relays, “He was the judge of the congregation, the shaykh of al-Islam, the muhaqqiq, the ʿallāmah, the imām, the sulṭān of the ʿulamā, the imām of the world, the seal of the ḥuffāẓ (i.e. major ḥadīth scholars) without dispute, the proof for debaters, the supreme in isnād and the foremost within the domain of al-ijtihād. […] He did not see one similar to himself, and those who saw him did not see his likeness in knowledge and piety, and in standing for the truth with strength of character and preciseness of tongue. […] He gained proficiency within all the rational and textual sciences. This was to the point that he reached the apex of human understanding, his power of examination was acceded to by both friend and foe, his excellence in the sciences of ijtihād was acknowledged, and [he became] the one to clarify the matters of subtlety within the religion. […] From his works is Nayl al-Awṭār Sharḥ Muntaqā al-Akhbār of Ibn Taymiyyah, in four volumes. The eye of time has not been adorned with its likeness in examination, nor has the entirety of time granted its similitude in attention to the smallest of detail.” [Summarised extracts from his biography in al-Tāj al-Mukallal (443-449)]
The author states, “One of the researching scholars amongst the people of knowledge requested me to compile a treatise for him that would contain affirmation of the truth regarding al-taqlīd, as to whether it is permissible or not, in a manner that no doubt would be left after it nor objection to it would be accepted. Since the questioner is one of the eminent scholars, the response will be in the manner of ilm al-munāẓarah (the science of dialectics).”
A Guide to Male-Female Interaction
Are Muslim men allowed to interact with female students, and vice versa, in a virtual classroom? Can a Muslim woman pursue a professional career that necessitates her interaction with men? Is it appropriate for a woman to serve her husband’s guests? Do mixed wedding ceremonies comply with the Sharia? Read this bilingual book to find the answers and more!
A Hanbali Epitome: A Student’s Guide
The present work focuses on the Muslim community requires for purification, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, and warfare. A lengthy introduction to Islamic law and the Hanbali’ school has been included to prepare the readers. The language employed in the translation has been kept simple, straightforward, and modern to make the work accessible to everyone who speaks English – law student or otherwise. This bilingual edition, with its parallel Arabic text, will allow readers to access the original Arabic and hopefully help with vocabulary building, oracy, and future translation. Muslims for many centuries have turned to Dalil al-Talib for study, and ultimately to be informed of their religious practices. It is hoped the translation, The Student’s Guide, will produce a similar response and convey the spirit and manner of the original owing to its style and simplicity.
A Summary Of Islamic Jurisprudence – 2 Volumes
This book is an introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence for readers without a substantial background in this field. In two volumes, Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan has projected light on jurisprudential issues of utmost importance in a genuine and reader-friendly style, free from any jargon or sophisticated expressions. A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, in this translated version, fulfills a long-standing need on the past of English-speaking Muslims for a brief, introductory book on Islamic jurisprudence. It is a valuable book for novice readers, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, who do not have thorough knowledge of the Islamic jurisprudence. The chapters of this book focus on major issues in Islamic jurisprudence. Volume one covers issues such as Purification, Prayer, Zakah, Fasting, Hajj and Jihad. And Volume two covers Transactions, Inheritance, Marriage, Divorce, Legal Punishments, Food, Judiciary and others.
A Treasury of Ibn Taymiyyah: His Timeless Thought and Wisdom
This collection of wisdoms from the works of Ibn Taymiyyah reflects the range of his penetrative insight and wisdom. It aims to recast his work, which is often mistakenly associated with Islamic fundamentalism, for a new generation of Muslims who are seeking a path through the challenges of the modern age.
With an emphasis upon literary concision each aphorism is pregnant with meaning, which is carefully explored in a commentary.