Prophet Muhammad: The Teacher (Claritas)
This book offers the sacred impetus and methods of teaching and learning derived from the statements and model of the Prophet Muhammad, God’s peace be upon him. It behooves Muslim educators and teachers to study these essential principles and explore how they may be translated into methodologies that apply in today’s world.
Collectively, the precepts and recommendations of the gracious Prophet SAW show how vital he viewed learning and teaching.
Salah Ad-Deen Al Ayubi – 3 Volumes (H/B)
The renowned contemporary Arab historian of Islam, Dr. Ali M. Sallabi has written a fascinating biography of a man who looms larger than life throughout history, yet who remains largely unknown to people outside the Arab world. Dr. Sallabi’s meticulous research has effectively filled that gap in our knowledge. His work is more than just biography, as the reader will see.
Volume One of Salah ad-Deer al-Ayubi sets the stage for the advent of the Ayubids as Dr. Sallabi describes vividly (and with his characteristic candour) the geopolitical scene upon which the first Crusades were acted out and their effects on the Muslim world in the twelfth century CE. The author discusses the events and introduces the many interesting personalities that played important parts in this real-life drama.
Volume Two of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the establishment of the Ayubid state, mentioning the origins of Salah ad-Deen’s family, his birth and childhood; Dr. Sallabi describes the character and ethics of Salah ad-Deen: how he put an end to the Fatimid opposition and reorganised administrative affairs in Egypt; his efforts to revive the Sunnah in Egypt; his jihad against the Crusaders; his use of his literary skills in the service of Islam; and his keenness to unite the Muslim world. Theauthor discusses the events and introduces the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this crucial period in world history.
Volume Three of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the influencing factors and the ramifications of three crucial events in which Salah ad-Deen played the leading role. Dr. Sallabi also describes the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this turbulent period in world history. In the words of Dr. Sallabi, “The beauty of Islam became apparent to westerners from the conduct of Salk ad-Deen in peace and in war, his respect for freedom of opinion and belief, and his adherence to lofty, humane values and the sublime teachings of Islam.”
This three-volume work has been made more useful to the reader in this English edition through the addition of a map, a timeline, a list of the dynasties of the period, and a comprehensive Glossary.
Pages: Vol 1: 467, Vol 2: 360, Vol 3: 304
Shining Stars Among the Prophet’s Companions (Two Volumes)
Allah (swt) said about the Prophet’s Companions: “And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhajirun and the Ansar and also those who followed them exactly (in Faith). Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well pleased with Him.” (9:100)
Strategies of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Muhammad’s (Peace Be Upon Him) life is a rewarding subject for any sophisticated, intelligent and curious mind because of the impact he has had on world history. Not only did he change the world-view of a society, he practically moulded a nation out of a disparate group of warring tribes such that today, after 1400 years, more than 1.6 billion Muslims now live all over the world and try to follow in his foot-steps in their daily routines. Many demographers calculate that Islam will become’s the world’s largest religion by 2050. This amazing growth trajectory owes a great deal to the strategies pursued by him.
Tearful Moments of Rasulullah SAW
The aim of this short work, which grew from a series of lectures delivered by Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim is to acquaint the believers with Muhammad ﷺ as the man he was. He ﷺ was not divine, nor immune to the stress and hardships we all face. He was, however, divinely inspired to lead a mandate of reform and righteousness within the self that begins with submission to the Omnipotent, Al-Mighty Allah, and extends outwardly to the betterment of all.
The Beloved Prophet: An Illustrated Biography in Rhyme
The Beloved Prophet: An Illustrated Biography in Rhyme is a story overflowing with emotion and sentiment, presented in the most compressed literary style.
The Biography of `Uthman Ibn `Affan Dhun-Noorayn (Darussalam)
In this book, Dr. As-Sallabi presents the life of the third caliph of Islam, `Uthman ibn `Affan, and highlights his great achievements, as well the issues and turmoil that he faced due to the hypocrisy movement that plagued the Muslim society. He also addresses the misrepresentations of `Uthmaan, fabricated by his enemies and detractors and perpetuated, inadvertently or otherwise, by writers and historians, as well as the activities of the hypocrites and the effort they put into fabricating these lies and causing division in the Ummah, the effects of which Muslims are still suffering today.
The Biography Of ‘Umar (2 Volumes) – Darussalam
This book describes, among other things, the principles based upon which ‘Umar ibn al-khattab governed the Muslims during his caliphate; among those principles were mutual consultation, justice, equality among people, and honoring of freedoms.
With the turn of every page, the reader will come to appreciate the fact that Umar was exceptional in his faith, distinguished in his knowledge, profoundly wise in his thinking, remarkable in his eloquence, noble in his manners and great in the contributions he made to this nation.