Seerah and Biographies

Seerah and Biographies

(Showing 61 – 72 products of 133 products)


Muhammad As If You Can See Him (H/B)


How many times have you heard the phrase, ‘Would you do that if the prophet was watching?’

This book challenges readers to think closely about this phrase, and describes the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the first page of the book’s first chapter.

In fact, the book is a message of love from a mere human being.. to the best of human beings.

Written by the best-selling author of Don’t be Sad and You can be the Happiest Woman in the World, Muhammad as if you can see Him is promised to have the same effect on readers as did ‘Aid Al-Qarni’s previous writings.

What makes the book so special??

It is written by a skilled and award-winning author.

It describes the Prophet’s physical features as well as his inner traits.

The book leads the reader to understanding Muhammad from his beginning to his end.

The text and words are easy to understand, and the stories allow readers to keep up with their pace.

Muhammad Messenger of Allah SAW Ash-Shifa of Qadi ‘Iyad (H/B)


Muhammad, Messenger of Allah is the first English translation of Qadi Iyad’s definitive text ash-Shifa. For a thousand years this beautiful and majestic book has guided the Muslim community to a straight and balanced path in their beliefs and practices concerning the Messenger, blessings of Allah and peace be upon him, in particular and the risalah (the message) in general.

This book contains: The most comprehensive compilation of Quranic references about the Messenger, with Qadi Iyad’s authoritative commentary on them. A complete catalogue of the Messenger’s qualities and life-pattern received in a direct line of transmission by Qadi Iyad. A unique record of the salafi community of Madinah’s transactions with and behaviour towards the Messenger of Allah. The rights of the Messenger and the honour, obedience and protection due to him and his name from his followers, the Muslim community. Qadi Iyad (476 – 544 AH/1083 – 1149 CE) Abu’l-Qadl Iyad ibn Musa ibn Iyad al-Yahsubi, Qadi of Ceuta during the time of the Murabitun. He travelled to Andalus to study and in Cordoba he learnt from such luminaries as Ibn Rushd, the grandfather of the Qadi and philosopher of the same name. Iyad was already accepted in scholarly circles when he was eighteen and was appointed qadi when he was 35 becoming first the qadi of Ceuta in 515 AH/ 1121 CE and later Granada in Spain in 531 AH/ 1136 CE. He was exemplary in his knowledge of the sciences of hadith from which ocean he drew his astonishing work ash-Shifa. He also wrote the Foundations of Islam on fiqh, and Tartib al-Madarik on the luminaries of the school of Madina. He opposed Ibn Tumart’s claim to be the Mahdi and was exiled to Marrakech where he was murdered.

The Translator: Aisha Bewley Aisha Abdurrahman at Tarjumana Bewley is one of today’s most prolific translators of classical Arabic works into English. For more than thirty-five years she has been concerned with making the contents of many classical Arabic works more accessible to English-speaking readers. She is co-translator of The Noble Qur’an A New Rendering of its Meaning in English. Other works include Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik, The Meaning of Man, Mu’awiya – Restorer of the Muslim Faith, A Glossary of Islamic Terms, Islam: The Empowering of Women and Muslim Women, a Biographical Dictionary.

Muhammad SAW: Life Of The Most Praised One by DCB (Revised Edition)

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History has witnessed several personalities who have contributed immensely to the welfare of mankind. One such personality was Prophet Muhammad who is in fact the best among all of them. What makes his life story so unique from others is the fact that he was not only the ‘most praised’ person during his lifetime (which includes his staunchest enemies) but he remains the most praised and engaging individual even today, centuries after his passing away . For any reader, it will be interesting to explore why he is the most praised person and why his teachings are so ardently followed and revered for centuries by those following his footsteps. This book is a detailed account of the life of the most praised person in the globe, a praise that has been raised for years, is happening today, and will continue until the day of judgment. This beautiful life is presented in a simple and easy language by a highly regarded scholar, Sheikh Imtiaz Ahmad (Translator of The Easy Quran), May Allah reward him.

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Muhammad The Hero as Prophet (P/B)


In this book, the author examins the primary the facts which made Muhammad (saw) the Hero as Prophet. To this day, it stands a very clear, concise, knowledgeable anfd fair account of the last prophet of God.

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Muhammad the Ideal Prophet (P/B)


Man needs a perfect and universal exemplar who could place in his hands a guide-book of practical life, so that every wayfarer may reach his destination safely. And this exemplar did come to the world in the person of the last of the Prophets, Muhammad, on whom be peace and blessing of the Lord.

This book took shape from a series of lectures given by the author in 1925 at Madras, India. In these lectures the author vividly presents the life of the Prophet as an abiding historical model – not an utopian ideal – for all humanity. This book is a must for every student of religion.

Saiyid Sulaiman Nadwi, the author, was the illustrious student of Allama Shibli Nu’mani whose masterpiece, Sirat-Un-Nabi, he edited and presented to the world after his teacher’s death.

Muhammad The Messenger Of Allah And Seal Of All Prophets SAW


Muhammad The Messenger Of Allah And Seal Of All Prophets

The mind may have aspirations that may deviate it from the straight path and thus lead it to error. Nevertheless, the wisdom and mercy of Allah has been placed within his creation. He guides the minds to the realities that the creation cannot seek out and attain alone, and shows it the true meaning of the straight path. Therefore, it will not be deviated by its own aspirations. Consequently,

Allah has sent messengers and aided them with clear proofs, calling to the true path with the most eloquent wisdom the best of reminders.

Muhammad The Messenger of Guidance (H/B)


Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), the Messenger of Guidance: A Concise Introduction to His Life and Islam is an excellent resource for both Muslims and non-Muslims. In Part One, the author succinctly summarises the life of Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him), using authentic reports from his Companions to paint a beautiful portrait of his qualities and characteristics. In addition, he examines and explains the basic pillars of faith and worship in Islam, and then goes on to discuss issues that are relevant to the Muslim nation today.

Part Two brings together a wide selection of sound hadiths, or sayings of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). The author has carefully chosen these to cover a broad variety of topics, thus creating a useful reference that is easy to follow and comprehend.

This book provides the reader with an academic perspective on Islam, which is supported by modern, eloquent translations of the original textual sources: the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Blessings and peace be upon him. It is an excellent resource for both the casual and the academic reader.

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Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time by Karen Armstrong (HarperOne)


British author Karen Armstrong explains “western shallow understanding” of Muslims’ prophet Muhammad and presents a clear and solid account of His biography. She clears up a huge amount of western fallacies about the Prophet presenting credible justifications and rich referencing. ‘We must approach his life in a balanced way, in order to appreciate his considerable achievements’, says in her book’s introduction and boldly states ‘The Prophet Muhammad’ was not a man of violence’

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Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time (Harper Perennial)


Muhammad was born in 570 CE, and over the following sixty years built a thriving spiritual community, laying the foundations of a religion that changed the course of world history.

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