Golden Rays of Prophethood (H/B)
Knowledge of the Prophetic Seerah is incumbent upon every Muslim, whether young or old, male or female. This current book adds to those that have already been published on this great subject. It lays out the Prophetic biography in a clear and concise manner, relying on well-documented and authentic sources. The author paints a narrative of the important events during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, the patience demonstrated by the Prophet and his Companions through difficult times, without losing their faith in their Lord. These events touch the heart of the reader and draws them in.
Golden Stories of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq
Golden Stories of Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA) This book provides detailed and insightful glimpses into the extraordinary life of the first Caliph of the Muslims, Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA) and his massive contribution to all of humanity; As a principled and disciplined young person in Makkah A successful businessman Embracing Islam under the tutelage of the prophet (SAW) and laying the groundwork for Islam’s spread across the globe. In a world currently needing moral and ethical leadership based on the divine revelations of Allah, the life of Abu Bakr offers a blueprint to a successful life to those Muslims and non Muslims who are searching for the truth. He was a truly a man for all ages, encompassing all aspects of complete individual, as an intellectual, Companion of the Prophet and Caliph.
Golden Stories of Muslim Women (H/B)
All aspects of woman’s personality that reflect her intelligence, courage, piety, abstinence and chivalry are mentioned in this book. Their study inculcates a new spirit and motivation for betterment among all women and girls. It would also help men fully understand how women also possess qualities like bravery, intelligence and patience.
Golden Stories of Sayyida Khadijah (H/B)
Sayyida Khadijah (Ra) the first wife of Prophet Mohammed (SAW), The Mother of the Believers. She was a shining example to all Muslim men and women. Even during the pre-Islamic times, she was known as Taahirah – the pure and righteous one.
This book includes authentic accounts highlighting her intelligence, commitment to the deen, sincere belief in Allah swt, and her perseverance during the most difficult circumstances. It transports the reader back in time to the very beginning of Islam, providing deep insights into her life and the lives of her children and grandchildren.
This book is a wonderful, well-researched edition to the body of biographical work encompassing the live of the Prophet (saw), his family, companions and followers.
Great Women Of Islam Who Were Given The Good News Of Paradise (H/B)
This book is about the life stories of the Mothers of the Believers and 16 other Sahabyat who had been given the good news of the paradise in this world by Prophet Muhammad (S). There are good examples in the lifestyle of the Mothers of the believers and women Companions especially for the Muslim women. It is necessary for all of us to study the Seerah of these noble and fortunate women. Besides the Mothers of the believers, the compiler of the book has included the description of those sixteen women who had been given the good News of the Paradise in this world by the Prophet Muhammad (S). Although the original book is in the Urdu language but the efforts of the translator had made it more beneficial for the readers.
Heroes of Islam (Darussalam)
This book presents the glimpses of the lives of some of the greatest heroes and role models of Islam. It covers the four righteous caliphs, 47 male and female companions of the Prophet, 8 followers of the companions, 6 religious scholars, 7 reformers, and 7 scientists.
How He Treated Them? (H/B)
Prophet Muhammad is beyond all doubt one of the most influential figures in world history, who brought the message of Islam, a religion with over one billion followers across the globe. The Prophet was a supremely successful man, but he was not just a great hero and leader. He preached a religion, founded a State, built a nation, laid down a moral code, initiated numerous social and political reforms, established a powerful and dynamic society to practice and represent his teachings and completely revolutionized the worlds of human thought and behavior for all times to come.
Image of the Prophet Muhammad in the West: A Study of Muir, Margoliouth and Watt
This is an outline of the main contours of Wstern scholarshop on the life and achievements of the Prophet Muhammad. It aim to highlight a perceived lack of objectivity and to focus on the need to study Islam from a scholarly and objective angle.
Imam Bukhari – Imam Al-Muhadditheen (IIPH)
This book, authored by Luqman Nagy, introduces the reader to the life and times of Muhammad ibn Ismâ‘eel, the greatest of all Hadith scholars. In later life, he became known as Imam Bukhari. This Muslim spent his entire life in the service of his Lord and the Muslim community. His gift to the Ummah (nation) was the collection of hadiths in Saheeh al-Bukhâri, which Muslims cherish and read with confidence today. The story behind this remarkable achievement is certainly one worth telling and worth knowing.
In the Company of the Imams by Islam Today
This book explores the lives of the four imams who were the founders of the canonical schools of Islamic Law. It explores the areas of convergence and disagreement between these great scholars to reveal the unity of their basic principles as well as the multiplicity of their opinion and judgments. In doing so, it demonstrates Islam’s inherent flexibility, which takes into account the different historical, social and geographical circumstances in which people find themselves. This allows the teachings of Islam to remain vital for every place and time.