Seerah and Biographies

Seerah and Biographies

(Showing 121 – 132 products of 134 products)


The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (H/B)


Within this book, The Wives of Prophet Muhammad, is a wealth of captivating information about the distinguished wives of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them). Their lives are represented through vivid stories encompassing their lineage, history, and marriages to the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). From their hardships to their triumphs, their lives were filled with honesty, sincerity, and devotion to Allah. Their lives exemplify an ideal for which Muslims may strive. Each wife is honoured as an individual, with her life and her love of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) directing her story. The author has compiled the statements of several scholars on this topic and added to this her own impassioned arguments, with which she dispels criticism by orientalists of the Prophet’s practice of polygyny. From a historical perspective, his life, along with those of his wives, authenticates his mission. His practice of polygyny, when investigated, reveals a deep wisdom behind his marriages that supported his efforts of teaching and spreading Islam. This edition is new and completely revised. It has been reorganized to make it easy to read while drawing out the most inspiring aspects of the lives of the honourable wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

Those Who Followed by IIPH


Those Who Followed is a collection of interesting and inspiring short biographies of the selected torchbearers of Islam from the generations that followed the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him). Lessons from how they dealt with civil strife and their appraisal of the life in this world and the hereafter hold a lot of relevance today. This book is a must-have for every family library. It can be used by parents and teachers effectively to introduce role models like Imam Bukhari, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abdullâh ibn al-Mubârak, Imam Abu Haneefah, and many others to preteens and teenagers.


Umar ibn Abdul-Azeez The Just Caliph (IIPH)


This book, written by Luqman Nagy, highlights the life and times of ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Azeez, a truly exceptional Muslim ruler who, during his twenty-nine months in office, governed the Ummah totally in accordance with the Qur’an and the Sunnah. His sincere devotion to the religion of Islam enabled ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Azeez to bring prosperity and contentment not only to the Ummah but to all those residing within the Umayyad state.

Umar ibn al-Khattâb: His Life and Times (2 Vols.) -IIPH

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The second caliph of Islam, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb faced more struggles than any other Muslim leader in the early onset of Islam. His life began in a time of ignorance and ended during the Golden Age of Islam. Under his leadership, the Muslim world was witnessing some of its most notable conquests in the history of Islam. The strength and resilience of Islam’s leaders were being tested, and ‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb’s true commitment to Allah shone to reveal an Islamic spirit unlike that found in any other Muslim leader. The standards by which he lived can teach us a lot about determination, hardship, and success. The two books which compose ‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb: His Life and Times are sold together as a set. They belong in Part II of the Islamic History Series, as the second set of The Rightly Guided Caliphs. The Table of Contents for Volume 1 of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb: His Life and Times may be viewed via the ‘View Table of Contents’ link located above. This book was translated into English by Nasiruddin al-Khattab. From the Translator: For those who would be leaders, this book offers the model of an ideal Muslim leader, one who felt responsible before Allah for the well being of all those under his rule, including his troops, women, infants, non-Muslim subjects and even animals. ‘Umar was a ‘hands on’ leader who kept himself informed and consulted scholars and experts before every major decision. For the rest of us, this book offers a window into an exciting and important period of Islamic history, and it also reminds of an important lesson, that our strength comes not from wealth or money or status, but from our submission to Allah and our commitment to the path of Islam.

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Uthman Ibn Affan His Life and Times (IIPH)


By Dr. Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi

In today’s crisis-ridden world, amidst the numerous internal and external forces striking at the roots of Islam, Muslims are truly hard pressed to find strong and competent leaders. This has not always been the case, though. Examples of first-rate leaders are plentiful in Islamic history.

The life and times of Uthmân ibn Affân, as detailed in this book by Dr. Ali M. Sallâbi, truly illustrate the characteristics of exemplary leaders along with the commendable qualities of those under them. This account of how Uthmân ibn Affân, the third Rightly-Guided Caliph, expanded the Islamic state, compiled the Qur’an into a single edition, and, finally, dealt with the turmoil that engulfed the Ummah, makes for a very enlightening read. The author has also given us insight into the life of Dhun-Noorayn (Uthmân, the ‘Possessor of the Two Lights’) before he became the caliph. Readers discover his attachment to the Prophet (sa), his relationship with the Qur’an and his generous financial contributions towards the founding of the Islamic state. All in all, this book will prove to be a valuable resource on Islamic history.

When The Moon Split – New Edition (HB Full Color)


New Revised Edition with full color pictures and Lessons & Morals at end of each section. The biography of the Prophet is a very noble and exalted subject by which Muslims learn about the rise of Islam, and how the Prophet Muhammad (S) was chosen by Allah to receive the divine revelation. You also learn about the hardships the Prophet and his Companions faced, and how they eventually succeeded with Allah’s help. So, it is necessary to study the Prophet’s life and follow it in all manners. We hope this study will help you to get the better understanding of the religion. In this sense, this is one of the best books which are meant to be read and read again.

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When The Moon Split (H/B)


When the Moon Split

A Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The biography of the Prophet is a very noble and exalted subject by which Muhammad the rise of Islam, and how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was chosen by Allah to receive the divine revelation. You also learn about the hardships the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions faced, and how they eventually succeeded with Allah’s help. This book adds to where Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum left off. Its clear, yet precise narration of the life of the Prophet makes it a great compliment to Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum. Over 6 months of editing, a master piece on the life of the Prophet, this book explains the life of the Prophet in the light of Authentic Ahadith and the Qur’an.

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