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(Showing 25 – 36 products of 47 products)


Makers of the Muslim World: Al Ma’mun The Revival of Islam


This accessible biography treats al-Ma’mum (786-833) as the product of his age, which was a formative period in the development of Islamic law and theology. It presents him in his many facets: rebel, rationalist, scientist, poet, politician, warrior, inquisitor, and self-proclaimed defender of the faith. Drawing on contemporary sources, some friendly and others hostile, it offers a comprehensive portrait of a fascinating figure in Islamic history.

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Makers of the Muslim World: Ibn Taymiyya


Ibn Taymiyya (1263–1328) of Damascus was one of the most prominent and controversial religious scholars of medieval Islam. He called for jihad against the Mongol invaders of Syria, appealed to the foundational sources of Islam for reform, and battled against religious innovation. Today, he inspires such diverse movements as Global Salafism, Islamic revivalism and modernism, and violent jihadism. This volume synthesizes the latest research, discusses many little-known aspects of Ibn Taymiyya’s thought, and highlights the religious utilitarianism that pervades his activism, ethics, and theology.

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Mind, Brain, & Free Will (P/B)


Mind, Brain, and Free Will presents a powerful new case for substance dualism (the idea that humans consist of two parts–body and soul) and for libertarian free will (that humans have some freedom to choose between alternatives, independently of the causes which influence them). Richard

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Muhammad: Prophet for Our Time (Harper Perennial)


Muhammad was born in 570 CE, and over the following sixty years built a thriving spiritual community, laying the foundations of a religion that changed the course of world history.

Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid The Clash of Empires


“In the midst of the dramatic seventh-century war between two empires, Muhammad was a spiritual seeker in search of community and sanctuary.”

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Nuh (Noah) And The Great Flood: The Advent of The Second Human Civilization


This book is a continuation of a new academic project that relates to the detailed study of Ulu al – Azm ( Messengers of Firm Resolve ) and the stories of the prophets and messengers in the Qur’an. The book is part of the Messengers of Firm Resolve Compilation which I dream of completing. I hope from Allah that it is sincerely for His sake and beneficial for people. Mankind is in real need of knowing the lives of the prophets and messengers, an explanation of their biographies, their character, and the foundations of their message. It is in need of learning these things through the Book of Allah ( the Qur’an ) – that cannot be proven false from any angle, the authentic traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the statements of the great scholars, in a contemporary style that suits the phase that humanity is currently facing. A phase in which humanity is searching for convincing answers to major questions about God, the universe, life, Paradise and Hellfire, divine decree, prophets and their messages, ancient human civilizations, when they appeared and what they eventually became, the foundations of noble character, and spiritual morals. Questions about managing the struggle between truth and falsehood; guidance and misguidance; good and evil; and faith and disbelief.

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Rising Soul: A Guide To Personal Development


“The beauty of this volume lies in its simple presentation of self-development as a clear process with precise, achievable goals. Young believers and Islamic workers seeking to improve themselves will find this book an invaluable companion.”

Road Blocks (P/B)


“Whether you call yourself an activist, an Islamic worker, a community volunteer, or a caller to God, working for Islam is one of the most worthy occupations in this life. It is also a challenging path, with many roadblocks lying in wait…”

The Eighth Scroll


Stirring the flames of age-old controversies, The Eighth Scroll by Laurence B. Brown draws on the three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to create an unbelievably dynamic and powerful story. 

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