Forty Hadiths On Good Moral Values
The statements and actions of our Prophet Muhammad (s) contain much that we need: rules and advice, reminders, examples, warnings and encouragement. The collection of hadiths in Forty Hadiths on Good Moral
Values by Yahya Ondigo contains some of the Prophet?s statements on positive ethics and attributes that all people-Muslims and non-Muslims-should strive to adopt in the way we deal with others; we need to work to incorporate these morals and principles into our daily habits.
Forty Hadiths On Leadership and Governance With Short Commentaries
Forty Hadiths on Leadership and Governance brings forth the stark realities of the leadership crisis in the present era in the light of authentic hadiths. This invaluable piece of work teaches the readers – in the light of authentic hadiths – what a true Muslim leader is like. It can also be every leader’s guidebook illumining the path through examples from the lives of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and teaching how Muslims can regain their past glory by holding on to the rope of Allah and Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him).
Forty Hadiths On Poisonous Social Habits With Short Commentaries
In this unique collection of Forty Hadiths on Poisonous Social Habits, Yahya Ondigo emulates the tradition of Imam an-Nawawi and other great scholars. He has compiled hadiths (records of the guidance) of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and briefly commented on each.
This well-researched and thoroughly documented book offers both Muslim and non-Muslim readers a clear understanding of how the divinely-inspired words and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) apply to our contemporary societies. Such social ills as lying, greed, corruption, smoking, gambling and others have been discussed along with their social implications.
After elaborating each issue, the author has offered wise and insightful advice to get rid of that particular social habit. In this beautifully-worded piece, his deep faith in Islam shines through along with his love and concern for humanity.
This compilation is meant to awaken our realization of the causes and effects of these poisonous habits so that perhaps we may be reminded, take admonition, and try to change our situations. As is the rule, Allah will not change the condition of a people either from bad to good, or vice versa, until the people change what is in them selves.
Hadith Course
Hadith Course is essential reading for all English speaking students of Hadith, presenting fifty hadiths in Arabic and English in an easy-to-understand manner. Vocabulary and an explanation of each hadith are given, along with the lessons learned from it. All of the hadiths have been carefully chosen for authenticity and cover a wide range of topics, including belief, jurisprudence, social matters, business and much more. This book is an invaluable handbook for schools and self-learners.
Hadith Nomenclature Primers
This volume presents two primers on the discipline of hadith nomenclature (mustalah al-hadith) and the authentication of transmitted reports. They are Nukhbat al-fikar (“Chosen Thoughts on the Nomenclature of Hadith Experts”) by Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani (773-835AH); and Al-Tadhkirah (“The Memorandum”) by Ibn al-Mulaqqin (723-804AH). These primers were written to facilitate speedy mastery of the discipline’s core material. Although the primers focus on definitions, they also include methods for addressing problems specific to the topic. Students would often commit a primer to memory while studying it with a living master who would explain its content in detail and demonstrate its application. It is through this interaction between students and instructors that Islamic education transmits both knowledge and skills across generations. In translation, these primers are ideal for English-speaking instructors looking for a primary text covering the subject’s core concepts. The translations will also benefit students looking to review their lessons or to prepare themselves for more advanced studies.
Hadith Terminology and Classification (H/B)
Islam is a complete way of life that enlightens through the Qur’an and the Sunnah, the true path of guidance and success in this world and the hereafter. However, one must accurately comprehend what has been ordained through the Sunnah and identify the authentic hadiths of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). To do that, it is imperative to understand the rules that govern the classification and definitions of hadith methodology and criticism.
Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World (2nd Edition)
Contrary to popular opinion, the bulk of Islamic law does not come from the Quran but from hadith, first-hand reports of the Prophet Muhammad’s words and deeds, passed from generation to generation. However, with varying accounts often only committed to paper a century after the death of Muhammad, Islamic scholars, past and present, have been faced with complex questions of historical authenticity. In this wide-ranging introduction, Jonathan A. C. Brown explores the collection and criticism of hadith, and the controversy surrounding its role in modern Islam. This edition, revised and updated with additional case studies and attention to the very latest scholarship, also features a new chapter on how hadiths have been used politically, both historically and in the Arab Spring and its aftermath. Informative and accessible, it is perfectly suited to students, scholars and general readers interested in this critical element of Islam.
Meadows of the Righteous For the Muslim Child (7 Books Set)
A fully coloured illustrative educational book for children
- This is a set of 7 books beginning with kindergarten/nursery (KG) level and extending to Year 6
- Each book contains 50 Prophetic hadith, illustrated with fully coloured pictures, which helps the educator to deliver the message adequately to the child.
- Text is in Arabic and English, with a contents page
- Collated and prepared by Dr Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Al-Ani
- Illustrated and Design by Huda Saadelddin Aljebawi
- Translated by Dr Omer El-Hamdoon
- Published by Kingston Oak Tree Institute
Reviving 354 Prophetic Sunnahs: A Practical Guide by Dr. Ragheb Elsergany
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) predicted that a time would come when people would deliberately leave the Sunnah, and rely only on the Noble Quran. Both this authentic hadith and many verses of the Quran make it clear that to do so is delusional and misguided.