Noble Hadith and Hadith Sciences

Noble Hadith and Hadith Sciences

(Showing 37 – 48 products of 82 products)


Collection from Riyadhus Saliheen (Tall Edition)


Imam Nawawi the great Hadith and Fiqh scholar compiled Riyad-us-Saliheen which acclaimed an important position in the Hadith Collections.

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Collection From Riyadus Saliheen (Full Colour)


Collection from Riyadus-Saliheen by Al Imam An-Nawawi This book is an authentic research material in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah,and free from every type of vague conception,weak authority and false. This book is the best presentation of Riyadus-Saliheen ever produced in any language anywhere. Keeping in the view the problems or our times, this book is a concise volume that Sheikh Safiur-Rahman Mubarakpuri has made the selection of Ahadith.

Daily Wisdom: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (H/B)


This beautiful presentation of the Prophet Muhammad’s (s) teachings engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection. With 365 traditions covering the whole year, this is a must for every home. Apart from setting out the Islamic worldview, as reflected in the Prophet’s sayings, it is hoped that this work will serve as a useful volume for reflection, for soul-searching and for self -development as a single hadith appears on each of its pages, it has been designed to engage readers in a few moments of daily self-reflection throughout the year.

Abdur Raheem Kidwai is Professor of English at the Aligarh Muslim University in India and the well-known author of many works on the Qur’an and Islam.

Disciples of Hadith : The Noble Guardians

Abi Hatim al-Razi said: “No nation has existed since the creation of Adam, wherein its trustworthy ones memorise the narrations of the Messengers like this nation.” Knowledge of Hadith is carried by the most worthy of people of every successive generation. They reprimand the radical elements for their attempted corruptions, the falsifiers for their distortions and the ignorant for their esoteric interpretations. They purify the Sunnah and refocus people’s priorities back to the Prophetic narrations.
Countless books have been authored on the subject of Hadīth sciences, the special status its scholars occupy and the nobility of those who adhere to the Sunnah and the scholarly reports regarding it. This book is among the finest in this field in the way it’s arranged and the ease with which one can grasp the content. Al-Khatīb recounts Prophetic narrations, statements of the Muhaddithīn and scholars of renown, by way of his own chain of transmissions (isnād); and this is an especially unique feature of this book.
Ibn Hajar accurately noted, “Every objective person knows that scholars of Hadīth who come after Al-Khatīb are indebted to his works.” It isn’t difficult to see why that is the case as Al-Khatib was from the last generation of titans that shone above others. He authored a number of pioneering works in Hadith literature.
It is a privilege for Daar as-Sunnah to be publishing its first edition of ‘Sharaf Ashābu’l Hadīth’ of Imām Al-Khatīb al-Baghdādi for the English speaker. A welcome introduction allowing a person acquaint themselves with the most delicate of Islamic sciences.

English Translation Of Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal (6 Vols set)


One of the greatest compilations of the sunnah and books of hadith is the Musnad by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, which is organized into compilations of the hadiths narrated by each Companion (Sahabi), starting with the ‘asharah mubashsharah (“the ten who were promised Paradise”). This highlights their status and the efforts they made to preserve the ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (S). The scholars and muhadditheen praised the Musnad of Imam Ahmad. Al-Hafiz Abu Moosa al-Madeeni wrote a book in which he highlighted the great features of the Musnad. In his book he said: “This book is an important source and trustworthy reference for the scholars of hadeeth, as he (Imam Ahmad) selected from the large number of hadith he came across and the plentiful reports he heard, and he put a great deal of effort into making it a prominent, leading and reliable source. When disputing an issue, it is a refuge and a source of help.

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Explanation of Riyadus Saliheen (6 volumes)


Explanation of Riyadus Saliheen by Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen 6 Volume Set (Darussalam)
This new multi-volume Sharh Riyadus-Saliheen English translation contains the detailed explanation of every hadith by the Eminent Sheikh, Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen. Each hadith text is in Arabic, followed by the English translation and the commentary.
This explanation is easy to follow and contains many points of benefit. Sheikh Al-Uthaymeen is well known in the Arab world as a teacher for the everyday Muslim. He is an expert at taking something complex and detailed and teaching it to the people in an easy to digest manner.
Riyadus-Salihin is compiled by Imam Nawawi who was a great scholar of Hadith and Fiqh of his time. This book has acclaimed an important position in the Hadith Collections. It is an extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith.

Explanation of the Chapter: Moderation In Acts Of Obedience

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Moderation is that one maintains a middle course between extremism and negligence, because it is required from the person in all his circumstances to take a middle course between extremism and neglect. Allaah, the Most High, says, “And those, who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but hold a medium (way) between those (extremes).” In this manner, the person should or rather must act moderately in acts of obedience. So you should not burden yourself with what you cannot bear because when the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) heard about the three individuals, one of whom said, “Indeed, I will not wed women,” and the second said, “I will observe fasting and never break it,” and the third said, “I will stand up in prayer at night and will not sleep”; he (alayhi salātu wa salaam) delivered a speech in which he said, “What is the matter with those who say such and such, indeed I pray at night and sleep, I observe fasting and break it, and I wed women? For whoever turns away from my Sunnah is not from me.”

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Fifty of the Counsels of the Prophet to the Women


Islam is very kind to women. The Prophet was very careful to respect their rights. Women \, in his times, possessed the religious knowledge, narrated ahadith. Nursed the sick and wounded on the battlefield and acquired knowledge. The home is the first madrasah of a child. This book shows women the path of Islam as shown by the prophet. The ahadith are explained on the pattern of great scholars like Ibn Hajar, Nawawi, Khattabi, Mubarakpuri, and others. A careful perusal will help the reader to understand the real message of Islam and to pattern her own life and her children’s on the right path.

Forty Hadith Concerning the Major Sins


Know that many of these major sins – the majority of them except a few – most people are unaware about their forbiddance, and the threat and warning [associated with them] has not reached them…

It is upon the scholar to not be rash when dealing with a person who is ignorant [of these matters].

Rather, he should be gentle with him and teach him with the knowledge that Alkali has taught him, especially if the individual recently [embraced Islam and] left his period of ignorance, and he was raised in the distant lands of disbelief.”

Forty Hadith on Islam (P/B)


This work covers, the Islamic creed, Pillars of Islam, Lawful & Unlawful, Piety and Righteousness, with commentary of Imam al-Ajurri. Anumber of scholars throughout Muslim history have penned their respective compilation of Forty Hadith books. Imam al-Ajurri’s kitab ularba` in Hadithan is among the earliest. It is a highly regarded text for Muslims to study and memorise, for it addresses fundamental aspects of religion, with particular focus on Creed, Pillars of Islam, the Halal and Haram as well as Piety and righteousness.

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