Motivational & Manners

Motivational & Manners

(Showing 277 – 288 products of 298 products)


The Quest For Love & Mercy (P/B)


This is one of a 3-book series covering various aspects of marriage according to the authentic Sunnah. Marriage plays a most central role in the human life, and has been largely discussed by the scholars of Islaam through the ages, resulting in numerous writings and treatises. Some of those writings, mostly by contemporary scholars, have been translated into English. However, we find them restricted in scope, addressing Muslims who live in predominantly Islaamic countries, or overlooking important real issues that have developed under modern civilization. This leaves quite a large gap that needs to be filled for the benefit of the Muslims in English-speaking countries, and this is what we attempt to fulfill over the span of three books.”

The book covers the importance and advantages of marriage, selecting a spouse, the courting process, the marriage contract, celebrating the wedding, the waleemah, forbidden marriages, etc. It provides a practical procedure for performing a marriage contract, and includes a sample marriage certificate.

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The Refinement Of Character


Allah, the Most High said:
“And indeed, you are of a great moral character.” [Qur’an (68): 5]

The Spiritual Strength In Our Scars

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We often pretend to be happy and put on a brave face for the world despite carrying the pain of enduring a personal struggle or adversity.

When we are alone, that is when we fall into despair — for failing to overcome the struggles that we carry silently in our hearts.

Are we considered strong if we do not fall when life pushes us to the ground? Do our faith and belief tell us that we cannot let our misery affect us because as the saying goes, “we must bear patience”?

In this book, author Liyana Musfirah takes readers on a reflective journey of discovering the strength that emerges from each of our painful and scarring episodes.

This is the book that celebrates what God has given women — the resilience to withstand emotional, spiritual, or even physical hardships.

The True Secret


As Human Beings, We all desire happiness, success, health, and peace of mind.

The True Secret offers practical step-by-step program that you could use to evaluate your situation and begin to make changes in beliefs and actions, working towards success in this life and the next. The examples, tools, and explanations are in accordance with authentic Islamic teachings and yet, still, not surprisingly, in accordance with the latest scientific researches and recommendations.

We know that every thing happens with God’s will, and this gives us security and peace of mind, but still we know that we are accountable for our actions:

“Verily, God will never change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves” (Qur’an, 13: 11)

Therapy from the Qur’an and Ahadith (H/B)


The re-emergence of Islamically – centred therapy has increased over the past few decades. This has been motivated by the need for a therapeutic approach to treating mental illness that is ideologically acceptable within the boundaries of Shari’ah. This has become a concern not only for Muslim therapists and their patients but in fact for all Muslims, as part of their adherence to Islam and towards improving their Iman. Muslim psychologists around the world are working hard at developing faith -based models of therapy that are acceptable to their peers and Muslim scholars alike. This book is precisely that; An easy-to-use collection of Qur’anic ayaat and authentic ahadith and their interpretations, that allow bi idh nillah individuals to challenge distressing psychological thoughts and behaviors. Written by an experienced clinical psychologist, the text may be used as a therapeutic aid or reference for clinicians or simply as a general guide to character development. The use of analogy means that the book is relevant to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike with the aim of using guidance from Islam to alleviate difficulties and to improve our understanding of human distress. Only the Creator best knows the creation.

To God Through Money by Mohamed Geraldez (Claritas)


This true story begins with a young woman giving birth to a boy, alone in a Californian hospital. His childhood pursuit of candy, music, money and figuring out whether he’s part of the Hispanic, Black, White or Asian crowd, makes him soul search before he embarks on a spiritual journey. Trading his surroundings of beaches, booze, drugs, guns, murder and gangs — for several years in the Saharan Desert and the Middle East, he lives the life of a nomad and student of ancient knowledge. The twist in the tale is that an entrepreneur returns — focused on independence and living according to a philosophy which he calls ‘Happy Money.’

Traversing the Highs and Lows of Muslim Marriage (H/B)


Are you engaged to be married with preconceived notions about this blessed union? Or are you a newly-wed couple for whom the practical reality of marriage is gradually unfolding? Or is your marriage of many years on the rocks due to myriad factors that affect your relationship? Is the behavior of your in-laws or your spouse thwarting your efforts to maintain happiness in marriage? Is your privacy in this relationship being compromised? Traversing the Highs and Lows of Muslim Marriage provides a comprehensive guide to overcome all the tribulations that serve as the stumbling blocks on the road to a happy, loving, supportive and deeply satisfying marital relationship. It provides clear guidelines on how to build a strong and long-lasting marital bond by dealing constructively with any problems along the way. It highlights how Islam emphasizes the need for a harmonious, steadfast and highly loving relationship between a husband and wife and how Islam safeguards their privacy. Transcending the cultural bounds that hinder the smooth transition of couples into married life and abolishing stereotypes, the book offers up-to-date, wide-ranging marital advice based on an impressive amount of carefully compiled and well-presented information based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. It will prove to be your key towards making marriage a joyful and wonderful experience all the way!

Treasure From the Treasures of Paradise (P/B)


Allah, The Most High, Said, “The men who remember Allah often and the women who do so – for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.” [Al-Ahzab, 35]. He also Said, “O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance, And exalt Him morning and afternoon…” [Al-Ahzab, 41] Al-Bukhari recorded a report from AbuMusa al-Ash’ari (may Allah be pleased with him) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, “The example of a person who makes dhikr of his Lord and a person who does not, is like that of a living and a dead person.”

Making dhikr (remembrance of Allah) has a lofty place in the Din of Islam and is inherently inscribed in the souls of the believers; for it is from the greatest acts of worship and provides enumerable fruits and benefits in this life and the next.

Dhikr is distinguished with many virtues through its perfect meanings, beautiful phrasings and comprehensiveness that contains depth of meaning and incorporating all types of goodness. Its wordings are concise while reflecting great reward, is easy to remember and pronounce possessing tangible effects on the body and soul.

From such great adhkar the Prophet used to consistently make and encourage others regarding it, is the Hawqala, or the saying of ‘La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa Billah’. This remembrance has merits and virtues none but Allah fully encompasses – the meanings and implications of which, lead to certainty and solace through strengthening ones’ faith and connection with Allah. This special dhikr is of such importance that the author (may Allah preserve him) saw the need to single it out in this short treatise, entitling it, “The Hawqala: Its meanings, virtues, and creedal implications”. It is hoped Muslims will focus their efforts in meaningfully utilising this phrase and making it a regular feature of their every day lives, along with other types of remembrances of Allah.

Turning the Tide: Reawakening the Woman’s Heart and Soul


A book on the journey and different stages of a woman’s life, from the inception of the soul to the end of life on Earth. With contemporary thoughts, words of wisdom, guidance and inspiration.

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