Motivational & Manners

Motivational & Manners

(Showing 253 – 264 products of 298 products)


The Excellence of Knowledge (Dar as-Sunnah Publishers)


The way and wisdom of the Salaf, all goodness lies in traversing the way of the Salaf, beneficial Knowledge with regards the ‘Inner Sciences’, the foundation of knowledge and many other branches of the beneficial knowledge.

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The Farewell Advice of The Prophet


In recent times, many sincere Muslims have looked to ascertain the situation of our Nation, and what they saw were the effects of the Devil (Shaytan), the blackness of wicked deeds, and the blood of many wounds. They saw discord, disagreement, disunity, confusion, and anxiety. They perceived the evil results of not ruling according to Allah’s Book – in the home, the streets, or the marketplace. They saw these results in schools, universities, books, newspapers, and the media; in fact, they even witnessed them in the best of places, mosques, where innovations now flourish. And they have also seen the effects of that evil among the ranks of callers to Islam and students of knowledge.

Those who hasten to do good deeds are in competition to find a cure for our Nation and its woes. The medicines, rather the panaceas, that are proffered are many, yet the situation remains as it is – except in certain quarters, where scattered efforts are made, but not enough to effect an overall change.

If we truly want a universal cure to our woes, we must study the advice and farewell guidance given by the Prophet (pbuh) to his Companions and to his Nation…

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The Fragile Vessels (P/B)

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This is one of a 3-book series covering various aspects of marriage according to the authentic Sunnah. Marriage plays a most central role in the human life, and has been largely discussed by the scholars of Islaam through the ages, resulting in numerous writings and treatises. Some of those writings, mostly by contemporary scholars, have been translated into English. However, we find them restricted in scope, addressing Muslims who live in predominantly Islaamic countries, or overlooking important real issues that have developed under modern civilization. This leaves quite a large gap that needs to be filled for the benefit of the Muslims in English-speaking countries, and this is what we attempt to fulfill over the span of three books.”

Covers the obligations of the two spouses, the wife’s rights, and the husband’s rights. Contains biographies of the Mothers of the Believers, paints a very realistic picture from the life of the Prophet (pbuh) with his wives, and presents a complete discussion of the hadeeth of Ummar Zar’.

The Greatest Invocation for Forgiveness (Dar-as-Sunnah)


Allah the Most High, Said, “Every soul will taste death…” [ Al-Anbiya (21): 35] The inevitable reality of death is greater than life itself, for life is something uncertain – one may plan for the future, yet know not whether he will live long enough in order to achieve his hopes and ambitions – for the arrival of the Angel of Death may precede those very hopes. The prudent one understands this great reality and prepares for its eventuality.

Untold number of humanity has passed through the stages of death, and current generations will be replaced by future generations. “The best of believers are those with best manners. And the smartest are those who remember death often, and the astute are those who readily prepare it. Those are the smartest.” [Silsilat as-Sahihah, 1384] Some of the scholars used to say, “Those who often remember death, Allah honours them with three: Their repentance is expedited; Their heart is given satisfaction and; Their worship is energised. And those who forget remembering death are afflicted with three: Their repentance is postponed; Their contentment is stripped and; Their worship is neglected. Therefore one of the finest aids in remembering and preparing for death is seeking forgiveness for one’s sins and shortcomings. Allah The Most High Said, “Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of the Mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'” [Al-Zumar (39): 53] In the noble Prophetic guidance, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said the leading du’a (invocation) by which forgiveness should be sought is called ‘Sayyid Al-Istighfār’.

It is composed of special words with profound meanings, which the Prophet keenly taught his ‘Ummah. He (saw) said, ‘Whoever reads it during the day with firm faith in it and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise. And whoever reads it at night with firm faith in it and dies before the morning, he will be from the people of Paradise.” [Al-Bukhari, 6306] Before you dear reader is a small contemporary work explaining the immense benefits of ‘Sayyid Al-Istighfar’. It should be memorised by every Muslim and its meanings understood and internalised for heightened impact and gain.

The author (may Allah bless him) breaks down the du’a, elucidating its beautiful composition correctly, and explaining the meaning of repentance, its importance and Allah’s Love for those who turn to Him in true repentance. Beseeching Allah for forgiveness is amongst the greatest means in getting close to Him and attaining His Pleasure in this world and the Hereafter.

The Heavenly Dispute (Dar Us Sunnah)


The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said of this hadith, “Indeed, it is the truth, so study and learn it.”

The Ideal Muslim


Who is the ideal Muslim Man? What Islamic traits does such a being possess? Is it even humanly possible to become an ideal Muslim today? In this authentic Islamic book, Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi guides the readers to practically adopt an Islamic personality and lifestyle, and interact accordingly with others in the society. This Islamic self-help book is a must-read for self-development and self-improvement. It is also a rich source of material and ideas for study circles and discussion groups.

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The Ideal Muslimah (IIPH)

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The Ideal Muslimah is proud of the great position that Islam has given her among humanity. She performs her duties knowing that her role is clearly defined and that her rights are still, even today, greater than what any other ideology has provided. She is a woman of moral excellence, true to her nature, not confused by alien and morally bankrupt ideas. She preserves her self-respect and dignity through her piety in obedience to Allah (swta) and his Messenger (pbuh). She is the role model that every true believer hopes to emulate.

The Intelligent Heart, the Pure Heart: An Insight into the Heart Based on the Qur’an, Sunnah and Modern Science

The Qur’an and Hadith refer to the heart as an organ of understanding, thinking and feeling. This book begins by examining the ‘intelligence’ of the heart according to the Qur’an and hadith and shows how science is only now beginning to discover what has been known to Muslims for over 1400 years. Recognising that the key to Eternal life is a Pure Heart, the second part of the book examines the main diseases of the heart and their cures according to Islam.

The Islamic Awakening (H/B)


The Muslim Nation today is experiencing a blessed awakening in all aspects of its affairs, one that has been aroused by the efforts of Muslims throughout the globe. This is despite the onslaught of the disbelievers against Islam whether that be military or through their powerful media apparatus. In these often difficult times, we find many Muslims returning to their Din and embracing it with vigour and enthusiasm. However the astute observer will find that there are many problems that hinder its progress, problems that have caused some of the scholars to lay down some guidelines that the youth of this blessed awakening should adhere to and follow. It should also be noted that if the Islamic guidelines are not strictly adhered to, and the youth are left to be driven by their emotions alone, then surely this awakening will result in destroying more than it will build!

The Journey to Allah (P/B)

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Bukhari records on the authority of abu Hurayrah (raiyAllahu ?anhu) that the Prophet said, ?Your actions alone will not save any of you.? They asked, ?Messenger of Allah, not even you?? He replied, ?not even me, unless Allah were to envelop me in His mercy.

Be firm; steadfast and balanced; and journey [to Allah] in the beginning of the day, the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of the night. Moderation, moderation! Through this you will attain your goal!?

He also recorded this hadith in another place with the wording, ?This religion is easy, none makes it hard upon himself except that it overwhelms him; therefore be firm, steadfast, and balanced; upon which have glad tidings! Seek help in this by journeying [to Allah] at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of the night.?

He also records on the authority of ?A?ishah (raiyAllahu ?anhu) that the Prophet said, ?be firm, steadfast, and balanced upon which have glad tidings for indeed actions alone will not cause one to enter Paradise.? They asked, ?Messenger of allah, not even you?? He replied, ?not even me, unless Allah were to envelop me in His forgiveness and mercy.?

He also records on her authority that the Prophet said, ?be firm, steadfast, and balanced: know that your actions alone will not be a cause for your entry into Paradise and that the most beloved actions to allah are those that are done continuously and persistently, even if they be few.?

These noble ahadith detail a great and important principle from which stem many issues related to the journey to Allah while wayfaring along His Path.

Some of the Salaf said, ?The Hereafter consists either of allah?s forgiveness or the Fire; and this world is either a source of allah?s protection or a source of destruction.? On his deathbed, Muhammad ibn Wasi bid farewell to his companions saying, ?Peace be upon you, either to the Fire or to the forgiveness of allah.?

The Key To Paradise (P/B)


It was said to al-Hasan, ‘People say that whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped,’ shall enter Paradise.’ He said, ‘Whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped save Allah,’ and fulfils its obligations and meets its requirements, shall enter Paradise.’

Wahb ibn Munabbih was asked, ‘Is not the testification that ‘none has the right to be worshipped save Allah’ the key to Paradise?’ He replied, ‘Of course, but every key has its teeth; if you bring a key that has teeth, the door shall open; but if not, it will not.’

The Key to Paradise is the testification of Tawhid. This book highlights the importance of correct belief, a true love for Allah and the state of the heart.

Chapters Include:

The Manner of Entering Paradise

The Meaning of the Testification

Loving Allah

The Sound Heart

Also included is an extremely beneficial appendix – The Types of Hearts by al-Hafiz ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah.

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