Motivational & Manners

Motivational & Manners

(Showing 217 – 228 products of 285 products)


She is the Queen (DCB)


This book consists of real inspiring stories that encourage every Muslim woman to guard her religion against all odds. It began with a recent event of a lady who discovered Islam and how she firmly held on to her deen. The Author then continues with anecdotes from the great women of the pasts whom took pride in Islam as her religion amidst the strong barriers during their time, The inner strength of these amazing women just proves that none can steal the crown of any woman by the will of Allah.

The book is indeed indispensable to every Muslimah for You Are the Queen.

2021 (1st Edition)2022 (2nd Edition)

She Wore Red Trainers


A romance novel, written by an award-winning author, that explores the possibilities and passions young Muslims face when falling in love.

Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women


Nai’ma shares the story of how she came to understand the meaning of ‘Showing Up’ through tragic circumstances and enormous life changes.

So many of us sleepwalk through life: frustrated, unhappy and lacking confidence in our abilities and accomplishments, destined never to reach our full potential. We allow our limiting beliefs to hold us back. We allow our challenges to define us. We allow other people’s expectations to imprison us.

‘Show Up: A Motivational Message for Muslim Women’ is based on the lessons Na’ima learnt on her journey, inviting the reader to show up, authentically and sincerely, in their lives, casting aside the role of victim and instead, living as the hero of their own life story.

The book is replete with personal stories, quotes from Qur’an, hadith and contemporary thinkers, as well as action points and space for the reader to reflect and apply the principles.


Signature of a Muslim (P/B)


This book is a journey into the art of influencing people positively towards Islam.

The answer to some often asked questions are inside this book:

Can I still propagate Islam if my knowledge is weak? What potential do I have as an advocate of Islam? How do others perceive me? How can I influence someone I ve never met before?

Signature of a Muslim introduces many techniques and concepts that have not previously been associated with the science of advocating Islam. The book uses evidences from the Holy Quran and Hadith to prove that many modern concepts that look at the psychology of influence such as Neuro Linguistic Programming and the Law of Attraction are in many ways in accordance with Islamic Shariah and can even be proven from both sources.

This book has something for everyone and could be the decisive factor that helps someone you know got to Paradise.

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Sister The perfect gift to give a loved one or indeed to educate oneself as to the significance Islam places on this important relationship through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Example Quotes from GiftBook:

He who likes that his sustenance should be expanded and his age may be lengthened should join the tie of kinship. (Muslim)

Recounting each childhood pleasure And sorrow in varying measure A special theme links the two: Al-Hamdulillah I shared them with you. Ideal gifts to convey what we sometimes find difficult to say through relevant Qur’anic Ayah, Hadith, and Islamic Poetry.

Sketches of Fools and Simpletons by Imam Ibn Al-Jawzi


Lack of sense leads to acts of foolishness, allowing them to mothball into comical gags. Ibrahim Al-Nazzam was once asked, “What are the limits of foolishness?” To which he replied, “You asked about that which has no limits.”


Stop Worrying & Start Living – New Cover (P/B)

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This book seeks to guide and make ease to the grieving and despondent souls who are in a quagmire of vexation in a manner that varies from other typical motivational books that discusses on worry, sadness and grief; and from those which discuss fortune (or success). It addresses to the endogenous core of the heart and soul, correlating it with Faith, showing and making distinct of what the aspects of Faith has to do with a person’s well-being. It removes the obscurities and perplexities that binds the heart and soul of many of the children of Islam. Those whom Shaytan invites to wretchedness, sin, despair, grief and hopelessness in the Mercy of Allah.

Abdullah bin Sa’eed Safar Al-Husnee Az-Zahranee captures 40 ways to dispel and eradicate sorrow and grief and to gain a happy and pleasant living. It explains how you adjust in difficult situations so that you hand out to us from it flower, rose and jasmine!

Stop Worrying Relax & Be Happy


This book, by the noted Egyptian scholar of recent times, discusses:

  • Renew your life!
  • Living according to one’s daily commitments
  • Firmness, lassitute, and deception
  • Worries and venoms
  • How to eliminate the causes of worry
  • Knowledge produced by action
  • Make lemonade out of lemons
  • Purity of Secrecy and Publicity
  • and much more!


Talk to Allah

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When was the last time we really poured our feelings out to Allah?


We have been taught that the only time we can communicate with Allah is when we are making du’a to Him. Even then, it comes with a set of restrictive rules that puts a ‘barrier’ between Allah and us.

The things we recite are verses that we were told to memorise, but rarely do we truly talk to Allah about the troubles that are weighing down our hearts.

Because it feels awkward.

Thus when we are down and sad, we seek other means for comforting ourselves, but often they offer only temporary respite. We forget that true comfort lies only with Allah.


In this book, author Ayesha Syahira takes you on a journey of spiritual discovery; of reconnecting with Allah wholeheartedly. The author focuses on nurturing the lifestyle of talking to Allah; of finding comfort by making du’a to Him at any time of the day.

Tawbah : Turning to Allah in Repentance

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Every human is susceptible to make mistake. The Qur’an gives them hope and teaches them to ask Allah to take care of them and guide them to the right path. Tawbah : Turning To Allah In Repentance by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah deals with spiritual side of tawbah without neglecting the physical requirement and conditions. It is taken from the book Madarij Al-Salikin Bayn Manazil Iyyaka Na’budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta’in (The Stages of the travellers Between the Stations of Only you We Worship and Only you We Seek Help From),which is one of Ibn Qayyim’s best works. Sapported with extracts from the Qur’an and quotes from the mesanger of Allah ﷺ,the auther deals with apparent and deeper aspects of repentance, and the true essence of repentance and its conditions.

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Tazkiyah Made Simple (Pocket Size)


Improve your knowledge of Tazkiyah, or purification of the soul, with this easy-to-read pocket reference book. – gain a meaningful and deeper understanding of Tazkiyah – focus on the essential aspects of Tazkiyah, such as contemplation, spirituality, self-development and remembrance of Allah – learn about and reflect upon the relevance of Tazkiyah in the present time and its importance in spiritual development – a 7 page pull out chart showing Tazkiyah at a glance


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