Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance

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Islamic Finance in Malaysia: Growth & Development


This modern history of Islamic finance is pretty short spanning a period of roughly five decades, compared to conventional finance which goes back to more than four centuries earlier. Islamic finance has spread rapidly across the globe, reminiscent of Lao-Tzu’s famous saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Malaysia, a pioneer in the development of the Islamic finance industry, has emerged as one of the major hubs for global Islamic finance.

A Mini Guide to Accounting for Islamic Financial Products – A Primer (Pocket size) (P/B)


This “A Mini Guide to Accounting for Islamic Financial Products” starts with the development of Islamic finance as well as accounting standards and development of AAOIFI which aims to develop standards on accounting, auditing, ethics and governance and disseminate them on the target market.

The guide also highlights selected accounting issues addressed by AAOIFI : substance over form, prudence, mudarabah investment accounts and asset valuation. This is followed by how information of financial statement of an Islamic bank helps its major users, like equity holders, holders of investment accounts, regulatory agencies and others.

The guide also points out the main differences in the presentation of financial statements of Islamic Financial Institutions. Among them are: how assets are defined and inclusion of equity of unrestricted investment account holders. The differences arise as a result of utilizing a Shari’ah compliant contract to bring into effect a particular product.

The last section discusses some of the more popular contracts such as murabahah, istisna’, ijarah, mudarabah and musharakah. A few case studies are also incorporated for different contracts to give more understanding on the topic to the readers.

Islamic Finance : A Practical Introduction


Islamic finance and banking is governed by the tenets of Islam and is based upon the principles of the Shariah, a code of conduct for Muslims to adhere to when managing their lives, including their finances. This slim volume breaks down this code and teaches readers how it is practically applied in business, personal finances, and the global economy.

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​Islamic Financial System: Principles & Operations


This second edition of the book marks another milestone of a collaborative effort between prominent scholars and practitioners of the Islamic finance industry. It sheds light on the front line issues faced by the Islamic finance industry with academic rigor. Each chapter in the book is complete with figures, diagrams, tables, case studies, a set of review questions and problems and a list of references for further reading. It offers invigorating discussion on a comprehensive range of topics related to Islamic finance, combining both theoretical foundations and operational aspects.

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Islamic Legal Maxims & Their Application in Islamic Finance (2nd Ed.)


Islamic Legal Maxims and Their Application in Islamic Finance is one of the most comprehensive compilations of Islamic legal maxims available in English. The most important feature of this book is that it explains each maxim in a way comprehensible to both Shari’ah experts and Islamic finance practitioners. Another feature is its emphasis on the application of the maxims in the actual practice of Islamic finance.

The Hard Truth of Islamic Finance


What is the book all about? It seeks to strike a balance between objectives and expectations. While expectations are easy, meeting objectives is hard.

The book also aims at unlocking the real face of Islamic finance without any make-up or cosmetic touch-up. The moment it is linked to something external and artificial, it becomes cluttered.

For all intents and purposes, every discipline has its core torso and fabric. Islamic finance should have its own ‘DNA’ and identity. The book is simply about bringing Islamic finance back to its basics. You may add on additional verticals and layers but it cant be on the expense of its core foundation.

Your Money Matters (H/B)


This book highlights issues that are important and relevant to Muslims when they engage in tasks related to personal finances, business administration, investment, and work. Readers will find an overview of relevant excerpts from the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah. Non-Muslims as well can gain valuable insights from this book that should prove useful in today’s multi-cultural business landscapes.

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Zakat and Poverty Alleviation (P/B)


This edited book aims to raise issues pertaining to the topic of zakat and its primary goal of poverty alleviation. It portrays the dynamism of zakat by highlighting pertinent issues on the management of zakat institutions and innovative programmes that are designed as effective distribution mechanisms. Discussions include zakat payment motives, ways to measure the efficiency of zakat disbursement, economic development initiatives, housing programme, microfinancing, and actual impact on poverty alleviation. The discussions raised put emphasis on policy-orientation with dedicated sections on policy implications and recommendations. This approach is deemed necessary since it could guide the thought process of interested parties towards the creation of new ideas to actualize zakat as a very reliable tool in addressing the massive problem of poverty among Muslim communities. This special feature also significantly adds to the much-needed reference materials in courses on zakat at the intermediate level of undergraduate studies and introductory level of postgraduate programmes.

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