Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking

Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking

(Showing 13 – 24 products of 37 products)

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Economic concepts of Ibn Taimiyah


This valuable work presents Ibn Taimiyah’s thoughts on the concept of Islamic economics, the state in the economy, on public finance, money, interest, prices, partnership, and profit-sharing, and offers a comparison of his ideas with those of some medieval scholars in Europe, along with a study of his influence on Islamic thinkers in later periods.

Economic Security In Islam


This book is an English rendering of a popular Arabic book entitled Mushkala al-Faqr wa Kaifa ‘Aljiha al-Islam by the renowned Muslim Scholar ‘Yusuf al-Qaradawi. The author depicts the basic principles of the Islamic Economic System in the light of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah.

Epistemological Integration Essentials of an Islamic Methodology


Epistemological Integration: Essentials of an Islamic Methodology is a program which seeks to construct an intellectual framework for Islamic methodology with a view to realizing practical training in the thoughtful investigation of issues related to knowledge in various fields. The book’s title affirms the distinctive types of integration that characterize Islamic methodology, including integration of sources, means, and schools of thought, as well as existing realities with desired ideals etc. This is fully consistent with human nature, as variety is fundamental to the functions people perform and skills they master. The work essentially makes the case that fundamental to any Muslim recovery is laying the foundations of sound thinking and values that integrate the two main sources of knowledge: Revelation and Reality (that is the created worlds both physical, societal and psychological) under the umbrella of Tawhid. Islamic methodology adopts that and extends human hopes to integrate efforts so that humanity can realistically achieve prosperity on earth and earn eternal happiness in the afterlife.

Islam And The Business Mind-Set


Written by one of the top young entrepreneurs in the North of England, Ilyas Salim is MD of Salim Enterprise, a global investment company.

From this book, you will learn how to:

  • Create a business mentality
  • Start a moral and ethical business
  • Expand your business
  • Work smarter, not harder
  • Attract Barakah into your business
  • Achieve not just a work/life balance, but a total life balance.

All this is within the framework of the Qur’an and Hadith and examples from the life of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.



Islamic Capital Markets: Principles and Practices (P/B)



* It elucidates the principles and practices of the Islamic capital market with academic rigours.

*  It sheds light on the cutting-edge practical issues faced by the industry.

*  Every chapter contains relevant case studies and supportive illustrations.

*  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and discussion questions are provided at the end each chapter.


Shari’ah framework, Regulatory framework, Corporate and Shari’ah governance, Risk management, Accounting and taxation, Sukuk Islamic equity market, Islamic unit trust, REITs and ETFs, Islamic private equity and venture capital, Islamic derivatives and hedging and Islamic structured investment products.

Islamic Economics : Principles & Analysis (P/B)


Economics is a social science that studies the behaviour and interactions of economic agents and analyses how economies work at the macro- and micro-levels. It studies production, distribution and consumption of goods and services, identifies economic problems and phenomena, and addresses economic questions from a positive perspective (what is) as well as a normative (how it should be) perspective. Islamic economics examines the same areas as its conventional counterpart. However, it involves the application of Sharīʿah to the different economic functions and issues. It is postulated that Islam offers a better approach compared to conventional economics in managing economic activities and solving economic and social issues.

Islamic Finance : A Practical Introduction


Islamic finance and banking is governed by the tenets of Islam and is based upon the principles of the Shariah, a code of conduct for Muslims to adhere to when managing their lives, including their finances. This slim volume breaks down this code and teaches readers how it is practically applied in business, personal finances, and the global economy.

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​Islamic Financial System: Principles & Operations


This second edition of the book marks another milestone of a collaborative effort between prominent scholars and practitioners of the Islamic finance industry. It sheds light on the front line issues faced by the Islamic finance industry with academic rigor. Each chapter in the book is complete with figures, diagrams, tables, case studies, a set of review questions and problems and a list of references for further reading. It offers invigorating discussion on a comprehensive range of topics related to Islamic finance, combining both theoretical foundations and operational aspects.

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Islamic Legal Maxims & Their Application in Islamic Finance (2nd Ed.)


Islamic Legal Maxims and Their Application in Islamic Finance is one of the most comprehensive compilations of Islamic legal maxims available in English. The most important feature of this book is that it explains each maxim in a way comprehensible to both Shari’ah experts and Islamic finance practitioners. Another feature is its emphasis on the application of the maxims in the actual practice of Islamic finance.

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Management of Halal Food Quality


Management of Islamic-based development is a new mechanism in quality management including halal food quality. Considering the issue of integrity in halal food-quality management, efforts to empower the economy of the country through halal food are faced with obstacles and constraints. This book highlights issues commonly found in the management field. This is seen important as those in the management of halal food quality are sometimes trapped in issues that can tarnish Islam. The production of foods that are not pure in nature (halal status not genuine) can also have a negative effect on the morals and souls of Muslims.

Manufacturing of Halal Pharmaceuticals (P/B)


This book aims to cover the fundamental aspects of pharmaceutical manufacturing from the Islamic worldview to inspire students that whatever they do including very mundane routine work such as checking pH can be an ‘ibādah – if they work within the sphere of Islamic teachings and in shā’ Allah all the time and effort will be rewarded by Allah SWT. The first chapter describes the Islamic perspectives towards the safeguarding of life vis-à-vis the use of medicines or pharmaceuticals and can be considered as an overview for the Islamic manufacturing practices. Although this book is about the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, other industries may benefit from the discourse and examples given. As much as possible, processes and regulations are described in the book so that it covers the syllabus of industrial pharmacy for undergraduate use and still can be referred for postgraduate studies.

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