Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking

Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking

(Showing 1 – 12 products of 37 products)


Islamic Finance in Malaysia: Growth & Development


This modern history of Islamic finance is pretty short spanning a period of roughly five decades, compared to conventional finance which goes back to more than four centuries earlier. Islamic finance has spread rapidly across the globe, reminiscent of Lao-Tzu’s famous saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Malaysia, a pioneer in the development of the Islamic finance industry, has emerged as one of the major hubs for global Islamic finance.

The Corruption of Riba : Its Evil Essence, Forms, and Harms


In a time when many disregard the commands and prohibitions of Allah – the Most High, it is crucial to remind people of their obligations to Him and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him. The need for such reminders becomes urgent when acts prohibited by Allah, such as ribaa (usury), are treated as permissible, reflecting a grave defiance. Ribaa, one of the most despised sins in the sight of the Most Merciful, carries the severe consequence of a divine declaration of war against those who engage in it.

A Mini Guide to Accounting for Islamic Financial Products – A Primer (Pocket size) (P/B)


This “A Mini Guide to Accounting for Islamic Financial Products” starts with the development of Islamic finance as well as accounting standards and development of AAOIFI which aims to develop standards on accounting, auditing, ethics and governance and disseminate them on the target market.

The guide also highlights selected accounting issues addressed by AAOIFI : substance over form, prudence, mudarabah investment accounts and asset valuation. This is followed by how information of financial statement of an Islamic bank helps its major users, like equity holders, holders of investment accounts, regulatory agencies and others.

The guide also points out the main differences in the presentation of financial statements of Islamic Financial Institutions. Among them are: how assets are defined and inclusion of equity of unrestricted investment account holders. The differences arise as a result of utilizing a Shari’ah compliant contract to bring into effect a particular product.

The last section discusses some of the more popular contracts such as murabahah, istisna’, ijarah, mudarabah and musharakah. A few case studies are also incorporated for different contracts to give more understanding on the topic to the readers.

A Mini Guide to Takaful (Islamic Insurance)


This Mini Guide will prove useful and constructive to readers who want a better understanding of the takaful industry in contemporary Islamic finance.

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A Reminder on the Evils of Ribaa – Its Essence, Forms and Harms (2nd Edition)

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Originally written in Arabic, the book is a reminder on the evils and the forms of Ribaa (Usury) and the threat of The Almighty concerning those who defy His warnings. The fact that those who give, consume, witness, writes and involved in Ribaa based transactions, their good deeds, supplications and charity will not be accepted by The Almighty and in turn will make their hearts hardened along with afflictions and tribulations that would affected them severely.

​An Islamic Paradigm In Economics Vision And Mission


This book emphasises not only thoughts and theoretical concepts, but also discusses their application.

in the real world. Hence, it suggests that a holistic approach to economic development, which harmonises between material and spiritual well-being is not entirely idealistic but is, in fact, pragmatic and applicable.

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Banking: The Root Cause Of The Injustices Of Our Time (Revised Ed.)


The original 1987 Norwich seminar Usury: The Root Cause of the Injustices of Our Time, whose proceedings form the core of this work, had an extraordinary effect.

After the endless analyses and altercations of left and right to which we were accustomed, here was an argument that went to the core of the matter in one bound, and yet did so with a degree of scholarship and indeed erudition that was not cavalier. The result was electric. It was also well before its time.

Business Dealings By Installments (P/B)


Inventions are born out of necessity. It is the necessity which gives birth to new ionventions; new modes of transaction come in to vogu; and complex problems take birth. From among such new modes of business transactions an important one is the sale and purchase by installments.

This book tackles this issues in an attempt to give Muslims the opinion of many Islamic scholars.

Contemporary Issues In Islamic Communication


The book contains a collection of essays on issues that are of concern to Muslim media and scholars and practitioners. The issues are those that are constantly highlighted in the mass media in the Muslim world. All the issues are discussed from the Islamic perspective. The main purpose of the book is to give readers a clear understanding of how Muslims view contemporary issues that are reported and discussed in present day mass media. The book is written for students majoring in communication at the International Islamic University Malaysia. It is also useful for students taking courses on communication issues in other universities.

Directory of Policy Experts on Islamic Studies & Muslim Affairs (2009)


“65 experts from 53 organizations with expertise in 24 geographical areas and over 100 policy specializations, plus selected publication and institutions.”

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