BrainJeem Tajweed – Gabungan Hukum Tajwid dan Senaman Minda
BrainJeem Tajwid merupakan pembelajaran kreatif dalam mengenalpasti hukum-hukum Tajwid dengan mudah dan menyeronokkan. Gabungan bunyi dan brain-gym akan mengaktifkan otak kiri dan kanan anda dan membantu anda kekal fokus dan bertenaga. Inovasi BrainJeem Tajweed berfungsi sebagai pembakar semangat supaya kita cintakan ilmu Tajwid dan seronok mendalami Quran.
Contemporary Approaches to The Qur’an
The Qur’an and Sunnah are the two primary sources of Muslim faith, life, law and morality. The Qur’an is for Muslims the foundation of their faith and the Sunnah is the framework of their morality. Together they constitute the two sources of the law (Shari ah) of God, a guide to prosperity and happiness in this life and to the bliss of the hereafter. Although the Qur’an and Sunnah are materially and formally two independent sources, they are inextricably bound in a dynamic relationship. The rulings and precepts (ahkam) of the Qur’an constitute the law (shar ) of God. They are supplemented by the precepts of the authentic Sunnah, which possess authority second only to the precepts of the Qur’an. The Qur’an commands Muslims, Whatever the Messenger gives you, that you must take, and whatever he forbids you, you must desist therefrom…. (59:7).
Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Holy Qur’an (H/B)
This beautiful presentation of a selection from the Holy Qur’an engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection. Edited for ease of comprehension, English-speaking readers will find this compilation both spiritually enriching and easy to understand. With 365 verses covering the whole year, this is a must for every home.
An introduction to the Qur’an and its eternal message for humanity is included, giving the reader an insight into its origin, purpose, and style.
Abdur Raheem Kidwai is professor of English at the Aligarh Muslim University in India and the well-known author of many works on the Qur’an and Islam.
Divine Speech
The Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam, is revered as the spoken word of God by approximately one-fifth of the world’s population. Since its inception, the power of the Quran has derived not only from its message, but also from the inimitable literary style and rhetorical impact that the Arabic scripture has on its audiences. Divine Speech: Exploring the Quran as Literature attempts to make some of the most recent Arabic and European-language scholarship on its literary features accessible to a wider, English-speaking audience. These features include its language and word choice, its use of figures of speech and other rhetorical devices, its manner of narrating parables and stories, and the structure, coherence, and the order of its “chapters”-aspects that typically remain mysterious to readers of English translations of the text. Divine Speech furnishes its readers with a better appreciation of the Quran from a literary perspective, and in the process stimulates interest in, and provides tools and resources for, further study of the scripture.
Etiquette With The Quran (Islamosaic)
An enduring classic work on the etiquette that a Muslim must or should have with regard to handling and reciting the Quran (the Muslim scripture). The topics this volume raises include: ritual cleanliness, opportune times for recitation, the etiquette that students have with their teachers (and that teachers must have with their students), and variety of other issues that every Muslim should know and frequently ask about.
He present works was designed and written to explain to men and women how best to benefit from the Book of Allah. The blessing of the Quran is that whoever recites it as it should be recited is changed by it, and brought by imperceptible degrees to see why everything is the way it is. The seed of this knowledge is a humble intention to draw nearer to the Divine, the soil in which it takes root are reverence, awe, and love, ant its fruit is this world and the next. It is well known to everyone conversant wuth the Islamic disciplines that the learning of many thins does not teach wisdom, and that traditional books do not reveal their secrets or bestow their benefits to those without the key to them.
This key is adab, the “the right way of doing things,” rendered in the title as “etiquette.”… Books, especially sacred ones, give their knowledge to those of adab, and Westerns who know something about the sciences of Islam have been waiting for a book like this in English for a long time.
-From the Foreword by
Nuh Ha Mim Keller
Four Key Concept of the Qur’an
Four Key concepts oF the Qur’An elucidates these basic Qur’anic concepts Ilah, Rabb, Ibadah and Din in order to bring out fully the Islamic way of life, as distinct from other perspectives. This elaboration goes a long way in developing a sound understanding of the Qur’an. It also explains the man-God relationship in Islam, guiding Muslims on how to lead their lives in total surrender to Allah.
Gateway to the Qur’anic Sciences
Allah describes the Qur’an as the ‘guidance to mankind, and the Criterion (of right and wrong)’ (2:185). Islamic scholars have therefore sought to explain the sciences associated with correctly understanding the revelation.
This discipline has come to be known as ulum al-Qur’an, or ‘sciences of the Qur’an’, and includes many subjects, such as the nature and order of revelation, explanations of the types of expressions used in the revelation and how the sacred text is to be correctly recited.
Imam Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti wrote one of the leading comprehensive manuals on ulum al-Qur’an, entitled al-Itqan fi ulum al-Qur’an. The text here translated is a summary by Salah ad-Din Arqahudan of many major topics covered in the Itqān.
How Do You Memorise The Glorious Quran
Comprehensive but reader-friendly, How Do You Memorise the Glorious Quran is an indispensable guide for anyone who wants to memorise the Quran.