114 Tips to Help You Finally Memorize The Qur’an (P/B)
“114 Tips to Help You Finally Memorize the Qur’an is a concise book that aims to equip readers of all backgrounds with the information and techniques necessary in order to begin, continue with, and complete the memorization of the Qur’an, eliminating thereby the common excuse and reasons for not memorizing.”
80% Kotakata Dalam AL-Quran (Pocket Size)
Daftar kosakata terpilih untuk mempermudahkan hafalan anda
80% of Qur’anic Words (Pocket Size)
A small, compact book that contains 80% of the Quranic vocabulary, enabling the reader to understand 80% of the Quran, while only requiring little memorization.
A Tentative Guide to the Themes of the Surahs of the Qur’an
In this seminal work, the author suggests that each chapter of the Qur’an contains at least one distinct theme that underlies—and shows the logical connection—between every verse of that chapter. Moreover, he proposes that the chapters themselves take together make up a deliberate and unique portrait of human beings and of the spiritual life. Finally, the author argues that the secrets to the themes are contained and shown in the hadith literature describing the spiritual rewards and effects (fada’il) of various different chapters of the Qur’an.
Mushaf Madinah (Blue) A4 SIZE
Large size (A4) blue colour Mushaf printed by Majamma Malik Fahad and found in Haram Makkah, Madinah and many Masaajid around the world. Deluxe hardbound with fine paper and green background.
Mushaf Madinah (Brown) (36cmX25cm)
Large size with brown colour Mushaf printed by Majamma Malik Fahad and found in Haram Makkah, Madinah and many Masaajid around the world. Deluxe hardbound with fine paper and brown background.
Al-Quran Al-Karim Al-Andalus (A4 Saiz)
Al-Quran Perkata Warna Al-Andalus ini adalah sebuah metod atau Panduan Belajar Terjemahan Perkata dengan kaedah diberi warna pada setiap patah perkataan ayat-ayat al-Quran di dalam Bahasa Arab dan Bahasa Malaysia pula tepat dibawah tanpa khat tanpa dipisah atau dipotong pada khat dan tulisan Arabnya.
Dengan pengukuhan kata dan tiadanya dipisah khat itu maka ia dapat memberikan kelebihan dan ketenangan dalam membaca kalimah Arab yang lebih besar berbanding yang kebiasanya terpisah.
Ditambah pula dengan kandungan Asbabunnuzul, Hadis Sahih, Riyad al-Salihin, dan kosakata bahasa al-Quran yang disebut dengan Mu’jam (kamus), semakin menambah nilai produk ini.
Al-Quran Perkata ini dilulusan oleh Lajnah Tashih al-Quran, Kementrian Dalam Negeri Malaysia.
Al-Quran Al-Karim Al-Hafiz
Anda yang tercari-cari cara cepat dan mudah menghafal al-Quran, al-Quran al-Hafiz adalah jawapannya. Al-Quran terbaharu terbitan Karya Bestari, disusun berdasarkan pengalaman para penghafal al-Quran. Tampil menggunakan tiga blok warna di dalam setiap halaman, setiap blok mampu dihafal selama satu jam. Hanya tiga jam masa diperlukan menghafal satu halaman al-Quran kerana setiap ayat yang dihafal dibantu dengan panduan kotak muraja’ah (diulang-ulang).
50 Reflections On The Quran
50 Reflections on the Quran is a collection of brief reflections on the Quran written and compiled by Sumayah Hassan. It’s aimed at inspiring others to find their personal truth in the words of our Creator, (swt). May this book be the first step in your own journey towards understanding, living and being transformed by the Quran.