The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made The Modern World
The Middle Ages were a period of tremendous cultural and scientific advancement in the Islamic Empire—ideas and inventions that shaped our world. Did you know that:
The Ten Promised Paradise (Dar usSunnah)
“Not equal are those of you who spent (in the way of Allah) and fought before the victory (in Makkah). They are far greater in rank than those who spent and fought afterwards. Yet Allah has promised each a fine reward.” {57:10}While the Companions of the Prophet # were given the glad tidings of Paradise in general, there are those promised Paradise individually such as those mentioned in Hadith of ‘Al-‘Ashara Mubashara’. This term is used as a designation for those ten great Companions singled out by the Prophet peace and blessing be upon him for the privilege of being among the inhabitants of Paradise during their lifetime.
2IN1 Combo P01
1. CivilIzation of faith (266 pages)
2. The Art Of Islamic Living : The Sixth Fitness (185 pages)
60 Great Women Enshrined in Islamic History
This book provides a profound understanding on the role of women in Islam and tackles common misconceptions on the subject. Not only does it discuss the roles of women in marriage and among their families – but also their families – but also their roles as warriors, worshipers, scholars and callers to Islam. It gives its readers a guided explanation as each role is accompanied with stories of great women as told in the Quran and Sunnah.
This book narrates the stories of about sixty great women whose names and exemplary behavior are enshrined in the history of Islam.
A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During The Golden Age of Islam
A History of Arabic Astronomy is a comprehensive survey of Arabic planetary theories from the eleventh century to the fifteenth century based on recent manuscript discoveries. George Saliba argues that the medieval period, often called a period of decline in Islamic intellectual history, was scientifically speaking, a very productive period in which astronomical theories of the highest order were produced. Based on the most recent manuscript discoveries, this book broadly surveys developments in Arabic planetary theories from the eleventh century to the fifteenth. Taken together, the primary texts and essays assembled in this book reverse traditional beliefs about the rise and fall of Arabic science, demonstrating how the traditional “age of decline” in Arabic science was indeed a “Golden Age” as far as astronomy was concerned.
A History of God: The 4000 Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
“The most fascinating and learned study of the biggest wild goose chase in history—the quest for God. Karen Armstrong is a genius.”
A Journey Through Islamic History (H/B)
A Journey Through Islamic History tells you all you ever wanted to know about the history of the Muslim world from the Prophet Muhammad to the Arab Spring in a short, accessible and lavishly-illustrated format. Suitable for students of all ages. Includes eight chronological essays covering 1500 years of history, with over 175 photographs and illustrations. A comprehensive timeline with over 500 entries, text boxes featuring important personalities, key events and major ideas, as well as several maps.
A Light at the End of the Tunnel (P/B)
The book features a collection of short stories written by Muslim teens. Through their stories they share the struggles and experiences they have faced on issues such as dating, friendship, hijab, respecting parents, clarifying misconceptions about Islam and defining one’s identity.