General Islamic Books

General Islamic Books

(Showing 157 – 168 products of 178 products)


The Personality of Allah’s Last Messenger (P/B)


The world has not lacked for heroes or great personalities, yet most of them distinguished themselves in one field or another, unlike the unlettered Prophet, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah (blessings and peace be upon him). This man was a towering personality who excelled in many diverse fields; as statesman, general, teacher, lawmaker, social reformer, exemplary father and husband. His honesty and integrity were known and respected by all, even his enemies. In spite of all this, it must be said that the truth is often obscured about the one whom George Bernard Shaw described as “that wonderful man who is unknown to many outside the Muslim world”. In this book, ‘Abdul Waheed Khan focuses on the true personality of the last Messenger of Allah, in order to demolish all the distortions and misconceptions which have been propagated by biased or ignorant writers and hopefully, to induce in the reader a sense of reverence and respect for this greatest man in the history of the world. If you do not yet know the truth about this giant of history, you owe it to yourself to find out about him.

The Purity of Muslim (P/B)


According to a well-known hadith, cleanliness and purity are half of the faith. It is obligatory for a Muslim to be clean and in a state of purity in order to offer formal prayer and recite the Quran by way of ablution, a ritual shower, or dry ablution. Purity and cleanliness encompass both physical and spiritual aspects. Physical impurities can be removed by clean, pure water or dry, clean earth or stone, and this is a beginning step for spiritual cleanliness. In the Purity of the Muslim, Saeed al-Qahtani explains in a clear and comprehensive manner the types of various impurities and the ways to attain purity and cleanliness according to the teachings of the Quran and of the final prophet, Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

The Purpose of Creation (P/B)


Mankind must know about the purpose of their existence, their responsibility towards their Creator, and what they must do in preparation for the Day in which they shall return to Him – this work addresses these issues aptly in the authors usual readable style.

The Silver Lining (P/B)


The theme of this book is relief after hardship, or as the old proverb has it, ‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’ The author, Sameh Strauch, explains this concept, describing, with evidence from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, why we are subject to trials and tribulations, and how, when adversity is at its worst, relief is near. He uses as examples the stories of the prophets and the trials they endured. Strauch then proposes measures to be undertaken to attain relief from difficulty, and explains the importance of tawakkul (depending upon Allah), the benefits and wisdom derived from the concept of hardship and relief, and much more. If you have ever been stricken by calamity and wondered why it happens, this book has the answer.

The Superiority of Dogs by Ibn al-Marzuban


This collection of stories and poetry was inspired by a conversation in 10th century Baghdad between the collector and a friend.

The Three that Follow to the Grave


“The best that a man can leave behind after his death are three things: a righteous child who makes du’a for him, an ongoing sadaqah whose rewards continue to reach him, and a knowledge that continues to be implemented after him.” – Ibn Majah, and others. Verified to be sahih by Al-Mundhiri and Al-Albani

The Wise Counsel of Luqman


Al-Hikmah is a divine prerogative. It is a gift from Allah granted to whomever He Wills from among His servants. Some define it as ‘beneficial knowledge that corroborates with good righteous deeds’; others say it is ‘doing an appropriate act at the most appropriate time and place’; and yet others deem it to be foresightedness, comprehension, felicitous conduct and good opinion. All of these definition are in fact befitting and apt. Allah, The Most High bestowed Luqman (upon him be peace) with much foresight, intelligence and profound judgement – injecting it deep into his heart whereby his words, deeds and manners were grounded in wisdom. Allah Revealed: “And indeed we bestowed upon Luqman Al- Hikmah…” [Luqman (31): 12] The instructions and advices found in the story of Luqman Al-Ḥakim comprise noble guidance and contain perfect conduct in inviting people towards Allah, and nurturing of children. It speaks of proper upbringing of a generation, describing ways to success and teaching people holistic goodness. Making it incumbent upon every mentor, father and teacher to pay attention to the prescriptions found therein; providing contemplation and deriving exemplary lesson plans in the field of propagating and education. These lessons can tangibly facilitate in drawing hearts and enriching minds. Consisting of elementary details that appeal to one’s good conscience; for indeed putting across Allah’s Message to mankind requires proper planning and tact that is plentiful within the story. One who advises to such a degree is indeed blessed with prudence – a blessing from Allah, not just for Luqman but for anyone who takes him as a role-model.

The Zion Deception


With a keen sense of closure and awareness of the interconnectedness behind history’s failings, author Dr. Laurence B. Brown exposes popularized fallacies, and reveals the threat Zionism poses not only to Jews, but to the world as a whole.

Treatment of Magic, Evil Eye & Satan’s Touch (P/B)


A detailed treatise on the authentic treatments for afflictions of magic, evil eye and possession based on the Islamic teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah of Muhammad.

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Trials and Tribulations


These two treatises deal with the issue of trials and tribulation, extremely essential for every Muslim especially in the times that we are living in today. People often see, and hear of, the believers being afflicted with adversity and tribulation, and conversely they often see, and hear of the disbelievers attaining leadership and wealth in this world. This leads them to mistakenly believe that well-being in this world is only reserved for the disbelievers. A believer may face many trials and tribulations that test his faith, patience and endurance. In a world full of conflict and war, with many also suffering from personal and family problems, shaytan causes a person to question many things. If a Muslim is tried with a difficulty, then the reasons for this are many – including one’s own sin, which arise from leaving something obligated in Islam or comitting an act that is prohibited. Trials are also a means of Allaah purifying and aiding His servants, ennobling them and granting well-being through His Wisdom. The most severely of those who were tried were the Prophets and then those closest to them in following their guidance.

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