Comprehensive Islamic Jurisprudence (New Cover)
Conditions of LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH (Revised Edition)
The famous Taabi’i Wahb ibn Munabbih was once asked,
“Isn’t the statement of laa ilaaha ill-Allah the key to Paradise?” He answered, “Yes, but every key has ridges, the door will open for you. Yet if you do not have the right ridges the door will not open for you.”
That is, it is saying {while meeting} certain conditions. These conditions are what will differentiate the person who will benefit from his making of that statement from the one who will not benefit from that statement.
Dismantling the Culture of Fanaticism
Dismantling the Culture of Fanaticism is another valuable masterpiece and a timely contribution from Dr Bakkar to the world. He’s addressing a very important phenomenon which is causing the bloodshed of millions of innocent souls around the globe. His work includes details on these following subject:
- Awarenss of the Phenomenon
- What id Fanaticism?
- Types of Fanaticism
- Roots of Fanaticism
- Gravity of Fanaticism
- The Ideological Structure of Fanatics
- Reasons behind the Development of Fanaticism
- How to tackle Fanaticism?
Embark with Us (P/B) – DCB
This call is still resonating throughtout the universe ever since it was declared by Noah, peace be upon him, until God Almighty inherits the earth and whatsover on it; as this every stubborn, every reckless, every disobedient and every unjust.
Essay On The Heart (P/B)
There are many books currently in circulation concerning the purification on the heart and soul. This text is a welcome addition to the Islamic English as it takes a unique approach to the subject.
There are many of this brief treatise, Ibn Taymiyah, systematically dissects the primary role of the heart in the life of a true Muslim. After discussing the heart’s purpose and function, the author discusses the prominence given to the heart in all affairs by Allah and His Prophet (pbuh) in the various texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah. He then goes on to identify the right of the heart in relationship to Allah; remeberance and consciousness of its Lord. Ibn Taymiyyah also categorized the various types of the hearts that exist relative to their states and conditions and concluded his treatise with the worst state for the heart to be in, lost, along with advice on how to avoid it.
Dr. Bilal Philips has added an extensive commentary referencing verses and tranditiona and further elucidating the deep meaning alluded to by the author, making the final text a very enjoyable inspiring read.
Essentials Of Bid’ah
Essentials of Bid’ah forms the second and the third section of the book titled: Da’watu Ahl-Bid’ah (Inviting the People Of Innovations). In a very concise manner Shaykh Khalid bin Ahmad Az Zahraanee expounded on both the lexical and juristic meaning of the word Bid’ah, it’s evil effects and the words of disparagement, categories of Bid’ah, dealing with the people of Bid’ah, that has been mentioned in the Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, the statements and actions of the Companions and those who follow in their footsteps from the scholars over time regarding Bid’ah and its people.
Faatimah & Ahmed An Extraordinary Journey
Faatimah and Ahmed are watching the lightning during a storm. There is an animal that is named after the Arabic word for lightning – Al Buraq. Faatimah wants to know more about it! Join Faatimah and Ahmed as they discover more about Buraaq, and the extraordinary journey Prophet Muhammad SAW went on.
Faatimah & Ahmed : We’re Little Muslim (P/B)
Faatimah and Ahmed love being Little Muslims. Today was Ahmed’s first day of school and he has learnt some very important things about Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Join them, as Ahmed tells Faatimah a special story about when Muhammad (SAW) was born, and explains to her how important Muhammad (SAW) is to Muslims.
For children aged 2-6.
Faatimah & Ahmed High Up On A Mountain
Tomorrow is the first of Ramadhan. But today Faatimah and Ahmed are going on a nature walk up a mountain and they come across a cave. Up on the mountain, they find out how a cave, Ramadhan and the revelation of the Quran are connected!
Faatimah and Ahmed : Miracles in the Desert (P/B)
Faatimah and Ahmed love animals! Today they are visiting a farm and can’t waut to see their favourite animals!
Ahmed also tells Faatimah some very miraculous things about the time that Prophet Muhammad SAW lived in the desert with his foster parents.
For children aged 2-6