Dakwah Corner

Dakwah Corner

(Showing 157 – 162 products of 162 products)


The Salah – The Prophet’s Prayer Described (H/B)

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It is not possible to us to perform the Salah (Prayer) as it should be performed unless we know the detailed description of the Prayer shown by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, such as essentials, manners, forms, supplications and remembrances. However, detailed familiarity with these aspects of the Prayer is difficult to be achieved by most people nowadays because of their limiting themselves to a particular madhhab  (school of thought). In every mudhhab, there are traditions and sunnahs (Prophetic examples) which are not found in other madhhabs, and in every mudhhab there are sayings and actions which cannot be authentically traced back to the Prophet.

Many any books have been published on the Prayer of the Prophet but most are by later scholars that cater for a particular muddhab. This famous work, translated from the original Arabic Sifah Salah al-Nabi, brings together as many features of the Prophet’s Prayer from the takbir  to the taslim, so that Muslims can fullfil the Prophet’s command to “pray as you see me pray”. This work is the result of an intensive research by the author on various traditions (Hadiths) and their relevance, judjed according to the strict rules of the science of Hadith.

The Way to Allah (swt) is Through Rasul Allah (saw) – Book 8 (Stairway to Heaven)


Manal Shehab’s Stairway to Heaven series and Zeynep Haydan’s colourful illustrations make perfect picture books for your Islamic library.

A collection of 8 cleverly written and stunningly illustrated board books. Each book with its own unique Islamic concept, guaranteed to engage and stimulate children of all ages.

The simple, yet concise rhyming text, coupled with beautiful glossy illustrations, highlight simple Islamic concepts. I encourage you to use these concepts as a platform to spend quality time with your children where you can open and expand their young, imaginative minds and hearts to the beauty of our deen – Islam

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This is Love [New Cover]

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This book presents the Islamic message of love through forty hadiths on loving Allah, His Prophet, and His creation. It explains the indispensability of divine love in human existence, the centrality of love in Islam, and the means to attain and spread love on earth.

What Did Jesus Really Say?

4.5 ★
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The book contains detailed information and descriptions that show how the Bible was changed and tampered with over the past two millennia. The account and the discussions presented are based on, and collected from, the writings of Christian authors, the Church and the Bible.

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