Current Issues and Modern Sciences

Current Issues and Modern Sciences

(Showing 13 – 24 products of 34 products)

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Islamic Civilisation and The Modern World (P/B)


This book presents a thematic treatment of Islamic civilisation. Each of the fourteen chapters comprising this book treats at least one of the major themes that are characteristic of this youngest religiously-based civilisation of the world.

Islamic Verdicts on Medicine & Cosmetic Surgery


We had the honor of our eyes being gifted with seeing his eminence Imam Abdul Aziz Bin Baz may Allah bestow upon him immense mercy and of sitting with him when he delivered verdicts regarding rulings of the Shariah on many medical issues which have been increasingly asked about by patients and people working in the medical field. We focused ourselves, with success granted by Allah, on the authenticity of medical information to the best of our ability. We have applied our best efforts in its presentation while simplifying it as much as possible. This is so that it is easily understood by those who are not specialists in medical fields.

It’s Not Who You think


Throughout history, Islam represents peace. It means peaceful submission to Almighty God. Now, it is under siege, but it’s all wrong. Islam didn’t do anything. This book proves that everything that is being said about it is a lie. Learn the real truth about the history of Islam and that it truly is the way of peace – for all humankind.

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Man & The Universe An Islamic Perspective


The author presents a penetrating diagnosis of the illnesses of humanity today, together with a fascinating overview of the Islamic metaphysics, unearthing its spiritual and moral values and its timeless relevance and applicability. Man and universe is a compelling and urgently needed piece of writing about what we human beings are, where we stand, and what we can do about it.

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Mind, Brain, & Free Will (P/B)


Mind, Brain, and Free Will presents a powerful new case for substance dualism (the idea that humans consist of two parts–body and soul) and for libertarian free will (that humans have some freedom to choose between alternatives, independently of the causes which influence them). Richard

Muslim Civilization The Causes of Decline and the Need for Reform (P/B)


Muslim civilisation has experienced an overall decline during the last  five centuries after having witnessed a long period of prosperity and comprehensive development. This raises a number of questions such as what factors enabled Muslims to become successful during the earlier centuries of Islam and what led them to their present weak position.  Is it Islam which is responsible for this decline or are other factors which come into play

In this penetrating study has tried answer these questions thoroughly and has then discussed a reform programme that could help reverse the cycle of decline.

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Psychology From The Islamic Perspective


Islam offers a precise, uncomplicated, and comprehensive theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the next. In Psychology from the Islamic Perspective, Dr. Aisha Utz Hamdan includes specific references to scientific research that corresponds to, or builds upon, what is already known from revelation.

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Scientific Facts Revealed In The Glorious Quran


Scientific Facts Revealed in the Glorious Qur’an : Selected examples from the area of Earth Sciences, by geologist Prof. Dr. Z. R. El-Naggar. This small book includes has 16 pages with color illustrations to help the reader visualize what the author explains. He discusses verses in the Qur’an with the supporting scientific facts.

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