Why Women are Accepting Islam (H/B)
This book is a compilation of the numerous narratives about the lives, experiences and previous beliefs as well as Islamic impressions and reasons of different lucky women, belonging to all walks of life, as to why they reverted to Islam. Darussalam has already published one book from the same compiler on the same focus that was very much appreciated by the readers. We hope this study will help those non-Muslims women whose concepts are not clear about Islam, and those people who are working in Da’wah field.
Women In Islam – Challenging Narratives (Ismail Adam Patel)
Many conflicting narratives exist regarding women in Islam and this subject is the cause of much criticism from the West leveled against Islam as a religion. The discrepancies between Islamic religious discourse and the practice of Muslim communities are often disregarded. Women In Islam – Challenging Narratives intends to address certain misconceptions about women in Islam and dispel some common myths. At the same time, this book also challenges the accepted narrative that women in modern Western cultures are emancipated. The chapter titled ‘Women in Islam’ provides a more accurate representation of the lofty position conferred to women within the Islamic tradition, which is often illusive in Muslim communities around the globe. A final analysis of feminist discourse scrutinizes the impact of the feminist movement on setting new ideals for women that negate their roles within the family and home, and assesses whether this has created greater challenges for women in the modern era. Ismail Adam Patel is a writer and campaigner. He is chairman of Friends of Al-Aqsa, a UK based NGO dedicated to campaigning for a free Palestine. He has lectured widely on a number of political and social issues affecting Muslim, and has authored books and articles on an array of subjects. He also acts as an advisor for several other organizations including the Conflicts Forum and Clear Conscience. A graduate of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and technology, he is an Optometrist by profession.
Yes! I Converted To Islam & Here Is Why
This book is a collection from the several narratives about the lives, experiences and previous beliefs as well as Islamic impressions and reasons of different personalities belonging to all walks of life as to why they reverted to Islam.