Comparative Religions

Comparative Religions

(Showing 61 – 72 products of 76 products)


The Search for the Truth (P/B)


Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • The Beginning
  • A Different Religion?
  • The Interest Arises
  • The Opposition
  • The Way Out
  • This is it, But!
  • The Urge is Strong
  • Another Move
  • One More Move
  • The Big Move
  • The Slavery to Allah Alone
  • But They will Come!
  • References

The Story Of A Priest Who Embraced Islam


The Story of a Priest Who Embraced Islam and the Means of Goodness and Happiness in the Dunya and the Hereafter

“Imam Ibn Baz said: ‘If Islam and its beautiful characteristics were to be explained to the disbelievers they would enter into it in large crowds. One of the Indian callers mentioned to me that 1000 people had embraced Islam at his hands and he said: ‘My method is that I would sit and speak with them and I would not go beyond 15 minutes speaking about the beautiful characteristics of the religion; or a half an hour at the most and these (1000 people) had each embraced Islam.’” Ref. Explanation of the Fundamentals of Tafsir which no Exegete of the Qur’an Can Do Without

The True Message Of Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ represents the common link between the two major religions of Christianity and Islam. This book brings together the writings of Christian and Muslims scholars on the topic of the man and the message of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). It aims to present an objective view of Jesus Christ and the importance of his message.

The Way to Salvation (P/B)



This book can use for da’wah with the topic Salvation.

Salvation is the aim of human life, according to the religious ideologies. What is salvation? Is there an existence after this life? Are the religious scriptures in controversy on dealing with the topic ‘salvation”? Or are there any common points between them? An extensive study on the basis of Hindu, Christian, and Islamic scriptures.

Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths


The book offers a unique forum for dialogue between Muslim, Christian and Jewish scholars as they discuss issues of faith, the nation-state as a form of social organization and the faith community as a transnational actor for justice and peace.

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Understanding Islam A Guide for the Judaeo-Christian Reader


Written by former minister who converted to Islam, this book expounds the commonalities and contrasts between Islam, Judaism and Christianity. An excellent book for da’wah purposes and for Muslims to gain a deeper appreciation for the two earlier faiths.

We and The Other


This book is a highly relevant piece of research for our turbulently chaotic world today. The heavy baggage of mutual distrust and detestation from the days of ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Spain through to the Crusades and Colonialism has left behind a fuzzy and muddled image of Islam and Muslims in the eyes of others; Muslims too, have been seeing the West as the primary cause of all their woes and vilification.

What Did Jesus Really Say?

4.5 ★
4.5 ★
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The book contains detailed information and descriptions that show how the Bible was changed and tampered with over the past two millennia. The account and the discussions presented are based on, and collected from, the writings of Christian authors, the Church and the Bible.

What Every Christian Should Know About Islam (P/B)


Of the many books explaining Islam, few specifically address the concerns and questions of those from a Christian background. Moreover, the commonalities between the Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—are too often ignored. Set out in an easy and informative question-and-answer format, the book addresses the specific theological points of agreement and difference between Christianity and Islam, explains the core religious beliefs and practices of Islam, and answers today’s most common questions of Islam and Muslims in an age when there is much conflict and misunderstanding. Islam is best judged not by the limitations and transgressions of its most extreme, ignorant, and outlandish followers, but by the example of its moderate majority, and Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood presents this introduction to the theology and practice of Islam in an attempt to explore some of the false impressions that surround it.

Table of Contents:

Section 1: The Religious Beliefs of Islam Explained

Section 2: the Religious Duties of Islam Explained

Section 3: Miscellaneous Questions

Section 4: Christianity and Islam

Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood gained an honors degree in Christian Theology from the University of Hull in 1963 and then taught religious studies at various state schools until her retirement in 1996. She converted to Islam in 1986 and now lectures and writes on Islam.

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