Guidance to The Uncertain in Reply to The Jews and The Nazarenes (H/B)
In his book Islam and the west Norman Daniel wrote: People seem to take it for granted that alien society is dangerous, if not hostile, and the spasmodic outbreaks of warfare between Islam and Christendom throughout history has been one manifestation of this. Apparently, under the pressure of their own sense of danger, Whether real or not, beliefs take shape in men’s minds. By misapprehension and misrepresentation, a notion of ideas and beliefs of one society can pass into the accepted myth of another society in a form so distorted that its relation to the original facts is sometimes barely discernible. Doctrines that are the expression of the spiritual outlook of an enemy are interpreted ungenerously and with prejudice and even the facts are modified to suit the interpretation.
This process began among the Greeks whom the Arab armies conquered when they occupied Syria… St John of Dainascus, born fifty years after the Hijrah (precedented) The severe attitude of condemning whatever Muslims believe in. In this Byzantine polemic, the Anatrope, Niceta of Byzantium does not even try to understand the Qur’an before refuting it. It follows that the God of Muhammad is really a devil.
Enemies of Islam, whatever their motives, will always exploit much the same facts, as recently did Salman Rushdies Satanic Verses.
As they (Christians) resented the doctrines of Islam and saw them in the light of their own misconceptions, they inevitably deformed them. Anti-Islamic polemic inhibited any possible empathy with Muslims. The main attack on Islam was already determined in the thirteenth century.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziah, a contemporary to the outcome of these polemics against Islam, the Age of Decline, did not restrict himself from delivering tit-for-tat replies, and sometimes he went overboard in some of his descriptions equally demeaning the Christians and the Jews.
Have You Discovered Its Real Beauty
PhD in Applied Linguistics (Michigan State University, USA)
Dr. Arfaj spent more than 20 years researching comparative religion. This book came about as a result of his extensive research and experience.
How the Bible Led Me to Islam
In the summer of 1996, Yusha Evans went on a passage through the Bible and its four Gospel. He scrutinized more than five different religions in search of God and His message. In 1998, he reverted to Islam.
Is the Trinity Doctrine Divinely Inspired?
This book serves as the food for thought to every right-minded person and the followers of Modern Christianity. The concept of the Trinity has baffled every Christian denomination. Although Mr. M. A. C. Cave was a Christian who believed in the Trinity before, when he carried – out his research into the origin of this doctrine, he discovered to his utter amazement, that it was a later development which was conceived and engineered by various Christian writers and thinkers.
Islam Between East and West (P/B) (IBT)
This work by Alija Izetbegovic, the late first president of Bosnia and Herzegovina, following its tragic birth from the ashes of Yugoslavia, was first published in 1984 when he was imprisoned by the Communists. It analyses the West’s denial of Islam and the contributions made by Muslims in comparing the offerings of secular and Islamic civilization. It shows where the two meet and part, investigating along the way art, morality, culture and law. Banned in France, this book was a bestseller throughout the rest of Europe in the 1980s, and is now for the first time being re-issued in a new and improved format.
Islam is Your Birthright (IIPH)
Majed Al-Rassi’s popular booklet, compiled from the works of respected writers on the subject of comparative religion, has been revised and greatly expanded in this new edition. Islam is Your Birthright is a useful and comprehensive guide for Muslims who would like to know how to address non-Muslims on the subject of the relationship between Islam, Christianity and other religions. It is as well a helpful, easy-to-follow explanation of the basic precepts of Islam that interested non-Muslims can pick up and read, without having had any prior study of Islam. Wise men and women know that they are in existence for a purpose and a final destination, whether they know that destination or not. Also, wise people know that if they do not know where they are going, then they will never arrive. In this little book, light is focused on: Why human beings were created What is their final destination How to reach ‘safely’ to that destination
Izhar ul Haq (The Truth Revealed)
This is the thoroughly researched response to the Christian offensive against Islam in India. This book lucidly reviews the authenticity of the Bible and succinctly summarises the main errors, distortions, and contradictions in and between the Old and New Testaments of the King James Version. Furthermore, the doctrine of the Trinity is refuted; a doctrine that Isa (AS) never taught.
This book, internationally recognized as one of the most authoritative and objective studies of the Bible, was originally written in Arabic under the title Izhar-ul-Haq (Truth Revealed) by the distinguished 19th-century Indian scholar, Rahmatullah Kairanvi, and appeared in 1864. The book was subsequently translated into Urdu, and then from Urdu into English by Mohammad Wali Raazi.
This Book Contains among four Parts as Following:
Part 1
The Book of The Bible
Part 2
Contradictions and Errors in The Biblical Text
Part 3
Distortion and Abrogation in The Bible
The Trinity Refuted
Part 4
Proof of The Divine Origin of The Qur’an and The Authenticity of The Hadiths
Arabic Version of This Book is also available
Maulana Rahmatullah Kiranvi was born in India in 1818 CE. He was a great Sunni Hanafi scholar. He learned Arabic and Persian. Later he moved to Delhi where he studied different disciplines including mathematics and medicine. Working as a Mufti and Sharia teacher, he founded a religious school in Kariana.
In 1837 the Church Mission Society appointed Karl Gottlieb Pfander, described by Eugene Stock as “perhaps the greatest of all missionaries to Mohammedans”, to Agra in Northern India, where in 1854 he engaged in a famous public debate with leading Islamic scholars.
Maulana Kairanvi’s intention in his book (Izharul Haq) was first of all to show that the Bible cannot in any way be considered as a directly revealed book. He does this very effectively by means of his voluminous and authoritative knowledge of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. He demonstrates beyond doubt that the Books of the Old and New Testaments have been altered, almost beyond recognition, from their original forms. The work is even more notable in the light of subsequent Jewish and Christian scholarship and the various discoveries that have since been made in this field which all bear out the truth of Kairanvi’s thesis.
In the wake of the manifest inauthenticity of the Bible, Maulana Rahmatullah goes on to demonstrate by contrast the indisputable and absolute authenticity of the Qur’an and the Prophethood of Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah, may peace and blessing of Allah be upon him.
Jesus and Muhammad : Commonalities of Two Great Religions
Jesus and Muhammad lived in different times and in different contexts. An absolute comparison of the careers of these two men is not a satisfactory method in understanding the similarities and differences between their teachings. This book approaches this topic from a different perspective. The time that Muhammad preached in Mecca is compared to the time Jesus spent preaching throughout Palestine. This improves the similarities in contexts between them and makes a comparison more valid. The number of similarities outweighs the number of differences when looking at the four books of the Gospel and the chapters of the Qur’an revealed in Mecca. On issues related to prayer, the Oneness of God, charity, the Hereafter and forgiveness the teachings in these two books are practically the same. A number of core theological issues surfaced in the Book of John do clash with Qur anic teachings about the person of Jesus. These differences and the possible reasons for them are explored in this book. The conclusion of this book is that Muslims and Christians have more shared values and even theological similarities than differences. It is recommended that Muslims and Christians should spend more time understanding these commonalities.”
Jesus Prophet of Islam (P/B)
1996 expanded and revised edition. This book examines Jesus as a prophet teaching the Unity of God, and the historical collapse of Christianity as it abandoned his teaching. The author sketches the dramatic picture of the original followers of Jesus who affirmed Unity. What emerges is that “Christianity” is the fiction that replaced their truth. A work that covers the Gospel of Barnabas, the Gospel of Hermes, the Shephard, early and later Unitarian Christians, Jesus in the Gospels and in the Qur’an and Hadith. The author clearly shows the idea of Jesus as part of a Trinity was a Greek Pagan idea adopted by early Christian mission-aries to gain converts among the Greek, and did not become a widely accepted Christian doctrine until after the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
Losing My Religion: A Call For Help (P/B)
“Crucial to the vitality of any religious community is its ability to attract and engage descendants and converts. By this measure, notwithstanding the proliferation of mosques and Islamic organizations, the Muslim community in America is not doing at all well.” This rather sober assessment motivates Dr. Lang to address, in this book, the alienation from the Mosque of the great majority of America’s homegrown Muslims. In Losing My Religion: A Call For Help, the author comes to terms with many of the queries put to him by Americans of Muslim parentage and converts to Islam since the publication of his book Even Angels Ask in 1977. Lang asserts that to effectively respond to the general malaise of American-born Muslims, the Islamic establishment in America needs to be willing to listen to the doubts and complaints of the disaffected. This entails engaging in open discussions on issues with which many in the Muslim community will be uncomfortable, but Lang avers that such open dialogue will be of more benefit to young American Muslims struggling with their faiths than the covert and uniformed discussions that often take place or no discussion at all. For this reason, Lang feels it is important and beneficial “to be candid and objective and not evade controversy, for to inadequately state the case for or against a specific position, especially when it challenges convention, only serves to further alienate the sceptical.” In addition to examining questions of theodicy, hadith authenticity, and moot practices within the American Muslim community, the author includes many testimonials and inquiries that make this book informative. Dr. Lang is Professor of Mathematics at The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. He is the author of two best selling works: Struggling to Surrender and Even Angels Ask: A Journey to Islam in America. Both books have been translated into other languages.